Nestled in a secluded valley surrounded by towering mountains, Petra reveals an intriguing narrative of architectural brilliance and cultural depth. The Siq, a narrow fault serving as the city's...
Petra is an ancient city located in present-day Jordan, renowned for its breathtaking architecture carved into the rose-red cliffs and its historical significance. The history of Petra dates back...
The magnificent ancient city of Petra , nestled in the rugged mountains of modern-day Jordan, captivates visitors with its breathtaking beauty and historical significance. Recognized as one of the...
Deep within the canyons of Jordan's desert lies a breathtaking ancient treasure - the stone city of Petra . This sprawling metropolis, hand-carved into the sandstone cliffs, is a testament to an...
Chalk one up for the all-seeing eye of Google Earth. Using this global aerial imaging program as a tool of discovery, last year archaeologists from the University of Oxford identified the ruins of...
In another case of nature’s wrath rearing its head, flash floods have struck the iconic world heritage site at Petra, Jordan, forcing the evacuation of 1,700 tourists . A whopping 66 millimeters of...
Adoration of the Sun and alignment of monuments to its annual path through the skies was universal in the ancient world. Evidence of that devotion has been uncovered in sacred architecture across...
An ancient, inscribed Byzantine Greek stone has been discovered in Israel’s Negev desert with a rare Greek dedication to Maria, the Mother of God. The Byzantine Greek stone was found in Israel’s...
The Nabataeans were a society who inhabited Arabia and the Southern Levant from the 3rd century BC to approximately 106 AD when the Nabataean kingdom was annexed by the Roman Empire. Known for their...
In ancient times, people would travel thousands of kilometers across land and sea, along a network of trading routes, to acquire the precious commodities of myrrh and frankincense. The ancient...
The city of Damascus, which lies in the southwestern part of Syria, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. This city is located in a desert oasis on the eastern foothills of...
A study published in March by the Nexus Network Journal suggests that the spatial position of palaces, temples, and tombs built at least 2, 300 years ago by the Nabataeans, including the famous city...