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No Ziggy? The Inca City at the Martian Pole surrounded by thousands of spiders from Mars, here seen as tiny dark spots. Source: European Space Agency / CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Spiders From Mars? Strange Formations Spotted at Martian Pole

ESA's Mars Express has captured images revealing distinctive formations dubbed "spiders" dispersed across the southern polar region of Mars. These features are caused by a fascinating interplay of...
Earth structures were being constructed on Tongatapu around AD 300. Source: Phillip Parton/ANU

Oldest City Found on a Pacific Island Was Constructed in 300 AD in Tonga

With the assistance of data obtained in 2011 with advanced laser scanning technology, archaeologists have been able to identify the remains of a 1,700-year-old lost city on the island of Tongatapu in...
Heraion Teikhos, ancient Thracian city in modern day Turkey. Source: Tekirdağ Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism

2,800-Year-Old Thracian “Pharmaceutical” Center Unearthed at Heraion Teikhos, Turkey

In 2021, a team of researchers unearthed a 2,800-year-old temple at the ancient Thracian city of Heraion Teikhos, in Turkey. Now, a water system has been identified leading to a space within the...
Ruins of the Roman Theatre of Sabratha city, Libya. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. Source: E. Michael James/Adobe Stock

Stunning Sabratha: Discovering an Ancient Roman Port Through Its Ruins

Hidden away on the Mediterranean coast, 70 km west of Tripoli, lie the captivating ruins of Sabratha. This ancient Roman city was once renowned for its impressive architecture, artistic achievements...
LiDAR technology has helped archaeologists identify a lost Maya city in Mexico. Source: Ivan Ṡprajc / INAH

Huge Lost Maya City Has Emerged From the Jungle in Mexico

Mexican archaeologists harnessed the potential of LiDAR drones to undertake an extensive survey of the Yucatan Peninsula, yielding the remarkable discovery of a once-forgotten city. This...
Section of the impressive walls of Dubrovnik. Source: Siegfried Schnepf / Adobe Stock

The Unbreakable Barrier: Dubrovnik's Walls Through the Ages

Nestled along the rugged Adriatic coast, the walled city of Dubrovnik in Croatia has long been a cultural and economic hub in the region. However, this picturesque city has also seen its fair share...
The captivating Medusa Mosaic uncovered in the Odeon at Kibyra. Source: Mehmet Kılınc/Pexels

The Ancient City of Kibyra and its Stellar Rise to Power

The modern region of Anatolia, in Turkey, is well known as a hotspot of ancient civilizations. Also known as Asia Minor, it was a true crossroad of great powers in the pre-Christian era. From the...
The Buland Darwaza, or High Gate, was built in 1602 as the main entrance to the Jama Masjid mosque at Fatehpur Sikri in India. Source: Shuklaankit90 / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Majestic Legacy of Fatehpur Sikri: A Masterful Mughal City

Fatehpur Sikri is a hidden gem just 37 km (23 mi) southwest of the bustling city of Agra. This majestic town has a rich and intriguing history with roots tracing back to the Sikarwar Rajputs, a...
The center of the late-Neolithic-period Chinese pyramid palace city slowly emerging from the landscape it became part of thousands of years ago. Source: China Daily

King Carved In Stone Found at 4,200-Year-Old Chinese Pyramid Palace

A team of archaeologists have potentially found the portrait of a king carved into stone at the base of a massive prehistoric pyramid complex in northwest China. At more than 70 meters (230 feet) in...
Mosaic being revealed at the recently discovered Roman city site of El Forau de la Tuta, in Zaragoza, Spain. Source: Gobierno de Aragón

A ‘Monumental’ Unknown Roman City Discovered In Spain

For over a decade, four teams of Spanish archaeologists have been digging at different excavation sites. Now they’ve realised it was all one thing - an enormous lost Roman city. You might never have...
Karnak temple in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Source: Calin Stan / Adobe Stock

The Ten Essential Ancient Egyptian Cities: Relics of Egypt’s Storied Past

The various civilizations which developed within ancient Egypt were some of the most technologically advanced and beautiful of their time, giving birth to some of the greatest cities the world has...
Aerial view of the excavations revealing the Mittani Empire settlement at Kemune with Bronze Age architecture partly submerged in the lake.	Source: © Universities of Freiburg and Tübingen, KAO

Drought in the Tigris River Uncovers Hidden Mittani Empire City

Extreme drought and heat in Iraq has caused the historical Tigris River’s water levels to rapidly drop, revealing a 3400-year-old Mittani empire-era city. Water being diverted. Climate change,...
Structure at Xiol, a Maya city located near Mérida, in the Yucatán peninsula of Mexico. Source: El Heraldo de México/Especial

Archaeologists Unlock the Secrets of the Maya “Spirit of Man” City

The ruins of an ancient Maya city, discovered by INAH archaeologists in 2018 in the central Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, have now been mostly restored. The site, called Xiol (“Spirit of Man” in Mayan...
Part of the extensive underground city being excavated in Midyat, turkey.	Source: Anadolu Agency

Enormous Underground City Discovered in Turkey

Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered a massive underground city, which they believe may be the largest in the world. They have only excavated 3% of it so far but are unearthing multitudes of...
Idanre Hills, Nigeria. Source: Fela Sanu / Adobe Stock

The Stunning Landscape and 9 Wonders of Idanre Hill

Idanre Hill, also known as Oke Idanre, is a remote town located in the southwestern Nigerian Ondo State. Though the area boasts several cultural landmarks, it is most famous for its landscape atop an...
Ancient City of Qalhat in Oman 	Source: derusu / Adobe Stock

1,000-Year-Old Ruins of Qalhat, Oman’s Ancient City

Qalhat, an ancient city located in a northeastern region of the country of Oman, has an interesting history behind it. Located just north of Sur, the capital of the Ash Sharqiyah South Governorate,...
INAH collaborates in the exploration of a submerged Maya city in Lake Atitlán, in Guatemala.	Source: INAH

Maya City Sunk in Lake Atitlán Explored By Underwater Archaeologists

In the placid waters of Central America’s deepest lake, an international team of scientists has been engaged in an exciting multi-year research project. Under the authority of Mexico’s National...
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. Will archaeologists ever find concrete evidence for the Exodus and the metropolises the Israelites built in Egypt? Source: Public domain

Mythical Metropolises: Pithom, Piramesses, and the Israelite Exodus of Egypt

The legendary Egyptian metropolises of Pithom and Piramesses were first noted in the Exodus story of the Old Testament. One of the foundations of the Jewish religion, it told of the plight of the...
The Monte Alban archaeological site in Mexico. Source: WitR / Adobe Stock

Did Social Balance Lead to Success for Pre-Columbian Monte Albán?

Monte Albán in southern Mexico was different from all surrounding Mesoamerican cities, claims a new study. Not only did neighbors share their resources, but the community seemed to exist without...
The walls of the ancient Citadel of Erbil in Iraq as seen from the bazaar. Source: Levi Clancy / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Magnificent Citadel of Erbil - A True Archaeological Sandwich

The Iraqi city of Erbil is truly magnificent - and in many ways. With the settlement origins dating back at least 8,000 years, it is one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities in the...
The Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan and the Pyramids in the background, Cairo, Egypt. Source: AlexAnton / Adobe Stock

10 Must See Ancient Cities to Add to Your Bucket List

Everyone ought to have a bucket list and for passionate history buffs, that list invariably includes visiting ancient cities. While reading about them in history books, or in news reports about...
Archaeologists clean the motifs on the walls of a tomb found in the ancient city of Blaundus, Turkey.	Source: Anadolu Agency

Four Hundred 2,000-year-old Rock Tombs Found in Blaundus, Anatolia

The ancient city of Blaundus, an erstwhile Roman episcopal city in the Roman province of Lydia (modern-day Anatolia), which is within contemporary Turkish borders, has just witnessed a spectacular...
A view of the Tikal jungle landscape from Temple IV. It was in this dense forested area that LIDAR amazing found the Teotihuacan replicas hidden from archaeologists working at the famous site for more than 60 years.  Source: JuanLuis / Adobe Stock

Precise Teotihuacan Replicas Found With LiDAR at Maya City of Tikal

High-tech scanning around the ancient Maya city of Tikal in northern Guatemala has revealed the presence of some previously undiscovered ruins, dating back to the early first millennium AD. Using...
Church ruins at the “Ghost City” of Ani

Ani: The Ghost City of 1001 Churches

First mentioned in the 5th century by Armenian chroniclers, the “Ghost City” of Ani was described as a strong fortress on a hilltop that was a possession of the Armenian Kamsarakan dynasty. From this...
