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Replicas of the Treasure of Villena. Source: Public Domain

Treasure of Villena Reveals Traces of Extraterrestrial Iron!

A dazzling Bronze Age hoard, discovered 60 years ago in Spain, referred to as the Treasure of Villena, and dating back to the period between 2200 and 750 BC, has now been found to possess ‘extra-...
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg as printed in an illustrated news notice (described by UFO enthusiasts as an aerial battle of extraterrestrial origin and considered a sun dog by skeptics) Source: Public Domain

Chariots of The Gods, Ships in The Sky: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena of the Past

For thousands of years, people have been describing unexplainable gleaming objects in the sky. Some aerial phenomena like comets, meteor showers, bolides , auroras or even earthquake lightning – all...
Overview of the Mörigen arrowhead. Source: Thomas Schüpbach/Science Direct

Swiss Scientists Identify Bronze Age Iron Arrowhead Made from a Meteorite!

A team of scientists recently completed a study of prehistoric metal artifacts collected in Switzerland over the past couple of centuries, with a very clear purpose in mind. They were looking to see...
The meteorite that crashed through a car in Benld, Illinois. (GNU Free Documentation License).

The Tiny Meteorite That Crashed Through a Car (Video)

In a small town in Benld, Illinois , an extraordinary event took place on September 29th, 1938. Ed McCain made a fascinating discovery when he found a hole in the seat of his parked Pontiac. Assuming...
Hopewell culture serpent effigy, Turner Group, Mound 4, Little Miami Valley, Ohio.		Source: Daderot / Public domain

Legendary Hopewell Culture Destroyed By Exploding Comet, Study Says

After enjoying centuries of stability, the prosperous Native American Hopewell culture suddenly went into rapid and irreversible decline around the year 500 AD. The reasons why this happened have...
The 10 Most Exciting and Extraordinary Artifact Finds Of 2021

The 10 Most Exciting and Extraordinary Artifact Finds Of 2021

2021 was a bumper year for the discovery of obscure, odd and unexpected artifacts all around the world – and even beyond! From the golden tongued mummies of Egypt, a bullet-shaped metal anomaly in a...
The Zone of Silence in northern Mexico. Source: Cryptocône / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Zone of Silence – The Bizarre Bermuda Triangle of Northern Mexico

Within the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve, in a place known as the Trino Vertex, lies a patch of desert which has garnered a reputation for strange occurrences. Known as la Zona del SIlencio , or the Zone...
Analysis of the Woodmancote meteorite was conducted using a range of technology. Source: Loughborough University

Can 4.6 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Hold Secrets of Life on Earth?

The 4.6 billion-year-old meteorite crashed to Earth in March having travelled through space and time from the very birth of our solar system. The charcoal-black alien rock travelled more than 110...
Anomalous Metallic Object Discovered Inside a 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite

Anomalous Metallic Object Discovered Inside a 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite

As meteorite dealers, my wife Linda and I have continued supplying meteorites and importing new stock throughout lockdown. On Friday, April 17th 2020, I received a parcel of meteorites I had ordered...
Pallasite - Fukang Meteorite

Space Rock Mystery: Where Did the Fukang Meteorite Come From?

The Fukang Meteorite is the name given to a meteorite that was discovered in China. The Fukang Meteorite belongs to a class of stony-iron meteorite known as Pallasite, which may be recognized by the...
Historic Archive Tells Dark Story Of Death By Meteorite

Historic Archive Tells Dark Story Of Death By Meteorite

Researchers have unearthed the only historically documented case of people being struck by a meteorite. Tales of meteorites falling to Earth are carved on prehistoric stones and featured in the Bible...
The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

The Kaaba Black Stone: A Holy Stone from Outer Space?

Every day, five times a day, Muslims across the world face the holy site of Mecca and pray. Mecca is believed to be the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad but when followers visit the site, it is not...
Illustration of meteor entering Earth's atmosphere    Source: lassedesignen / Adobe Stock

Oldest Material On Earth Discovered To Be Older Than The Sun

Stars have life cycles. They're born when bits of dust and gas floating through space find each other and collapse in on each other and heat up. They burn for millions to billions of years, and then...
Mars cataclysm

Evidence of Major Cataclysm on Mars Which Would Have Destroyed any Life

Analysis of data collected by the Mars Curiosity Rover revealed evidence of a past cataclysmic event that would have ended all life on the surface of the red planet. The event could have involved...
A meteorite that a farmer used as a doorstop for years is actually worth $100,000!

Farmer Discovers He’s Been Using a Meteorite As a Doorstop…And It’s Worth $100,000

By Cat Bolton , Epoch Times When an anonymous farmer in Michigan purchased his property roughly 30 years ago, the previous owner claimed that a massive rock on the property—being used as a doorstop...
The Inca artifact found in Florida.

Ancient Inca Artifact Discovered in Florida Points to a $4 billion Sunken Treasure Hoard

In a confidential location at sea near Melbourne, Florida, explorers and treasure recovery experts have found an ancient Peruvian funeral mask which they think is evidence of a sunken treasure worth...
The discovery of mysterious petroglyphs suggests that a meteor has been observed in ancient times in Morocco.

Ancient Carved Eye-Witness Accounts Show Martian Invaders Attacking the Moroccan Landscape

A team of researchers in Morocco have unearthed rocks carved with what appear to be petroglyphs of meteors crashing through space towards Earth, suggesting ancient Moroccan people might have...
The Meteoric Mystery of The Magical Islamic Stone: Experts Seek Help in Deciphering Inscription

The Meteoric Mystery of The Magical Islamic Stone: Experts Seek Help in Deciphering Inscription

This weekend, history experts across London are attempting to solve the astronomical mystery surrounding an ancient carved “meteorite” found in Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq) by a 19th century English...
Uluru, also referred to as Ayers Rock, is sacred to the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara, the Aboriginal people of the area. It has many springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.

Aboriginal languages could reveal scientific clues to Australia’s unique past

The loss of Australian aboriginal languages could obstruct access to unique scientific information regarding Australia’s ancient geological history, according to a story reported this week by BBC...
Main: Hopewell burial mounds in Ohio (CC by SA 3.0). Inset: One of the meteoritic iron beads found in a Hopewell mound.

Jewelry from Outer Space: Hopewell Culture Made Beads from Meteoritic Iron

A team of scientists has discovered the origins of the ancient Hopewell culture's meteorite jewelry. The beads were found in a burial mound in Havana, Illinois, in 1945. Many questions about the...
Arctic Meteorites

People of the Arctic worked meteorite iron 1,200 years ago

About 10,000 years ago a big meteorite fell to the Earth on northern Greenland and broke apart. About 1,300 years ago, Dorset Culture people in the Innaanganeq or Cape York Peninsula area of...
A meteorite in space. (Public Domain) Insert: This meteorite is the oldest item to have ever been bought in an auction.

Space Rock Sold! 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite is the Oldest Item Ever Sold on Earth

A 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite is one of the oldest of its kind in the world and a chunk of this space rock has now become the oldest item ever sold in an auction. But its purchaser is not the...
Clockwise: Rhodesia Man (YouTube Screenshot), H. H. Nininger (Fair Use), Auroch skull (Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients), Salzburg Cube (Public Domain),Roman Nails (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 5

This series has highlighted many real modern world phenomena that don’t quite fit the conventional wisdom regarding the ancient history of the world as we think we know it. In this section, we will...
The Wold Newton Meteorite: An Extraordinary Stone and the Birth of a Superhero

The Wold Newton Meteorite: An Extraordinary Stone and the Birth of a Superhero

In a remote part of North-East England called the Yorkshire Wolds, an incident took place on Sunday 13th December 1795 that not only became talking point of late 18th century London society but also...
