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Life outer space - amino acids

Is this the final proof that life on Earth came from outer space?

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We are all familiar with Darwin’s evolutionary theory that life developed on Earth by following specific steps and transitions which resulted in the gradual evolution of humans from apes. However, panspermia theory presents an alternative perspective that life arrived on planet Earth from outer space either through a random event, such as being carried on a meteorite which crashed into Earth spreading the seeds for life, or through a purposeful action in which intelligent life decided to seed the planet.

Many researchers have proposed that complex molecules arrived on Earth via a comet or a meteor, but until now there wasn’t any undeniable evidence that this could happen.

However, a team of international scientists have confirmed that the essential blocks of life, amino acids, can indeed be created by a comet or meteor impacting Earth. The scientists have conducted experiments where they fired a projectile using a gas gun consisting of a typical ice mixture present in comets. The result of the experiments was the formation of several types of amino acids.

Since we know that comets have impacted Earth in the past and since we know that other planets contain mixtures of organic material mixed in water/ice (like Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Titan), it is now more probable than ever that building blocks of life have come to Earth from the outer space, providing further validation for the panspermia theory.

The question though remains, was it just a random event, or was it an event guided by intelligent beings as mythologies all over the world suggest?

By John Black

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John Black

Dr John (Ioannis) Syrigos initially began writing on Ancient Origins under the pen name John Black. He is both a co-owner and co-founder of Ancient Origins.

John is a computer & electrical engineer with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, a... Read More

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