The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part II
Let us then return to the Great Pyramid. Why was it built in the first place?
According to the ancient Egyptian sources the pyramids were built to reflect the primeval mound that had emerged from the expanse of waters. But then, what is the “primeval mound” and what were “the waters” that it emerged from and what was the reason for building such a monument in honor of this mound? To answer these questions is as easy as adding one plus one once you have accepted that the original rise of civilization and the erection of pyramids were indeed reflections of a shift in consciousness. The mound is simply the new global mind that was emerging from the Earth.
Figure 1. Worldview maps showing the eight-partitioning of the global grid. (a) Mayan cosmogram from the Codex Madrid. In the center is the Tree of Life, the polar axis, which is surrounded by eight deities and various calendrical signs defining their spiritual qualities. (b) Aztec cosmogram from Codex Fejérváry-Mayer with a central deity in the north from which Trees of Life are projected in eight different directions. (Originals courtesy of
Looked upon from a satellite the Giza pyramid can for instance be seen to be eight-sided (or “eight-partitioned” to use the terminology and layout of the Mayan cosmograms, Fig 1). We also know that the pyramid is directed towards true north with an astonishing accuracy, deviating with only four minutes of the arc from this direction. This was the very direction that the Mayan inscription talks about as the direction of the Tree of Life and the origin of the eight-partitioning. In my book I also go into detail about how the geometry of this pyramid is connected to the global mind. It seems like the Great Pyramid was a representation of the new global mind described by the Maya but built in stone by the Egyptians.
The Giza-pyramids and Giza Necropolis, Egypt, seen from above. (Public Domain)
This pyramid was built around 2600 BC, but according to many archeologists the Giza plateau began to be prepared for this already around 3200 BC and thus seems to have been a reflection of the downloading of a mind structured by straight lines. But what about the ancient Egyptian inscriptions that spoke of the pyramids as primeval mounds emerging from the expanse of waters? What kind of water were they talking about and how does it connect to the shift in consciousness?
- Giza, The Time Keeper of the Ages: Alignments, Measurements, and Moon Cycles
- 36,400 BC: The Historical time of the Zep Tepi Theory
- The Infinite Ogdoad: The Creation Pantheon of Ancient Egypt and Predecessor Gods of the Old Kingdom
To answer this we may first note that similarly to the eight Mayan and Aztec deities in Figure 1, the Old Kingdom of Egypt (especially in the city of Hermopolis) honored a set of eight gods referred to as the Ogdoad, which consisted of four male and female pairs: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Kuk and Kauket, Huh and Hauhet. These were associated with frogs and serpents, respectively and symbolized the chaos of the primordial waters and were most likely parallels to the pairs we saw in figure 1.
Detail, Relief in the temple of Hathor at Dendera showing the four couples of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. ( CC BY 3.0 )
I will not go into too much depth about what “water” means here, but we may note that some ancient creation stories speak of water as the substrate of creation. Water usually means waves and may very well have symbolized the chaotic quantum field of waves that dominated the world until structure came into existence in the form of the grid of straight and perpendicular lines that was activated in 3115 BC. The primeval mound with its eight-partitioning then emerged from the floating state of consciousness that the world, and all its people, had been in before this point in time. Is it then so surprising that the Egyptians decided to build a large-scale pyramid to honor this structured new reality that indeed was what had created their civilization? The pyramids of Egypt, and the megaliths in other places of the world from the same time, are thus monuments in stone that were built to reflect the new global grid, which changed them forever.
The Flood Story as a Reflection of a Shift in Consciousness
However, the same dichotomy between water and rectilinear structure as in the Egyptian description of the pyramids also strongly rings a bell of Noah’s Ark and the Biblical Flood story. The literature about this Flood is immense and many different viewpoints about it have been expounded if nothing else because flood stories abound from cultures around the world.
Fresco of Ark and Deluge at the Sistine Chapel. (CC BY 2.0)
While mainstream researchers look upon the Flood mostly as a fairy tale, there are essentially two other groups that have taken an interest in it. One of these groups believe that the world was actually in a physical sense flooded some time before the rise of civilization and has gathered support from a multitude of such stories. The other group looks upon the Flood as an act of Creation by God (or the gods) and not as an overflow happening for no reason. Support for this view may be found in the Biblical account. My own interpretation of the Flood Story as a reflection of the shift in consciousness from the chaotic expanse of waters comes closer to this second group. It is based on the assumption that before the downloading of the structured mind of the eight directions, life was experienced as much more undirected and floating than afterwards.
Yet, even if I argue that the Biblical flood story and several others are about a shift in consciousness I do not think that all flood stories have to describe such a shift. There are for instance flood stories from the tsunami-prone areas along the coast-lines of the Pacific and other areas of the world that most likely reflect actual physical floods. On the other hand, it seems hard to believe that the whole planet could ever have been covered by water (at last not in the past billion years). For this reason, but more importantly because there is so much evidence that a shift in consciousness creating more structure did take place, I suggest that the Biblical Flood story and its Mesopotamian predecessor, are descriptions of the same shift in consciousness that the Mayan inscription and the Great Pyramid described.
Figure 2. The first appearance of some significant aspects of civilization (From The Nine Waves of Creation, Inner Traditions, December 2016).
If the Biblical Flood story does not reflect the downloading of the new geometry of the mind it is for instance hard to understand why Noah was called to build a vessel that was rectangular in shape. In The Global Mind I thus argue that the flood reflects the directionless chaos that was at hand before the pre-Long Count began in 8240 BC (Figure 2). I point out that remarkably similarly to the Egyptian Ogdoad and the Mayan inscription there were also in this story four surviving male-female pairs on the Ark of Noah (Noah’s family).
It is worth noting that according to the Jewish and Muslim traditions the Mountains of Ararat, where the Ark of Noah is said to have landed, really refers to Mount Judi on the Turkish-Syrian border. This mountain is located very close to the places, such as Göbekli Tepe, where according to archeologists (see figure 3) humans first started to build rectilinear structures, such as rooms aligned with the north-south direction. So maybe the authors of Genesis knew that this was the place on Earth, where humans started to resonate with a perpendicular global grid. If so, Noah and his family may be regarded as symbols of those that survived and were able to adapt to the shift in consciousness in contrast to those that wanted to stay in the directionless chaos.
The rectilinear vessel surviving the Flood is thus a direct parallel to the Egyptian notion of a primeval mound that emerged from the expanse of the waters. In both cases the rectilinear geometry played a critical role in the creation stories (and the building of the Egyptian pyramids were very much like an enactment of creation) as the ancients knew that it was through this that humans were able to change and become civilized. Both the Egyptian and Jewish creation stories thus corroborate the Mayan. So it all makes sense if we look upon them as descriptions of a shift in consciousness, where the survivors were those that adapted to and started to honor the straight and perpendicular lines, which on a global scale gave rise to civilization.
- What Became of Atlantis: The Flood from Heaven
- Kuh-e Alvand: Searching for the True Mountain of Noah and his Ark
- Startling Similarity between Hindu Flood Legend of Manu and the Biblical Account of Noah
What these ancient messages, that about the Ark and of the primeval mound, seems to be telling us is that the shifts in consciousness that took place in 8240 and 3115 BC, respectively, were in principle of the same nature. One was the “first time” (what the Egyptians talked about as Zep Tepi), while the second was when civilization in the true sense of the word began. Moreover, these shifts were experienced as very challenging to those that experienced them and not everyone may have been able to transit from a chaotic quasi-shamanic state to the dominance of a mind with a rectilinear structure. The result in terms of human life was a shift in consciousness in two steps where the first generated agriculture and the second civilization.
Two scrolls from the Dead Sea Scrolls lie at their location in the Qumran Caves before being removed for scholarly examination by archaeologists. (public domain)
The fact that a Dead Sea Scroll recently has given a new translation of the Book of Genesis only adds to this interpretation. According to this translation the Ark of Noah was not at all built like a ship, but as a pyramid. This fact was not known as I wrote The Global Mind. Yet, as far as I am concerned it provides definite proof that the Ark and the Great Pyramid reflect the very same ancient mind structured by sacred geometry that emerged from the chaotic “waters”.
A panel from the door of the Baptistery in Florence, which appears to show Noah’s Ark as a pyramid.
Given the closeness between the Jews and the Egyptians in ancient times it is not particularly surprising that shared a view of how the primeval mound and hence the human mind emerged and their differences in symbolizing this turns out to be quite minor. For those that want to understand how the evolution of consciousness is related to the rise and fall of civilization, up until our own time and beyond, it thus seems like a study of how the Mayan calendar is related to the quantum wave field (the chaotic waters) underlying our existence will be an exciting journey of discovery.
Carl Johan Calleman, Santa Fe, NM
July 24, 2016 (2 Chuen, 3 rd day in the 55 th night of the Ninth Wave)
Top Image: The Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt (CC BY 2.0), Mayan Calendar (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) , and World Egg of the Ogdoad. (CC BY 2.0) Deriv.
I have visited the Bosnian pyramids, but as all mainstream arheologists and many alternative such as Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock I do not think that the evidence is there that they would be manmade. This should be the first thing to establish before you draw any concusion from it. The cities outside of Gujarat have by Indian archeologists been estimated to be about 5000 years old and part of the Indus Valley civilization. Yet, of course, it is almost impossible to date archeological remains under water and it can never be used as an argument in this kind of a context.
Carl J Calleman
You did your best with the information you had, but that's really incomplete. Don't you know about the Bosnian pyramids, they are 35000 years old and also facing thru North. And not to forget all the cities that are at the bottom of the Indian ocean, build rectangular and they are consumed by the ocean at the end of the ice age 12000 years ago. So civilization that build like this are much older.
Hello Janet,
Good to hear from you. I find your comments very interesting and feel that you should maybe develop them in an article yourself.
Carl J Calleman
As always John your insights are refreshing, fascinating and move those of us with expectant, curious consciousness a bit closer to waking up which is what it's all about or at least it is in part. I have some questions perhaps you've pondered and already have some answers. Do these time waves reset the human beings living through them to zero point consciousness or is the act of seeking greater awareness about consciousness and achieving it at any level assist the individual as the time wave moves through us or are we doomed to forget and repeat it all again? There may be no way to answer such a question as fact but I thought you might have pondered it and may have insights as to how the time wave affects the people of the era, after all we on the cusp of a new time wave right now are we not? Our holographic mind/brain creates our reality which the time wave operates through and ultimately our world is an illusion of sorts, so perhaps it is the soul/spirit that the time waves programming is fed through? Perhaps our physical form is reflecting and/or projecting the time waves agenda through various forms much like Noah's Ark and the great flood being a kind of consciousness wipe and/or reset of the human/earth operating system? Kind of like we reset a computer by installing a new operating system thereby creating a new reality we can experience through our computer? So our reality,as you discovered the Mayan Calendar and other ancient history reveals is conducted through the invisible Quantum realms or spiritual realms which I believe are one and the same thing as the true source and it can be calculated, observed and perhaps even changed if we could grasp it all? I realize that's a much bigger discussion, but how does the time wave effect those who are grasping its existence, could the invisible Quantum/spiritual realms be aware of those waking up and alter the programming agenda for those people? Could this be a source of mysteries where people and civilizations seem to disappear during these time wave periods, like the Mayans? Am I off in my perceptions of the time waves purpose or effects in asking such questions?
I realize your books are a comprehensive, scientific basis about the topic, and I realize how huge a topic it is, but I'd love to know your insights about the practical effects of the waves on a human being living through it?I haven't read your second book yet but it's on my agenda to read very soon. I loved your first book as at that time I felt quite alone in my views and I felt I'd found a kindred spirit and I wasn't alone in the universe! I do not have my radio show any longer but I continue to follow your work and enjoy your articles immensely, keep up the great work!
I have visited the so-called Bosnian Pyramids but do not think there is sufficient evidence that they are man-made. Their age has variably been given as 34,000, 25,000 and 10,000 years old and I think we should postpone discussing them before the issue of their authenticity has been sorted out. I discuss the sphinx in my book and as you say it may be much older than the pyramids, which have been carbon-dated to about 5000 years old. It seems to me at least there is no reason to speculate about the age of the Giza pyramids, which by so many lines of evidence including 14-carbon dating by professional archeologists are estimated to have been built about 2600 BC.
Carl J Calleman