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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Indian scientists survey Palaeoloxodon (elephant) fossil and stone tools excavated nearby.

Elephant Fossils Show Evidence of Ancient Animal Butchery in India

A new study by an international team of scientists has found evidence that ancient elephant fossils recovered in the Kashmir Valley of South Asia were butchered by archaic human ancestors. This would...
Two Burial Sites from Early Bronze Age Cultures Uncovered in Moravia

Two Burial Sites from Early Bronze Age Cultures Uncovered in Moravia

Archaeologists have discovered two major burial sites near Olomouc, Central Moravia, in the Czech Republic, during a rescue excavation along the future route of the D35 highway between Křelov and...
Extraordinary 2,400-Year-Old Greek Theater Found on Turkey’s Coast

Extraordinary 2,400-Year-Old Greek Theater Found on Turkey’s Coast

Turkish archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery at the ancient Greek city of Alexandria Troas, in Canakkale, a seaport city on the southern shore of the Dardanelles along the Aegean Sea in...
Representative image of a Samhain celebration.

Before There Was Halloween, There Was Samhain

The roots of Halloween can be found in an ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. According to legend, during the three days of Samhain (October 31 to November 2), the Celts would attend great...
Hero of Alexandria and his Magical Jugs

Hero of Alexandria and his Magical Jugs

The most famous and successful of the scientists and engineers from the 1 st century was Hero (Heron) of Alexandria, who was conjuring up all kinds of weird and wonderful mechanical gadgets and steam...
First Sedentary People in Europe: 8,000-Year-Old House Discovered in Serbia

First Sedentary People in Europe: 8,000-Year-Old House Discovered in Serbia

An extraordinary discovery in southern Serbia sheds light on the origins of sedentary life in Europe. Archaeologists have uncovered an 8,000-year-old house in Svinjarička Čuka, providing new insights...
Lost Medieval Jewish Cemetery Found Under London’s Barbican Estates

Lost Medieval Jewish Cemetery Found Under London’s Barbican Estates

A hidden medieval Jewish cemetery, once believed to be lost, has been rediscovered beneath the Barbican Estates in London, close to the remnants of an ancient wall within the Thomas More Garden. The...
Smuggled Iranian Iron Age Swords Seized at Heathrow Proven to Be Fakes

Smuggled Iranian Iron Age Swords Seized at Heathrow Proven to Be Fakes

Alarming information about the frequency of antiquities fraud has been revealed by a new study that shows a collection of Iranian Iron Age bronze swords recently smuggled into England were not what...
AI image of skulls in a catacomb.

The Role of Disease in the Decline of Great Empires

During their heights, many great empires were considered invincible - before God and Man. Ruling over great territories and thriving for centuries, such empires were major global powers, and invading...
2,000-Year-Old Inscription Honoring Wrestling Champion Found in Turkey

2,000-Year-Old Inscription Honoring Wrestling Champion Found in Turkey

Along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast in Mersin, from the ancient city of Anemurium, excavations have revealed, for the first time, a 13-line inscription within the Harbor Bath, believed to be around 2,...
A human origins narrative: the Hollow Earth Theory AI image.

Where Did We Come From? Unusual Theories on Human Origins

How did we come to be? This is a question that has long puzzled scientists, scholars, and great thinkers of old. Our origins were not always so clear, and many explanations were given over the ages,...
Professor Dominic Stratford and Dr George Leader, trekking the Namib desert.

A Trek Across the Desert, in Search of Our Origins

University of Witwatersrand Strewn across the Namib desert is a treasure trove of stone tools of which little is known because getting to them is so difficult. There are few roads and vehicles have...
Stonehenge, Ancient Petroglyphs and Crop Circles

The Mystery of Stonehenge, Ancient Petroglyphs and Crop Circles

There are many theories about the origins and functions of Stonehenge. Only through exploring the significance of the electromagnetic universe do we begin to understand the implications of this great...
5,000 year old tomb unearthed at the Wangzhuang ruins in Yongcheng, Henan province, central China.

5000-year-old Tomb Could Belong to First Chinese King

A magnificent and massive tomb belonging to an early Chinese king, likely from a ‘complex society’ and dated to 5,000-years-ago, has been unearthed at the Wangzhuang ruins in Yongcheng, Henan...
Archaeological excavations that unearthed Roman domus near Vizzini, Sicily.

Roman Village, Domus and Elaborate Mosaic Floor Unearthed in Sicily

Archaeologists have unearthed something special near Vizzini, a town in Sicily, in the form of a Roman domus , or house, dating back to the 2nd-4th centuries AD. The ancient Roman dwelling possesses...
Montezuma meets Cortes

The Stolen Treasure of Montezuma: Secrets of the Lost Aztec Gold

In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived on the outskirts of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the mighty Aztec Empire. It has been said that to the Aztec emperor, Montezuma II, Cortes and...
Skull and jaw from the remains used in the study.

Archaeologists Reveal How Tobacco Use Changed Human Bone Structure

A new study has revealed that the consumption of tobacco left a detectable mark on human bone structure. By analyzing skeletal remains dating back as far as the 12th century, researchers have...
Modern excavations at what was once Çatalhöyük.

Socially Distanced Layout of the World’s Oldest Cities Helped Evade Disease

By R. Alexander Bentley /The Conversation In my research focused on early farmers of Europe, I have often wondered about a curious pattern through time: Farmers lived in large dense villages, then...
Left, Standing Stones near the site, Right, artifacts from the cemetery.

Shipwrecks, Treasure, and 139 Viking Graves: Vast Cemetery Discovered in Sweden

A phenomenal find unfolds in Sweden! Archaeologists were all set to investigate a settlement from the Stone Age outside Varberg. But the work took a new direction when they stumbled upon a gigantic...
Saint Paul, surprised by Nero at the moment of converting Sabina Poppaea by Isidoro Lozano ca. 1858.

The Lady and the Emperor: The Dramatic Life and Death of Poppaea Sabina

Theatrics and excesses seem to run in the family of Nero, the emperor of Rome – that is, according to ancient authors such as Tacitus and Suetonius. Nero’s grandfather, Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus,...
The Atacama Giant

The Puzzling Case of the Atacama Giant

The most well-known geoglyphs in the world are undoubtedly the Nazca Lines of coastal Peru. Yet, in the Atacama Desert of Chile, there is another group of geoglyphs that are equally as impressive...
Leavened wheat bread, consumed since the time of Ancient Egypt and Babylon

Changes in Ancient DNA Led to Human Craving for Carbohydrates

Genes passed down from the incredibly distant past play a key role in the ability of human beings to break down and process carbohydrates. But archaic human species didn’t all possess this ability,...
This photo shows the smallest dinosaur egg fossils discovered in the city of Ganzhou, east China's Jiangxi Province

World's Smallest Dinosaur Egg Fossils Discovered in China

Chinese researchers have unearthed the smallest dinosaur egg fossils ever found. The find, dating back over 80 million years to the Late Cretaceous period, offers new insights into the reproductive...
Graham Hancock at Sacsayhuaman, Cusco, Peru.

Can Ancient Apocalypse Series 2 Convince Us of a Lost Ice Age Civilization?

Controversial Scottish journalist Graham Hancock’s hit TV show, Ancient Apocalypse , has just released its second season on Netflix, with a focus on the Americas. With Keanu Reeves signed onboard,...
