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Other Artifacts

Other Artifacts covers many items which have been recovered from the past and give us insights into ancient human worlds. From loaded Roman dice to the Shroud of Turin, these items help tell the stories of the varied culture and everyday lives of our ancestors. 

A gold piece from the Vindelev hoard. Source: Oleryhlolsson / CC by SA 4.0.

The Ancient Golden Treasure Rewriting Danish History (Video)

A remarkable chance discovery in the Danish village of Vindelev is revolutionizing our understanding of early Norse history. Two old school friends, armed only with a metal detector, stumbled across...
Clay figurines of boys and girls found during an excavation on the Greek island of Kythnos. Source: Greek Culture Ministry

Myriad of Cultic Offerings Unearthed at Kythnos Temple Complex

The excavation of two small temples and a potential storeroom at Vryokastro on the Greek island of Kythnos has revealed a whopping 2,000 plus clay figurines, probably votive offerings left over...
Artemis statue found in Pompeii. Source: Alaskanspaceship / CC by SA 4.0.

Why Have Historians Stripped Ancient Statues of Their Color? (Video)

In the realm of classical art , a fascinating conspiracy has quietly lingered, challenging our understanding of classical sculpture . For far too long, we have been misled to believe that these...
Underwater excavation of the site of La Marmotta in Lake Bracciano.  Source: Museo delle Civiltà-Mario Mineo/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Early Neolithic Settlement Found Underneath the Waters of Lake Bracciano

La Marmotta, an ancient lakeshore settlement submerged in Lake Bracciano near Rome, Italy, has captivated underwater archaeologists since its discovery in 1989. Now, archaeologists have located some...
Detail of the Huastec statue which was discovered in Mexico. Source: INAH

Statue of Huastec ‘Boss’ Found by Road Workers in Mexico

Road works in Hidalgo, Mexico, hit a snag when workers unearthed a rare stone statue. Turns out, it's a boss-level indigenous ruler who got relocated for his own safety, according to Mexican...
Illustration of Caesarea Sunken Treasure. Source: Declan Hillman / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Riches Resurface: Divers Unearth Caesarea's Treasure Trove (Video)

In a remarkable discovery, two divers recently stumbled upon an astonishing treasure trove in the shallow waters of Caesarea , an ancient Roman port located on the Mediterranean Sea. As they explored...
Bottom, a Hetepheres bracelet in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MFA 47.1700. Top, an electrotype reproduction made in 1947, MFA 52.1837 (Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition)		Source: © April 2023 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/ Journal of Archaeological Science

Stunning Silver Bracelet of Egyptian Queen Hetepheres Reveals Trade Secrets

In a remarkable revelation from a recent study, ancient Egypt has once again defied expectations, showcasing its globalized nature even in the early Bronze Age. The study, centered around a...
Silver diadem. Source: Trustees of the British Museum.

Bronze Age Treasure Revealed Female Rule of the Argarics (Video)

Deep within the ancient La Almoloya archaeological site in southern Spain, an extraordinary revelation has emerged, shaking the very foundations of our understanding of power and politics in the...
Divje Babe flute (Peter Milosevic / CC by SA 4.0)

Ancient Harmonies: Neanderthal's 60,000-Year-Old Flute (Video)

In 1995, archaeologist Ivan Turk made a groundbreaking discovery in the Divje Babe cave located in Slovenia. Among the remnants of a Neanderthal fire pit, as well as stone and bone tools, Turk...
The Mars lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, where it sank during a naval battle in 1564. Composite photograph by Tomasz Stachura , Ocean Discovery.

Cursed Shipwreck Yields Treasure and Human Remains (Video)

Deep beneath the dark waters of the Baltic Sea lies a time capsule, a frozen battlefield that has intrigued adventurers for centuries. It is the resting place of the legendary warship, Mars , whose...
The discovery of remnants of an ancient Roman perfume in a tomb in Spain could be the first time a perfume from Roman times has been identified. Source: sderbane / Adobe Stock

The Scent of Patchouli Perfume Filled the Air in the Roman Empire

After analyzing chemical traces found in a small vessel recovered from an ancient Roman site in the city of Carmona, Spain, a team of researchers from the University of Cordoba has identified...
The Draa Abul Nagaa tomb being investigated. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Marvels Revealed: Exploring Draa Abul Nagaa's Hidden Tomb (360° Video)

In a remarkable archaeological find, the ancient tomb of Draa Abul Nagaa, dating back 3,500 years, has been unearthed in Egypt. This significant discovery provides valuable insights into the lives...
Two Roman statue heads found at Carlisle Cricket Club Roman site. Source: Geraldine Moore/Cumberland Council

Carlisle Cricket Club Bathhouse Site Reveals Colossal Roman Sculptures of Imperial Class

The site of a Roman bathhouse or mansion, the ruins at Carlisle Cricket Club have revealed more in the latest round of excavations – two exquisitely preserved head sculptures depicting Roman gods,...
The discovery of the word escencia has led historians to believe that the vase once belonged to the kakure kirishitan, or hidden Christians. Source: Nagasaki Prefectural Government

Hidden Christians’ Illicit Sacred Vase Brought to Light in Japan

A centuries-old relic associated with ancient Christian practice in Japan is causing a stir in the Japanese media. The item is believed to be an artifact preserved by Japan’s “kakure kirishitan” or...
Egyptian coffin. Source: George Bailey / Adobe Stock.

Unveiling the Forgotten: Opening Ancient Egyptian Coffins (Video)

In the heart of Thebes , modern-day Luxor, lies a collection of ancient coffins shrouded in mystery. For years, these enigmatic artifacts have been confined to vitrines, receiving only sporadic...

Ming Dynasty Shipwrecks Resurface off the Coast of South China Sea

In the depths of the South China Sea, a ground-breaking discovery has captured the attention of archaeologists and historians alike. Two ancient shipwrecks, dating back to the illustrious Ming...
Left; Female figurine found at Battifratta Cave. Right; archaeologists investigating at the cave. Source: Sapienza University of Rome

Enigmatic 7,000-year-old Figurine Found In Italian Cave Shocks Archaeologists

When archaeologists in Italy were exploring the spectacular Battifratta Cave, they did not expect to unearth “a rare” clay female figurine. And neither were they ready for the dating of the piece,...
Corinthian columns spotted by swimmer in Israel have led to discovery of Roman shipwreck. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Marble Columns Spotted by Swimmer Reveal Bountiful Roman Shipwreck

While swimming in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, Gideon Harris unexpectedly stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Little did he know that this uneventful event would lead experts to...
The San Galgano sword on display in Montesiepi, Italy. Source: Superchilum / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Legend of Montesiepi: The Sacred San Galgano Sword in the Stone

One of the most famous British folk tales is that of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. According to the various versions of the story, the sword could only be pulled out of the stone by the...
Malangan carvings, now world-famous, are the wooden carvings which are created for use in malangan ceremonies. Traditionally these were burnt at the conclusion of the event; in modern times most are now retained.      Source: Rita Willaert/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Honoring and Negating the Dead through Malangan in Papua New Guinea

The term “malangan” has a dual meaning. It can either represent the elaborate memorial festivals held in New Ireland (Papua New Guinea) in honor of deceased members of a clan, or it can refer to the...
Left to Right; Osiris statue, sword, Bacchus statue found at archaeological dig in Poland. Source: Lubelski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków

Osiris Figurines and Bust of Bacchus Recovered Side by Side in Poland. Why?

In a recent archaeological excavation carried out in the village of Kluczkowice in Poland, a peculiar discovery has been made of Roman and Egyptian gods lying side by side. Two ancient Egyptian...
The statue of pharaoh Senwosret III, who ruled from 1878 BC to 1839 BC, is another in a long line of missing Egyptian noses. Source: Public domain

Why Are So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues Missing Their Noses?

The missing noses on ancient Egyptian statues have been a topic of discussion and curiosity within art history circles for many years. It is a common question that many people ask: why are the noses...
Left; St Edward’s Crown, Right ; Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Coronation of King Charles III Utilized Crown Jewels and Sacred Royal Regalia

Citizens of the United Kingdom will be witness to a rare and special moment on Saturday, May 6, when the former Prince Charles is official crowned as King Charles III. On display and in use at the...
Montage of 7 most amazing discoveries in history images. Source: Credited in article body

Sheer Fluke: 7 of the Most Amazing Accidental Discoveries in Archaeology!

Uncovering the mysteries of our past has always been a fascinating pursuit for humans. From exploring hidden caves and discovering ancient artifacts to deciphering cryptic scripts and unlocking the...
