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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Ancient Jewish Cemetary in Turkey

Construction Workers Stumble Upon Ancient Cemetery in Turkey

Construction workers digging a tunnel in the province of Izmir in Turkey have stumbled upon an ancient Jewish cemetery , and archaeologists believe that there may be many more remains still to be...
Legendary sea monsters - Kraken

Legendary sea monsters of the past may not be myth after all

According to Scandinavian mythology, the Kraken was a giant sea creature (said to be 1 mile long) believed to eat whales and devour entire ships, and generally described as being similar to an...
Huaca Partida

Archaeologists Uncover Spectacular Relief in 3,000-Year-Old Peruvian Temple

Researchers have discovered an enormous relief at the remains of a temple in northern Peru which depicts a man and bird of prey and dates back to about 1,000 BC. The finding suggests that the remains...
Hittites' Artefacts

Archaeologists Find Proof that early Hittites entered Europe

Archaeological discoveries in suburban Istanbul , Turkey, could rewrite the history books as new research has shown that the early Hittites ventured into Europe, while previously it was believed that...
Vikings' Slaves

New Study Shows Viking Graves contained Sacrificed Slaves

A new study which will be published in the new issues of the Journal of Archaeological Science has revealed that a set of Viking graves uncovered in Norway in the early 1980s contained the remains of...
Hobbit - Homo Floresiensis

Tracing ‘Hobbits’ DNA in modern humans

Homo Floresiensis or otherwise ‘Hobbit’ was a recently discovered dwarf-like human species of about 1 meter high that co-existed with other Homo sapiens about 12,000 years ago and then disappeared...
Unknown city in Gezer - Israel

Unknown Canaanite City found in Israel

Tel el-Jeser (Gezer) is a Canaanite city at the foothills of Judaean Mountains. It is a biblical city strategically situated between Egypt and Mesopotamia which is associated with Joshua and Solomon...
Eagle eating serpent sculpture

Finest Romano-British sculpture ever found in London

Archaeologists have unearthed a breathtaking sculpture of an eagle devouring a serpent under London’s streets during preparations for the site’s redevelopment into a hotel. Reverend Professor Martin...
LA Tar Pits

A century of research and LA tar pits still have not revealed all their secrets

The LA Brea Tar Pits are a collection of tar pits in urban Los Angeles which contain the richest and most diverse collection of Ice Age fossils on record. Last year, the George C. Page Museum...
Tattooed Maori head

Tattooed Maori head returns to New Zealand from British Museum

It’s not every day that someone receives a tattooed mummified head as a gift, but this is exactly what happened when Maori elders and New Zealand officials met with officials from Guernsey museum in...
Pipeline around ancient remains

Energy Company gets it Right after Discovery of Ancient Human Bones

We have published plenty of articles relating to destruction of archaeological sites and relics from a 5,000-year-old pyramid decimated in Peru , to an ancient Libyan necropolis being bulldozed to...
Ancient Ghana Figurine

Mysteries of Ancient Figurines Found in Ghana to be Revealed

Sixty ancient clay figurines, which were discovered in Ghana, are to be publicly displayed for the first time outside the country in a new exhibition at the Manchester Museum . The remarkable relics...
6,500-year-old wooden paddle

Archaeologists unearth a 6,500-year-old wooden paddle

Archaeologists investigating a site in Northern England have discovered a prehistoric wetland which was a hive of human activity at least 6,500 years ago during the Neolithic period. The site in...
Viking 'Parliament' in Scotland

Archaeologists Discover 1,000-year-old Viking 'Parliament' in Scotland

Archaeologists in Scotland have discovered an 11 th century Viking parliament underneath a parking lot in the town of Dingwall. It is a rare finding because most Viking assemblies took place in open-...
Lost City of Giants - Ecuador

Have explorers in Ecuador found ‘Lost City of Giants'? – Part 2

Further to the article published a few days ago relating to the discovery of a pyramid structure in the Ecuadorian jungle, author and researcher Bruce Fenton has released further details about this...
Indigenous Australians

Ancient Indigenous Practices of Australia Kept Nature in Harmony

For tens of thousands of years, the Aboriginal people of Australia lived in a deeply symbiotic relationship with nature. In what may seem like a contradiction, a recent study revealed how Aboriginal...
 1,700-year-old child’s coffin

Treasure-hunters find 1,700-year-old child’s coffin in England

A metal detecting club in England has stumbled upon a 1,700-year-old lead coffin in a field in Leicestershire, two miles aware from the site of a Roman settlement and fort. The coffin is thought to...
The Lost city of the Giants

Have explorers in Ecuador found ‘Lost City of Giants'?

Last year, a team of explorers and researchers discovered what they believed to be an ancient pyramid complex in a remote area of the Ecuador Amazonian jungle, one not known to the general public...
Ancient greek music - theatre

The Sound of Ancient Greece Reconstructed

A musician and tutor in classics at Oxford University has been bringing back to life the music of ancient Greece , unheard for thousands of years, using a combination of archaeology and historical...
Curse tablet in Jerusalem

Archaeologists Find Ancient Magic Curse Tablet in Jerusalem

Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists have discovered a 1,700-year-old curse tablet in the ruins of an old Roman mansion in the City of David in Jerusalem. It is believed the words were written...
Secret Tomb found in Egypt

Archaeologists find 4,000 year-old tomb of prominent doctor to pharaohs southwest of Cairo

A Czech archaeological mission in Egypt has discovered a 4,000-year-old tomb which belonged to a prominent doctor to the pharaohs in the fifth dynasty, which began its rule shortly after 2,500 BC...
Shiv temple

Archaeologists condemn India’s Treasure Hunt based on Holy Man’s Vision

Earlier this week we reported on an excavation taking place in Uttar Pradesh, India, after Hindu swami Shobhan Sarkar relayed a dream to an Indian government minister in which the spirit of a former...
Nottingham Caves

Laser-Scanning Hundreds of Artificial Caves beneath Nottingham

The Nottingham Regeneration Project has launched a large-scale initiative to survey, scan, and photograph the city’s enormous underground network of caves , which have immense historical importance...
Alien Slime - Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum sets up unit to investigate unexplained phenomena

It is reassuring to see that there are still some brave scientists around willing to investigate the less conventional findings rather than simply placing them in the ‘too hard to solve’ basket – the...
