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Atlantis underwater ruins

3 Problems to Remember When Trying to Find Atlantis

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It is perhaps the greatest unsolved mystery of all time: Did the lost city of Atlantis actually exist? And if it did once exist, where was it located before its watery demise? Fortunately, the original account of a civilization that vanished beneath the waves contains a surprising amount of realistic detail that might be used to answer these questions. Unfortunately, not all of those clues are of equal value. Three thorny problems in particular must be dealt with to avoid embarking on a wild goose chase to the bottom of the sea (where, incidentally, Atlantis almost certainly did notend up).

Artist’s representation of Atlantis.

Artist’s representation of Atlantis. (Source: BigStockPhoto)

Problem Number One

Every Single Reliable Clue We Have about Atlantis comes from Plato.

The Athenian philosopherPlato was the greatest thinker in Western Civilization. He was also the original source of the Atlantis story. Nothing specific referring to Atlantis appears before his account, and anything that comes after draws from his original. For anyone hoping to find the lost city, this is usually assumed to be a good thing. If one of the most brilliant thinkers of all time wrote about Atlantis, and repeatedly describedthe original story as true—which he did—then it must be real, right?

Bust of Plato.

Bust of Plato. (CC BY 2.5)

Not necessarily. One of the most intriguing things about Plato’s use of the Atlantis story is where it appears in his dialogues. The story comes in two parts. The first section comes at the opening of the dialogue Timaeus. This work seems to have been written as a sort of sequel to the Republic, Plato’s masterwork that covers topics ranging from government to justice to the need for philosopher-kings, and a thousand other big concepts.

In the Timaeus, the character Critias is prodded to tell a story that illustrates the ideal state—a reference to a speechSocrates has just given in the Republic—and he begins to relate the tale of how “the island of Atlantis” was struck by “earthquakes and floods” and “disappeared in the depths of the sea.”

The second part of Plato’s story appears in the dialogue Critias. It is here that Plato starts to pile up the realistic-sounding details that have tantalized would-be Atlantis detectives. Critias provides the location of Atlantis—opposite thePillars of Heracles, facing the land now known as Gades. Among other clues, he describes the concentric rings of land and water upon which the capital of Atlantis was built; the island’s red and black stone; its shiny copper-like metal (called orichalcum) and the kinds of produce grown on the island’s enormous oblong plain.

Whileflood myths (Noah, Gilgamesh, Deucalion) were common in antiquity, none of them closely matches the Atlantis story. It’s entirely possible that Plato made the whole thing up, an opinion favored by those academics who deign to even consider the question of whether Atlantis was real.

Any number of attempts have been made over the years to decode the Atlantean language, which Plato never describes, or to search for ancient places with names that sound like “Atlantis.” In the Timaeus,Critias says that the original story came from Egypt, and that all the names had been changed during translation. Following that logic, the original name of the lost civilization Plato describes could have been almost anything exceptAtlantis.

Any alleged new details that have emerged in the centuries after Plato’s death, such as the claims that the Atlanteans hadnuclear power or sophisticated airships or the assistance of aliens, must be rejected if a serious attempt to solve the mystery is to be made. Also, Plato never mentionsthe pyramids in relation to Atlantis. Sorry.

Claims that the Atlanteans had nuclear power or sophisticated airships or the assistance of aliens must be rejected. (Phil Daub/Adobe Stock)

Problem Number Two

Plato Was a Pythagorean

According to the Seventh Letter, a biographical account that was likely either written by Plato or by someone who knew him, the philosopher left Athens for several years after his mentor Socrates was put to death. He traveled throughout the eastern Mediterranean, stopping for a long time at Taras in what is now southern Italy.

This city was led by the statesman and mathematician Archytas, who followed principles established byPythagoras, best known for his 3-4-5 triangle theorem. Pythagorean influence is obvious throughout Plato’s work; the Timaeusin particular tries to find the mathematical logic in the cosmos. According to one famous account, over the entrance to the Academy, the school Plato founded in Athens, were inscribed the words “NONE BUT GEOMETERS MAY ENTER HERE.”

Detail of Pythagoras writing from ‘The School of Athens.’ By Raphael.

Detail of Pythagoras writing from ‘The School of Athens.’ By Raphael. (Public Domain)

The reason this is a serious problem for anyone trying to determine the location of the original Atlantis, if it ever existed, is that some of the most concrete details Plato gives about the vanished island are numbers: the specific widths of its circular rings of earth and water, the size of its temples, and—what is surely the number most frequently cited by potential solvers of the Atlantis puzzle—the fact that nine thousand years had passed since its destruction. Since this date (which would work out to around 9600 BCE) roughly coincides with the Ice Age melt at the onset of theHolocene Epoch, many have hypothesized that rising sea levels inundated Atlantis.

The Pythagoreans, however, did not use numbers exactly as we use them, to signify amounts. To them, numbers were living things with personalities; numerology can be traced back to Pythagoras. They saw numbers as a hybrid of physics and religion, a possible gateway to discovering the secrets of the universe.

Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise. (1869) By Fyodor Bronnikov.

Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise. (1869) By Fyodor Bronnikov. (Public Domain)

If Plato was using numbers in a Pythagorean manner, it would help explain some of the more outlandish figures he gives when describing Atlantis, such as a military force of more than one million personnel and a massive canal that would have required excavations many times greater than those needed to create the Panama Canal.

Problem Number Three in the Search for Atlantis

Plato Was a Philosopher, not a Historian

Despite the repeated reassurances from Plato’s character Critias as he is telling the story of Atlantis that “every word of it is true,” we cannot read Plato’s work literally; such a fundamentalist reading would require, for starters, a willingness to believe that Atlantis itself was created by the sea god Poseidon.

Written history was a relatively new technology in Plato’s day—Herodotus had initiated the discipline in Greece a century before—and Plato was uncomfortable with it. Up until that time, historic events such as the destruction of a civilization by natural disaster would have been passed down orally as myths (as in Homer’s Iliad). In Plato’s dialogue the Phaedrus, Socrates discredits writing as inferior to memory because it cannot be probed by questioning and so offers “the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom.”

Plato's Atlantis described in Timaeus and Critias.

Plato's Atlantis described in Timaeus and Critias. (Public Domain)

Too frequently, anyone trying to prove where Atlantis might have been located picks and chooses the evidence that suits his or her hypothesis and rejects anything that contradicts it. But Plato’s works—notoriously some of the most obtuse in philosophy—were written not for a modern audience raised onIndiana Jones movies but for his philosophy students at the Academy. The story of Atlantis cannot simply be taken at face value, but must be interpreted.

Are these three problems insurmountable? Perhaps not. If the Atlantis tale is indeed a treasure map, it is one that needs to be decoded first. In a future post, I’ll address some reasons to be hopeful that Atlantis—or whatever disaster originally inspired the story of Atlantis—may someday be found.

Mark Adams is author of the New York Times bestsellers Turn Right at Machu Picchu and Meet Me in Atlantis: Across Three Continents in Search of the Sunken City.Learn more

Top Image: Illustration of the popular perception of the underwater ruins of Atlantis. Source:manjik/Adobe Stock

ByMark Adams

Updated on June 19, 2020.



Hello Mark,

I did think Atlantis was nothing but a Myth, since I've been reading The Bible Book's of Enoch however, not only do I believe Atlantis existed but, that Atlantis was most likely destroyed by the Great Flood.

I read in Enoch 1 The Book of the Watchers I read how Enoch who was prompted by some Really Bad, Bad Angels, Fallen Angel's too plea for Mercy from The Ancient of Days; the Heavenly Father, so while traveling through God's Country, (in the Gospel; Pilate asked of Jesus where did He come from? Jesus said that His Kingdom was Not of this World) Enoch testified that there is a Mountain so Big it fills the Heavens Up its immense this Is The Mountain The Greeks referred to as Mt. Olympus, in Hebrew It is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

In Enoch He states both Tartarus and the Elysian Field's is in Heaven that there is a Lake of Fire it is as immense as The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai, this Lake of Fire is where people will be cast into who consequently lived in defiance of The Commandments and the Laws of God Jesus calls it The Second Death.

Oh and incidentally Hell is not of Earth but rather in The Heavens in Tartarus.

Remember the Greek Stories about The Titans being imprisoned in Tartarus their not Titans they're Fallen Angel's called The Watchers over 200 of them are imprisoned and The Arch Angel Raphael is their Prison Guard.

The Children of the Watcher Angels due to their Crimes they committed against Earth and People who dwelled on Earth God turned them in to Evil-Spirits.

As for the 200 Watcher Angels wives whom the Really, Really Bad Angels married which was not approved by God in The First Place well He turned Them into Sirens and incidentally Sirens unlike The Stories from Odysseus they can't Sing God only allows them too Sigh that's their punishment; I don't know if they'll be in The Lake of Fire and taste the Second Death, I read the 3 Book's of Enoch but I have not yet read that but I noticed when reading these Books I start to notice information I must have missed previously.

Oh and I have the name of a very interesting Fallen Angel.

Satal his Greek name is Atlas but since He's imprisoned in Tartarus-Hell, which Jude the Epistle; maintains Satal aka Atlas and his 199 brother's are bound in chains in utter darkness.

Hello Mark,

I did think Atlantis was nothing but a Myth, since I've been reading The Bible Book's of Enoch however, not only do I believe Atlantis existed but, that Atlantis was most likely destroyed by the Great Flood.

I read in Enoch 1 The Book of the Watchers I read how Enoch who was prompted by some Really Bad, Bad Angels, Fallen Angel's too plea for Mercy from The Ancient of Days; the Heavenly Father, so while traveling through God's Country, (in the Gospel; Pilate asked of Jesus where did He come from? Jesus said that His Kingdom was Not of this World) Enoch testified that there is a Mountain so Big it fills the Heavens Up its immense this Is The Mountain The Greeks referred to as Mt. Olympus, in Hebrew It is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

In Enoch He states both Tartarus and the Elysian Field's is in Heaven that there is a Lake of Fire it is as immense as The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai, this Lake of Fire is where people will be cast into who consequently lived in defiance of The Commandments and the Laws of God Jesus calls it The Second Death.

Oh and incidentally Hell is not of Earth but rather in The Heavens in Tartarus.

Remember the Greek Stories about The Titans being imprisoned in Tartarus their not Titans they're Fallen Angel's called The Watchers over 200 of them are imprisoned and The Arch Angel Raphael is their Prison Guard.

The Children of the Watcher Angels due to their Crimes they committed against Earth and People who dwelled on Earth God turned them in to Evil-Spirits.

As for the 200 Watcher Angels wives whom the Really, Really Bad Angels married which was not approved by God in The First Place well He turned Them into Sirens and incidentally Sirens unlike The Stories from Odysseus they can't Sing God only allows them too Sigh that's their punishment; I don't know if they'll be in The Lake of Fire and taste the Second Death, I read the 3 Book's of Enoch but I have not yet read that but I noticed when reading these Books I start to notice information I must have missed previously.

Oh and I have the name of a very interesting Fallen Angel.

Satal his Greek name is Atlas but since He's imprisoned in Tartarus-Hell, which Jude the Epistle; maintains Satal aka Atlas and his 199 brother's are bound in chains in utter darkness.

Bard A Madsen's picture

As the NEW ILLUMINATI stated. It is said of Solon the Greek law-giver, that when he visited Egypt, six hundred years before Christ, he had a talk with the priest of Sais about the Deluge of Deucalion. The following is Plato's account : "Thereupon, one of the priests, who was of very great age, said, 'O Solon, Solon, you Hellene.' Solon, hearing this, said, 'What do you mean?' 'I mean to say,' he replied, 'that in mind you are all young ; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient Tradition, nor any Science which is Hoary with Age. And I will tell you the reason of this : there have been, and There Will Be Again, many Destructions of Mankind arising out of many causes. There is a story which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Phaeton, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the Earth and was himself destroyed by a Thunderbolt. Now, this has the form of a Myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving around the Earth and in the Heavens, and a Great Conflagration of things upon the Earth recurring at long intervals of time." "Dialogues," XI, 517, Timaeus.

Above it is said that Anatolia ~ recalled the 1250BC strike from out of the Sun and there were others as the 2300BC event and the 13,000BP Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. The 2300BC event (impact) must have been located around the fertile crescent meridian and the -13KBP event in North America which is where the flood myths come from. Most of traditions globally put Creation and the Deluge together which is most probably the -13KBP event. Most think the flood was the 2300BC event, but it goes further back to when the sea level was 400 feet lower and the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Baltic Sea were valleys.

Looking for Atlantis is alike looking for Eden, the Ark, or the Good Ole Days; back when the middle east and northern Africa were lush verdure.

Here's my theory, although as someone who is not an Atlantian scholar it is just a theory. The Piri Reis map that was compiled in the 1500's shows a detailed depiction of Antarctica. Since Antarctica wasn't "discovered" until much later, there's no account as to how this map came to be, let alone how it's possible it could be so accurate. Scholars have already said that it is unusually accurate based on modern day satellite imagery. Not to mention the map shows Antarctica without snow, which means that while the map was drawn in the 1500’s, its original source had to be over 10,000 years old. That would, from a timing standpoint, align with Plato’s era for Atlantis.

When looking at the map, it shows the South Pole is not centered where it can currently be found in modern time. If the map is accurate, that means that some sort of massive impact or tectonic adjustment occurred that shifted Antarctica and the South Pole (thus resulting in it being covered in snow). A massive tectonic shift would also align with Plato's stores of Atlantis being destroyed by an earthquake.

So we have a massive island...the only island continent on earth that’s outside the gates of Hercules. We have a mystery map that shows incredible detail of a continent that hadn't been "discovered" yet, which means someone had to have passed along oral information about Antarctica before it was covered in snow. We have physical evidence that there was once a time when Antarctica wasn’t entirely covered in snow.

We have evidence that around 10,000 years ago there was a massive flood. (i.e.: Looking at places like Pumapunku that have multi-ton stone blocks half buried in sediment, and surrounded by sea shells (adding evidence to the possibility of a massive flood around that same time)). Finally, there’s the “blood falls” of Antarctica, which have been explained by salt water mixing with huge deposits of Iron that lives in the bedrock. As this article even mentions, Plato describe Atlantis as having red & black stones & metals.

So, if we’ve been looking for Atlantis for thousands of years with literally no evidence. Maybe, if Atlantis existed at all, the reason we haven’t found it is because it’s buried under a mile of snow & ice on the most remote continent on Earth.

Anyway, it’s just a theory. Everyone loves a good mystery

Some Native traditions of Americas point to a sunken mother land in Atlantic Ocean. I believe that there is a connection. But, i'm not going to be able to know the truth until open minded, respected scientists start searching it.


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Mark Adams

MARK ADAMS is the author of the acclaimed history Mr. America, which The Washington Post named a Best Book of 2009, and the New York Times bestsellers Turn Right at Machu Picchu and Meet Me in Atlantis. His work has appeared... Read More

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