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Mass Manipulation & Propaganda

The Age of Confusion: Mass Manipulation & Propaganda - Part Two

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On March 17, 2011 the UK Guardian published a report warning that social media is being manipulated. 

* Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda

The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.

A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world.

each fake online persona must have a convincing background, history and supporting details, and that up to 50 US-based controllers should be able to operate false identities from their workstations "without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries".

You can read the full report here.

Frequency Prisons

Be aware, on the Internet these days there are many locations in consciousness that may be described as Frequency Prisons.  The consciousness of the readers is kept in a certain specific limited range of frequency by the dolling out of a slow low-grade level of constant addictive apprehension. The people behind these websites may have once held the best of intentions; they may not even now know what they are doing and what they are involved in. But nevertheless they have created walls that entrap consciousness in fear — and enlightenment eludes the fearful. We cannot go Home in Fear.

In forums there is a technique to this that may have begun innocently to attract subscribers, but has since become a business. There are ‘regulars’, meaning posters who have built specific identities. And just as actors can take on any role, these regulars reflect an assigned state of mind, a character that perceives the world through a specific spectrum. One may pose as the warning-of-doom do-gooder, another as the chronic hopelessly depressed, or maybe the knows-it-all science-guy, or the new age housewife psychic, or a flamboyant pistol-packing ex-military dude.

All are one-dimensional created characters. None of us are ever so one-dimensional.  For the sake of enthralling entertainment, they work in tandem playing the reader, the sucker.

The threads created by these one-dimensional characters inevitably carry the same repetitive frequency of a chronic apprehension, promulgating unease and doubt — but little if any truth. These threads of insidious fear are tolerated, even encouraged by the moderators. There is a comfort zone and misplaced trust for the addicted innocent reader in knowing the state of mind of the ‘regular’ poster, who often has an accompanying symbolic graphic identity.

Last year I posted briefly on a forum, which shall remain un-named. On one thread the 'regular' must have been drunk when I confronted him with being a paid fake. He said, "Yep! The boss says to just keep them entertained!" Well, as you may imagine his moderators soon noticed his half-wit revealing error and quickly moved in to cover the blunder. The 'regular' expressed a bit of anger towards me and addressed me as if I was a man. I suppose a woman is considered too stupid to figure out their game. I did what I could to expose them, but was met with an avalanche of resistance, some quite nasty.

Anyone who challenges these actors is derided as being immature and paranoid. The fear created by the actors is transferred onto and attributed to the one who dares to expose the fact that the participants are acting, role-playing to make the forum entertaining. Criticism of the challenger comes across as authoritarian or just plain rude arrogance, which is intended to reduce the challenger to a state of self-doubt and bewildered helpless confusion.  Treating the challenger like a delusional child who needs reprimanding is yet another technique to keep secret the business of Fear Inc. - and posts are extracted. No one is allowed to expose the mechanics of the intentionally fabricated entertainment.

Mechanics of the Crowd

The challenger exposing the fraudulent nature of the thread must be stopped. So the fear-peddling actors move in, perhaps reading the manual. A rude angry meaningless and unrelated comment attacking the motive of the challenger is tried. Oblique anger serves to fuel the thread. Next the original poster chimes in with a reply that shows genuine concern, suggesting the motives of the thread are beyond all reproach. Another asserts no one is afraid, only the challenger! Allay all fears, so the fear thread can go on and on and on. Attack the challenger and accuse them of being a nuisance in an otherwise sincere thread, then validate innocence of intent with 'respect' and a fake smile. Finally have someone post express his or her own personal serious fear as further fuel.

Fear is a mechanism of control

Fear keeps you quiet. Fear confuses. Fear invades higher states of consciousness and destroys them. Fear is a mechanism of control. Persistent belligerent and false fear mongering can never spring from an evolved and truly enlightened consciousness.

While there are many posting on forums who do have an evolved consciousness and are attempting to balance the dark energies, their efforts are overwhelmed, swamped by the 'professionals' who know that fear sells and keeps the readers addicted. These locations feel suffocating, like dingy cells padded in fabricated lies that hold consciousness in a perpetual state of apprehension. Privately many will complain and after a time most stop posting leaving the frequency prison to the fresh new hopeful clueless and unaware innocents, and the bored cynical paid pros.

Independent thinking

There is nothing in our culture that encourages a person to think independently. Tell your family and friends that you are going off to think, and they will think you are crazy.

We in the West have had to access Eastern religions to realize that pursuits like meditation and contemplation are actually fertile uses of our time. We are encouraged to keep busy [deluded!] from the time we can walk until the day we die. Parents now send their babies to pre-schools.

What would happen if the human species were free? What would happen if we were not coerced, herded, and manipulated? What if each of us wanted to and had time to think, to become who were are, to cultivate our uniqueness and commune with our Source, the God that lives with-in each and every one of us? What might we become?

Is that what ‘they’ are afraid of?

They must be afraid of something to have expended so much energy, money, and time all these years to keep us in such a narrow frame of expression.

These bozos who specialize in controlling and brain-washing us can only despise themselves — more than they so obviously despise and distrust us. Next time you spend a few hours absorbing mindless entertainment-and-advertising (they are never separate) designed to make you go out and consume more, more, more — stop for just a minute and think who you might be.

The corporatist elite continues to get away with the lies and the contempt.

Isn't it time that we the people grew out of our adolescent denial and faced our own demons? If we confront our responsibility for our freedom, we might not lose it.

Part 1

By V. Susan Ferguson



My, one would think the author really believes this. Or expects us to believe it? All of those wonderful statements about how none of us are 100% bad or good would lead one to expect better than just another individual, stating their own bias and prejudices. Comments like:

"These bozos who specialize in controlling and brain-washing us"


"The corporatist elite continues to get away with the lies and the contempt."

only address personal beliefs because the author was correct when she stated that nobody is Vanilla ........ Chocolate ......... Pistachio, or anything else that is defined as a being a specific thing or way. There is truth in those statements where some are concerned, but it does not apply to every individual who fits that description across the board. Why? Because every person is an individual. Case, point, end of story.

I find it disheartening to read one piece after another where the author starts off by making eloquent statements of truth, but winds up fulfilling the height of hypocrisy by doing the very thing they rail against. Is this the destiny of the human race? To point fingers at one another while doing the same things ourselves? Who here can offer up one single example of an issue where assignment of blame resolved anything?

I am sorry, but if this is the way we are destined to behave, then I'm glad my waning years are here. But I feel truly sorry for those of you who will have to muddle through attitudes like this for another fifty years or so.

susan's picture


V. Susan Ferguson

Born in 1945 in the Lone Star State, I left to try my wings in New York City art school in 1964. It was around this time that I first learned about the spiritual path and began... Read More

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