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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


2,500-year-old chariot

Complete remains of 2,500-year-old chariot and two horses found in Bulgaria

Archaeologists have uncovered the incredible remains of a complete Thracian carriage and two horses that appear to have been buried upright. The horses and carriage were found in a Thracian tomb...
The 'lost world' of Socotra

The lost world of Socotra, a remote island with plants up to 20 million years old

The remote island of Socotra could be straight out of a science-fiction movie. Its native flora is so unique and foreign to the eye that it has been described as the most alien looking place on earth...
Australian Aboriginals and Ice Age

How Aboriginal Australians Survived the Last Ice Age

A new study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science has investigated how Aboriginal Australians managed to survive during the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago in which they would have had to...
Pyramid in Azores - Portugal

Reports of Underwater Pyramid off the Coast of Terceira Island

Portuguese news sites are reporting on the apparent discovery of a man-made subaquatic pyramid between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azore in Portugal. The underwater pyramidal...
Leopard Trap Discovered in Israel

5,000-Year-Old Leopard Trap Discovered in Israel

Scattered throughout the Negev Desert in the southern part of Israel are around 50 small constructions that look very much like piles of stones but which are in fact animal traps. Researchers had...
African in England

What were remains of 1,000-year-old African skeleton doing in England?

A skeleton discovered by teenagers earlier this summer from the River Coln in England has been identified as an African woman who died around 1,000 years ago, between 896AD and 1025AD. Now the...
England Practice Ancient Egyptian Mummification

Ancient Egyptian Practice of Mummification May Have Spread to England

The embalmed body of a child who died around 300 AD has been found near Barnsley in South Yorkshire, England. Egyptologist Joann Fletcher says that the remains indicate that the practice of...
Viking slaves buried with their masters

Discovery suggests Viking slaves were buried with their masters

Archaeologists have completed their analysis of a 1,000-year-old Viking man buried on an island in the Norwegian Sea, along with several other bodies buried nearby without their heads. Shockingly,...
Cyprus human figurine

Archaeologists unearth earliest complete human figurine in Cyprus

Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest ever human figurine in Cyprus , which has been dated to 10,500 to 11,000 years old. It was discovered during excavations at Agia Varvara-Asprokremnos, a...
Old Cave Paintings

Cave Paintings Among the Oldest in Europe

A team of scientists from Spain and France have discovered that a series of wall paintings in the Altxerri cave system in northern Spain date back to around 39,000 BC, making them among the earliest...
Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago

Reconsidering History: Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago

A new book by Italian physicist and philologist Lucio Russo presents the controversial claim that the ancient Greeks discovered America long before Christopher Columbus set foot on American soil in...
The Asur People - Hindu

Indus Valley Civilization Built By Technically Advanced Ancient Tribe

The sophisticated Indus civilization flourished over four millennia ago spanning an area greater than that of ancient Egypt in what is now Pakistan and western India. They lived in well-planned...
Universe is not flat

Universe may not be flat as we thought

One of the main perspectives in the scientific community regarding the shape of the Universe is that it is flat. However, new research done at the University of Edinburgh in the UK suggests that the...
Ancient Roman Well

Sacred Roman Well with Evidence of Dog Sacrifice Uncovered

Archaeologists in Portsmouth, UK, have discovered a Roman well buried just a few feet under a garden in the centre of Havant. The well was filled with coins, a bronze ring with a carving of Neptune,...
Etruscan Prince

Archaeologists Uncover 2,600-Year-Old Etruscan Prince

Archaeologists made an extraordinary finding when they opened a tomb in Italy that had been sealed for 2,600 years – the skeletonized body of an Etruscan prince , possibly a relative to Tarquinius...
Ancient Zagora - Andros

In search of the Lost City of Zagora

During the times of Homer, Zagora, a city on the island of Andros was the most powerful city during the Iron Age. However, the city was abandoned and disappeared without a trace. Now a team of...
Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

Scientists Reveal Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

British scientists have found evidence for a microscopic organism living 27 kilometres above Earth in the stratosphere and argue that it could not have been carried up into the atmosphere by storms...
Dalmanutha Israel

Has the lost Biblical town of Dalmanutha been found?

Today we reported on the discovery of a 2,000-year-old mansion at Jerusalem’s Mount Zion, which is believed to have belonged to a member of the Sadducees class, whom Jesus criticised for their wealth...
Mansion in Jerusalem related to Jesus

Archaeologists find 2,000-year-old mansion which probably belonged to enemy of Jesus

Archaeologists excavating at Jerusalem’s Mount Zion have uncovered the remains of a 2,000-year-old ruined mansion near the Second Temple erected by Herod. The discovery sheds light on the wealthy...
Life outer space - amino acids

Is this the final proof that life on Earth came from outer space?

We are all familiar with Darwin’s evolutionary theory that life developed on Earth by following specific steps and transitions which resulted in the gradual evolution of humans from apes. However,...
Angkor Wat

Laser Technology Reveals Surprising New Features at Angkor

Utilising the latest cutting-edge technology, archaeologists studying Angkor Wat in northwestern Cambodia have made some surprising new findings , most significantly that the ancient Khmer Empire...
Shumen Fortified Walls

7,000-year-old defensive walls in Bulgaria

Shumen is a city in Bulgaria that has existed since the Iron Age. The name is thought to have come from the Bulgarian word ‘shuma’, which means forest. The first fortified stone wall surrounding the...
Six million year old ape cranium

Six million year old ape cranium discovered in China

In the last few months, China has begun intensively investigating questions relating to human origins in an effort to discover whether their nation has been one of the cradles of civilizations. This...
Astronomical Observatory in Machu Picchu

Archaeologists Discover Astronomical Observatory in Machu Picchu

A monument discovered in part of Machu Picchu in Peru has been identified as an astronomical observatory by a research team led by Professor Mariusz of the University of Warsaw. The monument, called...
