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Gold torc stolen from Ely Museum, Cambridgeshire, UK.     Source: © Trustees of the British Museum

Priceless Bronze Age Treasures Stolen from Ely Museum

In a distressing turn of events, the Ely Museum in England has been the victim of a daring theft that resulted in the loss of invaluable Bronze Age artifacts. The theft, which occurred in the early...
Left; Ogham script on Bambie Thug cheek, Middle; translation, Right; Ogham stone found in Coventry. 	Source: Left, center; Reddit Right; The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum

Ogham Script Not Only Found on Eurovision Contestants Bambie Thug

Bambie Thug have kicked up a storm for having a Palestinian protest message hidden in plain sight during their performances in the run up to the Eurovision final this Saturday. The messages were...
An elaborate loaf of bread in the European Bread Museum, Greece. Photo: Joanna Gillan

From Grain to Glory: The European Bread Museum’s Tribute to a Staple of Civilization

In a world inundated with a rich diversity of histories, the presence of a museum dedicated solely to bread stands as a delightful anomaly. Located in the heart of Varnavas, Greece, the European...
Left, The Castle Eden Claw beaker, courtesy of the British Museum. Right, The atrium roof at Ad Gefrin Anglo-Saxon Museum & Distillery. Source: Ad Gefrin

Ad Gefrin Museum: A Must-Visit Destination for History Buffs and Whisky Lovers

The little-known history of a Northumbrian Anglo-Saxon royal court is to be unveiled with the opening of Ad Gefrin Anglo-Saxon Museum and Whisky Distillery in Wooler, Northumberland, England on March...
Left: Scientists using an XRF gun to test the sword’s chemical composition. Right: Bronze Age Era sword (1080-900 BC) now proved not to be a replica. Source:  © Field Museum

Chicago’s “Replica” Sword is Actually an Authentic 3,000-Year-Old Weapon

Over the last century a sword has been on display at the Field Museum in Chicago and dubbed a “replica Bronze Age weapon.” However, an x-ray has now disclosed that this brutal device of death is...
Left: Oil painting of John Hunter; Center: Charles Byrne’s skeleton at the Hunterian Museum, London; Right; Charles Byrne in and etching by J. Kay	Source: Left: CC BY 4.0; Center: Emőke Dénes/ CC BY-SA 4.0; Right: CC BY 4.0

Skeleton of Irish Giant, Charles Byrne, to be Removed from Public Display

The skeleton of an Irish giant, which has been on display at the Hunterian Museum in London for more than two centuries, will be permanently removed from the museum’s collection, the Royal College of...
Ferdinand I Dressed Up His Murdered Enemies and Displayed Their Mummies

Ferdinand I Dressed Up His Murdered Enemies and Displayed Their Mummies

Throughout history, many rulers have turned to drastic measures to ensure success. But how many have created a museum of corpses to frighten their subordinates into following their commands? So far,...
Celtic gold coins stolen during museum heist in Germany from the Celtic Museum in Manching. Source: Alex / CC BY-SA 2.0

Disastrous German Museum Heist Scoops Gold Coins Worth Millions

In a museum heist that seems lifted straight from a movie screen, thieves made off with a collection of ancient Celtic gold coins from the Celtic and Roman Museum in the town of Manching in Bavaria...
Section of X-ray image of Vincent van Gogh self-portrait discovered at the back of another van Gogh painting housed in Edinburgh. Source: National Galleries of Scotland

Hidden Faces: Vincent van Gogh's Secret Self-Portrait

Vincent van Gogh, one of the most famous figures in 19th-century Western art history, is still surprising us. According to the National Galleries of Scotland, a previously hidden self-portrait of van...
Demonstration of Buddhist Bronze Mirror reflecting its image at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Source: Rob Deslongchamps/Cincinnati Art Museum

Magic Mirror With Hidden Image Discovered At Cincinnati Museum

Hiding in plain sight – in the storage of Cincinnati Art Museum’s East Asian art collection, a seemingly unremarkable bronze mirror from the 15th and 16th century China. Part of a vast collection of...
A man destroyed these Greek artifacts (Dallas Museum of Art) at the Dallas Museum of Art. (KeithJonsn / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Man Angry at His Girlfriend Smashes Ancient Greek Artifacts Worth $5 Million!

A man “mad at his girl” broke into The Dallas Museum of Art in Texas and destroyed three Greek artifacts, estimated to be worth up to $5 million and faces years in jail. The destructive attacks...
Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera – Part I

Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera – Part I

In 1961, the Rio Ica burst its banks and flooded parts of the Ocucaje Desert. Was an earthquake responsible for the flood? When the water had retreated, the local farmers inspected the damage. Their...
Danaë from the workshop of Titian at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. (Deriv.) Source: Public Domain

Why is Social Media Afraid of the Naked Truth in Art?

Many countries, including Austria, Germany, and France, have laws prohibiting Holocaust denial. This means every year several thousands of posts are blocked by algorithms and employees of social...
It’s been almost a thousand years, but the Vikings are causing trouble again. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

Viking Longboat Blows Out Entire Town’s Power Supply in Scotland

The Vikings are it again! The much-feared Norse seafarers and pirates who terrorized Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries are still causing trouble today. In the town of Kirkcudbright in the...
Bactrian gold crown, an archaeological treasure of Afghanistan

Are Afghanistan’s Archaeological Treasures Safe?

Experts are concerned for the future of Afghanistan’s archaeological sites and treasures following the Taliban takeover. Even if the ancient sites are not looted and destroyed, there is still the...
More “Anti-Ten Commandment” Theft at the Museum of the Bible

More “Anti-Ten Commandment” Theft at the Museum of the Bible

The United States Department of Justice has ordered the forfeiture of a rare cuneiform tablet, seized from Hobby Lobby’s controversial Museum of the Bible back in 2019. The 3,000-year-old...
Aquincum: Exploring the Ancient Roman City Under Modern-Day Budapest

Aquincum: Exploring the Ancient Roman City Under Modern-day Budapest

The ancient Roman city of Aquincum, now located under Budapest in Hungary, was once the capital of Pannonia on the northeastern border of the Roman Empire. From its strategic location on the banks of...
Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle - One of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine

Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle - One of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine

The Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle is a fortress located in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi, in the western part of Ukraine. According to written sources, the city existed as early as the 12th century,...
The Curse of the Mijikenda Vigango Statues

The Curse of the Mijikenda Vigango Statues

During the 1980s, Coastal Kenya experienced the largest heist of ancestral artifacts in history. Over 300 wooden Vigango statues were taken from the sacred grounds of several Mijikenda tribes. These...
The Stoa of Attalos: Restored Agora of Athens Structure Is Amazing

The Stoa of Attalos: Restored Agora of Athens Structure Is Amazing

The Stoa of Attalos (also spelled Attalus) is a monument that was once part of the ancient Agora of Athens. This stoa was built along the eastern edge of the agora, and dates to the 2nd century BC...
Norton Priory: The Most Excavated Monastic Site in Europe

Norton Priory: The Most Excavated Monastic Site in Europe

Norton Priory is a former Augustinian abbey located in Cheshire, England . Established in the 12th century, it was originally meant to house a community of Augustinian canons. During the 14th century...
Beached Canadian Artwork Sparks Controversy

Beached Canadian Artwork Sparks Controversy

An archaeologist from the Royal British Columbia Museum in Canada is being attacked online for “speculating” that a curious carved stone figure found on a western Canadian beach in British Colombia...
Helle’s Toilet: Three-Person Loo Seat was Unusual Medieval Status Symbol

Helle’s Toilet: Three-Person Loo Seat was Unusual Medieval Status Symbol

Helle’s Toilet is the name given to a Medieval toilet seat that was discovered during an archaeological excavation in London. It is most notable for being a rare example of a triple toilet seat...
Mapping The Lost Subterranean Christian Origins Of Hagia Sophia

Mapping The Lost Subterranean Christian Origins Of Hagia Sophia

At one time a cathedral, later a mosque, and now the chief museum of the Turkish Republic, Hagia Sophia, in the ancient Byzantine imperial capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul), was a world-famous...
