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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Advanced Agricultural Knowledge 8,000 Years - Fertilizers

Evidence of Advanced Agricultural Knowledge Dating Back 8,000 Years

Evidence showing that ancient civilizations were far more superior to what we have thought has been emerging every day. For example, we have recently reported on the discovery of old Chinese writing...
Lost Pyramids found - Egypt, angela micol

Could this Finding Dwarf the Pyramids of Giza? Long-Lost Pyramids Confirmed in Egypt

Substantial evidence has emerged confirming that mysterious structures found by an amateur satellite archaeologist are a series of long-lost pyramids in the Egyptian desert. The pyramid-like...
Too Primitive to Detect Advanced Extraterrestrial Life

Are we Too Primitive to Detect Advanced Extraterrestrial Life?

Leading scientists, astronomers and philosophers alike have pondered the question – are we just too primitive to detect signals or signs of intelligent life on other planets? According to Arthur C...
Moche Mummy - Peru, Lima

Sacrificed Woman Discovered in Cao Ruins of Peru

Archaeologists investigating the Cao Viejo ruins at the El Brujo complex have found the mummified remains of a sacrificed woman of the Moche culture , which occupied Peru’s northern coastal valleys...
 Seventh century Islamic dwelling in Qatar - Al Wakrah

Archaeologists Discover Rare Seventh century Islamic dwelling in Qatar

Archaeologists have stumbled upon a rare find in the south of Al Wakrah, Qatar – the remains of a well-preserved seventh century Islamic dwelling . Radiocarbon dating suggests that the house was...
Greek Graffiti Izmir Turkey

1,500-year-old Greek Graffiti Sheds Light on Ancient Civilization

Archaeologists working on the ancient agora (marketplace) of the city of Smyrna in Greece have made a fascinating discovery – a rich collection of Greek graffiti dating back to the 2 nd and 4 th...
Ancient Calendar Scotland - Warren Field

The Oldest Calendar in Scotland that Rewrote the History Books

Research carried out last year on an ancient site that was excavated by the National Trust for Scotland in 2004 revealed that it contained a sophisticated calendar system that is approximately 10,000...
Narigua petroglyphs - Mexico

8,000 petroglyphs, 6,000 years old, in Mexico open for view

Rock engravings or otherwise petroglyphs are shapes and images engraved on rock by our ancestors, a kind of rock art. Some of them represent everyday life events like hunting, some of them represent...
Inscription King Solomon - Jerusalem

Oldest Ever Inscription From King Solomon's Time Unearthed in Jerusalem

A pottery fragment has been uncovered near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is inscribed with the earliest alphabetical written text ever discovered in the region. The text has been dated back to...
Graves and Pyramids in Mexico

Construction workers stumble upon 2,000-year-old Ancient Settlement in Mexico

Construction work taking place in the town of Jaltipan, southeast of Veracruz in Mexico, has uncovered an ancient settlement dating back 2,000 years . So far, archaeologists have found 30 skeletons,...
‘Vampire’ burial site found in Poland

The Vampire burials of Poland

The last few weeks we have been bombarded by the discovery of graves, evidence of ancient massacres and dead bodies found all over the world. But we do not hear every day about ‘vampire’ bodies! Well...
Technology and the Face of Archaeology

How Technology is Changing the Face of Archaeology

This week, Peruvian archaeologists announced plans to use mini remote control helicopters with high definition cameras to study and protect archaeological sites in Peru. Through a partnership between...
Crimea: A 2,300 years old massacre discovered

A 2,300 years old massacre discovered

Chersonesos is an ancient city on the Crimean peninsula, which was founded by Greek colonists at the end of the 6th century BC. The area was once used to cultivate crops to create food for the Greek...
Ancient Chinese Writing Discovered in Shanghai

Oldest Ever Chinese Writing Discovered in Shanghai

Archaeologists have discovered inscriptions on artefacts dating back 5,000 years , which is 1,400 years older than the most ancient written Chinese language known to date, previously found on animal...
Neanderthals more sophisticated than currently believed

Were Neanderthals more sophisticated than currently believed?

Neanderthals were once considered to be subhuman brutes with low intelligence and capable of communicating through little more than a series of grunts. However, research fuelled by a fascination into...
Israel Egyptian sphinx paws

Archaeologists make rare find of Egyptian sphinx paws in Israel

A team of archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have made a surprising discovery in Hazor, a UNESCO World Heritage Site north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel: the paws of an Egyptian...
Lake Vostok, Australia

The Mystery of Lake Vostok

Lake Vostok is located in Antarctica and is a subglacial lake hidden under the ice. It is the largest of all subglacial lakes in Antarctica and exists 4,000 meters under the surface of ice. Andrei...
5,000-year-old pyramid decimated in Peru

5,000-year-old pyramid decimated in Peru

Private construction companies have destroyed pyramid El Paraiso, a 5,000-year-old ancient structure located near the river Chillon, several kilometres north of Lima in Peru. The archaeological site...
Ancient Hillfort Research

Archaeologists call on Citizens to Help in Ancient Hillfort Research

Researchers in Britain are undertaking a large-scale projec t to gather information on approximately 5,000 Iron Age hill forts scattered throughout the UK and Ireland and are calling on the help of...
3,000 year old Chinese Tombs - sacrifice

Evidence of sacrifice found in 3,000 year old Chinese Tombs

In 2011, excavations began in the Jiangzhai village in China, which uncovered an ancient graveyard known as the Yejiashan graveyard. More than 3700 square meters have been excavated and many...
The Golden Man of Kazakhstan

The Reburial of a 2500-year-old Cursed Ancient Warlord

Last year, the Kazakh Culture Ministry ordered the reburial of the remains of an ancient warlord in the Shiliktinskaya Valley in eastern Kazakhstan after elders claimed that a curse associated with...
Remarkable 3,000-year-old Subterranean Tunnels Discovered in Jerusalem

Remarkable 3,000-year-old Subterranean Tunnels Discovered in Jerusalem

Last month we reported on the massive network of underground tunnels which are scattered throughout Europe and explored myths and legends from around the world that present stories of mysterious...
Toe Rings, Ancient Egyptian Skeletons

Archaeologists Uncover First Ever Ancient Egyptian Skeletons Wearing Copper Toe Rings

Just south of the ancient city of Akhetaten in Egypt (now called Amarna), archaeologists have made a perplexing discovery – two Egyptian skeletons dating back 3,300 years, both of which were wearing...
60 billion habitable planets

Milky Way may contain 60 billion habitable planets

A new study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University has revealed that our galaxy may contain as many 60 billion planets capable of supporting life, which is double the most recent...
