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ANTHONY ADOLPH has been a professional genealogist for over a quarter of a century. His interest in the past started with his own family, whose story led him back into the nineteenth century, and then further back, up lines of aristocratic and ultimately royal ancestry which ran far back into the Dark Ages before terminating with mythological heroes; and also up genetic lines which lead back inexorably to the origins of the human race, and beyond.He therefore developed a dual fascination in origin myths, particularly those of the British Isles which lead back to the mythological hero Brutus of Troy, said to be a great grandson of the Trojan hero Aeneas, himself son of the Greek goddess Aphrodite; and simultaneously in the story of our ancestry as revealed by science, which goes back through the evolution of humans to the story of Life on Earth itself.The result of this life-long interest is two books, both published by Pen and Sword in 2015 (and available on Amazon), <em>Brutus of Troy, and the Quest for the Ancestry of the British</em> and <em>In Search of Our Ancient Ancestors: from the Big Bang to Modern Britain, in Science and Myth</em>. Anthony lives in Kent, on the outskirts of London, England and his website (which includes details of his books) is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.<strong>Videos:</strong>


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The fall of an ancient city by war.

Troy in Turkey or Troy in Britain? False Leads vs Hard Evidence

Nobody reading Homer’s Iliad or Virgil’s Aeneid has ever failed to wonder ‘was this real?’ and ‘where was Troy? ’ . Homer’s Troy lay across the Aegean from Greece, whence the angry Greeks sailed to...
Aeneas defeats Turnus, by Luca Giordano, 1634–1705. The genius of Aeneas is shown ascendant, looking into the light of the future, while that of Turnus is setting, shrouded in darkness by Luca Giordano (17th century) (Public Domain)

The Prestigious Pedigree Of Aeneas, Descendant Of Dardanos

One hears of Aeneas’ pedigree for the first time from his own mouth, in the Iliad , as he stands facing his arch-foe, Achilles, on the battlefield before Troy: ‘ Learn then my lineage if you will –...
Sixth-Century silver plate of Hercules

The Rocks, Stained Red with Blood: A Son of Hercules Slew Giants at Salcombe, Devon?

The myth of Brutus of Troy is well over a thousand years old, yet it continues to fascinate and current scholarship seeks to find new truths hidden in its mossy folds. John Clark’s excellent paper ‘...
The True Origins of the Legend of Brutus of Troy and the London Stone

The True Origins of the Legend of Brutus of Troy and the London Stone

Until very recently, the London Stone was set into a shop wall in Cannon Street, nearly opposite the entrance to the railway station, but a few weeks ago it was removed and on 13 May this year [2016...
Detail of the Laxe dos Carballos  at Campo Lameiro, Galicia, Spain

A Walk Amongst the Petroglyphs of Galicia: Prehistoric Designs Trace Life and Times of Bronze Age Europeans

From the Upper Palaeolithic and down through the Neolithic, the Chalcolithic and into the Bronze Age, our ancestors in western Europe left behind traces of their thoughts and beliefs through rock art...