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The famous Ica Stones in the collection of Professor Cabrera.

Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera – Part II

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I came to the realization that the dismissive attitude of orthodox science annoyed and aggrieved Professor Cabrera. He frequently voiced his outrage at the refusal of mainstream scientists to acknowledge as genuine the library in stone. “One is able to read the engraved stones like a book!” the argumentative museum director emphatically reiterated.

[Read Part 1]

Fantastic Finds or Forgeries?

Professor Javier Cabrera Darquea has in the course of decades created one of the most unusual museums on the planet that I’ve ever seen. On display are artifacts en masse that—if they are genuine—would necessitate the re-writing of the history of humanity. Those who travel to research the secrets of our planet regularly come upon unpleasant, mysterious artifacts.

In countless museums, one can learn, oftentimes in graphic detail, much about the evolution of the human race. Precious exhibits illustrate the development from the primitive single cell organism to the computer expert. The visitor can thus retrace the mechanism of evolution: as a driving force behind the creation of the present fauna as well as the rise of human beings from the primitive ‘homo sapiens’ to current mankind.

Ica Stone featuring stars and planets.

Ica Stone featuring stars and planets. (© Walter Langbein)

The theory of evolution is reverently glorified as the modern form of a scientifically acknowledged deity. Centuries ago it was blasphemy to doubt the biblical God. No longer is ‘God the father’, the creator, the driving force; modern, enlightened humans follow the new gospel. And even more frowned upon in scientific circles is the great goddess who continually gives birth; according to ancient belief systems, she has brought forth all life, adhering to the eternal cycles of death and rebirth. The patriarchal god has supplanted the goddess, and in modern science she has been replaced by the holy theory of evolution. The latter is nowadays just as sacred in the allegedly illuminated circles of the noble sciences as the almighty creator god of the Bible was centuries ago.

But something has indeed changed: centuries ago, heretics were tortured and burned. Today, they must fear for their livelihood if they endeavor to claim a seat in the world of the scientific establishment. The atheistic circles of science have their taboos, too.

Scientific publications of our time proclaim ‘the truth’ just as loudly as religious treatises of diverse persuasions did back then. And just like theologians, for example, burned the texts that did not fit into the concept of the Bible, or simply forbade them, so museum artifacts that do not fit into the general doctrine suffer a pathetic existence. They disappear in musty cellars, if they are not destroyed altogether—because they are allegedly worthless.

An Ica stone depicting dinosaurs.

An Ica stone depicting dinosaurs. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The unchallengeable canon of ‘the scientific truth’ is: evolution led to a gradual, and continual rise. Modern man has climbed the zenith, all humanoid ancestors were more primitive, all previous cultures were more primitive. There cannot have existed highly advanced cultures thousands, even tens of thousands of years ago, which in many ways were superior to ours. Why not? Because according to scientific ideology, there must not be such a highly advanced culture in existence. However, someone who wishes to read the history of mankind unbiased, and like an exciting, informative book, must not subject his or her thinking to the oppression of a dogma.

Objects that do not fit into the general concept of history will not be exhibited in the hallowed halls of our museums. They suffer a pitiable existence in archives and cellars, and are inaccessible to the public. Or they will simply be ignored. Objects that have no room in the doctrine of orthodox science will swiftly declared to be forgeries. They must be forgeries—they cannot be genuine, because they are not permitted to be genuine.

Engraved stone depicting a saurian or dinosaur.

Engraved stone depicting a saurian or dinosaur. (© Walter Langbein)

Sculpture from Prof. Cabrera’s collection. Man rides saurian.

Sculpture from Prof. Cabrera’s collection. Man rides saurian. (© Walter Langbein)

Cabrera’s engraved stones and clay sculptures, for example, clearly depict prehistoric saurians, or dinosaurs. How does one deal with such objects? How does one classify them? One can easily declare them to be forgeries, according to a simple dictum: thousands of years ago, people in South America could not have known anything about saurians. Therefore, artifacts depicting saurians cannot possibly be thousands of years old.

Alternative Thinking

But, there is an alternative! Is perhaps our idea of the level of knowledge that people had who lived in South America thousands of years ago wrong? Perhaps we must change our hypothesis about South America’s distant past, and make room for unpleasant archaeological finds. Our theses about the past of humanity must not be an untouchable set of principles. They must constantly be scrutinized.

Unfortunately, orthodox science as a rule refuses to acknowledge archaeological finds that do not fit into the classic image of the past. Depictions of dinosaurs thousands of years old are an abomination to any aficionado of the mainstream canon. And yet they exist.

In 1897, a merchant from Bremen, Waldemar Julsrud, emigrated to Mexico. Just like Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), Julsrud was a passionate field archaeologist. Science ignored Schliemann. He discovered the site of Troy. Julsrud’s finds are probably far more significant for the history of mankind. If one wants to read the true history of mankind like a book, one must not forego Julsrud’s pages.

During the years from 1944 to 1952, he hired native people to excavate more than thirty-three thousand small sculptures. Among them are countless figurines of saurians, or dinosaurs—the exact number is not known. No one has ever scientifically examined these fantastic sculptures; yet, all of them, lock stock and barrel, were declared to be modern forgeries. They could not possibly be genuine, because they were not allowed to be genuine.

The Acámbaro figures: several thousand small ceramic figurines were allegedly found by Waldemar Julsrud in July 1944, in the Mexican city of Acámbaro, Guanajuato.

The Acámbaro figures: several thousand small ceramic figurines were allegedly found by Waldemar Julsrud in July 1944, in the Mexican city of Acámbaro, Guanajuato. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Waldemar Julsrud turned his large house into an inhabited museum. Every vacant space was utilized. The residents shared their abode with the bizarre clay figurines that were lying and standing everywhere, on tables, cabinets, on shelves and in display cases. Julsrud’s house had become a bizarre world where humans and monstrous-looking creatures lived side by side. Thousands of figurines depicted a world that resembled a twenty-first century mystery movie more than terrestrial reality. The number of curious visitors who came to see the unique exhibition steadily increased. Representatives of modern science, however, did not deem it necessary to have a closer look at the artifacts. They could only be forgeries, because they had to be. And they needed to be forgeries because they were forbidden to be genuine artifacts. And even the shortest journey was still too long for any scientist to only view forgeries…at least officially.

After Waldemar Julsrud’s passing in 1964, the entire collection was banished into a storehouse. There it slumbered, carefully locked away from the public gaze—until private researchers during the closing years of the 1990’s brought attention to the sensational finds. Lo and behold…someone had carried out scientific analysis of the artifacts, after all. Why were the results not made public? Why did no one shout from the rooftops the findings of the ‘forged’ artifacts’ dating? Was it perhaps because the tests did not yield the hoped-for results? Was it perhaps that the finds cannot be modern forgeries?

It is a fact that three scientific institutions in North America (Bürgin, Luc: Lexikon der verbotenen Archäologie: Mysteriöse Funde von A bis Z, Rottenburg 2009, page 22) have tested Julsrud objects. Independently of each other, they came to the same result, which allows only one conclusion: the dated artifacts are no forgeries! Tests have been carried out by:

Teledyne Isotopes Laboratories, Westwood, New Jersey, USA;

Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology in the University of Pennsylvania, USA; and

Geochron Laboratories, Massachusetts, USA.

If one sums up the results of these scientific investigations, then the mysterious figurines would have been created over a long period of time; namely: between 4500 years before Christ (C14 dating of 1968), and 2500 years before Christ (thermoluminescence dating of 1973 and 1995). Was Julsrud ever exonerated after the forgery theory seemed refuted?

Saurian Scrutiny

Another fact is that Julsrud’s collection contains miniature sculptures that depict saurians. Scientific analysis awards the artifacts a very high age. At least a small fraction of the collection has been exhibited in the Museum Waldemar Julsrud, which opened on the 28th February, 2002 in Acámbaro. Decades after Waldemar Julsrud’s death, the wish of the tireless researcher has at last been fulfilled.

Sculptures of saurians in Prof. Cabrera’s collection.

Sculptures of saurians in Prof. Cabrera’s collection. (© Walter Langbein)

It is a further fact that Professor Cabrera’s museum contains depictions of saurians. These objects were also—lock, stock and barrel—damned and discredited as forgeries. Yet there are also scientific studies that say there are very old ‘Cabrera objects’.

Sculpture in Professor Cabrera’s secret collection. Does this piece depict surgery?

Sculpture in Professor Cabrera’s secret collection. Does this piece depict surgery? (© Walter Langbein)

During the summer of 1967, the Compania Minera Mauricio Hochschild carried out tests on engraved stones. Professor Javier Cabrera Darquea showed me the corresponding documents in his museum. The results are a sensation, but are to date largely hushed up. Geologist Dr Erik Wolf analyzed the layer of oxidation that had formed on the grooves. Additional samples were tested by Professor Josef Frenchen of the Institut für Mineralogie und Petrographie an der Universität Bonn. In the spring of 1969 the clear results were available. According to them, the engravings must have been carried out at least twelve thousand (12,000) years ago. This does not preclude a far greater age.

In 2002, Maria del Carmen Olazar Benguira and Felix Arenas Marsical carried out excavations in the desert between Nasca and Ica. They worked for days under very difficult circumstances. Two hundred meters (656 feet) under the peak of the Cerro Norte they made their finds: engraved stones, comparable to the artifacts in Cabrera’s museum! In Professor Cabrera’s museum the depictions of complicated medical procedures baffles onlookers, engraved in stones, as well as in sculpted clay figurines.

One of the stones excavated in 2002 also depicts a medical scene, like the artifacts in the Cabrera museum: one person lies on a table, undergoing an operation; the surgeon is clearly placing the knife on the patient.

Engravings depicting some kind of medical procedure?

Engravings depicting some kind of medical procedure? (© Walter Langbein)

Some of the stones are ‘encrusted with deposits’. Bürgin writes that the carbon deposits on the accompanying soil and rock samples, according to thermoluninescence dating, have yielded an age of greater than 61,196 years, or 99,240 years respectively with a deviation factor of between 5000 and 8000 years.

Bürgin closes his exposition about the ‘Ica Stones’ as follows: “The endless history of the Ica Stones has thus been enriched by one more chapter. How will it continue?”

Walter J. Langbein is author of some 60 non-fiction books on mysteries of the world, many of which have become bestsellers in Europe.


Top Image: The famous Ica Stones in the collection of Professor Cabrera. (©Walter Langbein)

By: Walter-J. Langbein

Translation by Marlies Bugmann



Tsurugi's picture

Why do you doubt that humans flew on giant birds? That seems rather arbitrary given that you think the rest of what the stones depict is true.

One thing I wanted to say about these is, I believe these were made sometime during the 1st earth age, and I do realize my comment falls way outside of typical mainstream comments as most are written to keep people inside the box that was framed for them.

Anyways, the stones told stories of the days in which those people lived, but as for whether or not people actually rode on huge birds is highly suspect, but more likely was just entertainment/fantasy of the time, but the carvers/engravers were highly skilled artisans of their time.

ANYONE can see the craftsmanship involved. Also seems they told stories, the artisans themselves likely witnessed of medicine and births. I don't believe they were phonied up at all !

And because nothing is written about the 1st earth age, there is nothing to compare it to, eh ?

I doubt anyone will stick out their necks so far as to make themselves a target for opposition. As for the Ica Stones, most articles I've seen never accounted for the 3 Earth Ages of 2nd Peter in the Scriptures. By the time truth comes out, it will be end times and no longer relevant to certain folk who want to know, nor the folk whose interests are in keeping truth covered up. Any readers of America B.C. know that libyans, egyptians, ancient hebrews and many others were in america, years before it was "discovered" because, copper was mined in Mich, and the country mapped out for known minerals, not to mention coins/money being found off the waterways as well and most of them worked off the main waterways while here, and I would not be too surprised to eventually find out Tin was mined here as well, besides ancient briton !

I’ve been interested in OOPARTS for a number of years. I’ve read many tales of archaeologist who lose their credibility for opposing “Mainstream” archeology. The supposedly ancient carvings in areas of the Grand Canyon that are off limits to tourists is a topic that I feel deserves some investigation.

Thank you, Osiris, for your interesting remarks and comments. I do agree with you!


WalterJoergLangbein's picture


Walter-Joerg Langbein, born August 16 1954, married, is one of Germany's leading authors of non-fiction books about ancient mysteries of planet earth. He has published some 60 books, many of which were bestsellers in Europe. Langbein is constantly travelling the... Read More

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