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Ancient Hominids Face Reconstruction

The Faces of Ancient Hominids Brought to Life in Remarkable Detail

Several years ago, a team of scientists from the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, set out to put a human face to ancient hominid species that once walked the Earth. Using...
An illustration depicting the possible path of human evolution.

The Earliest Known Human Ancestor is a What?!

For those that believe human beings were created in God’s own image, the idea that we have monkeys in our evolutionary history is a little hard to swallow, so it is likely to cause even more upset...
Sarcophagus of Ancient Egyptian Chief Priest Harkhebit IV. The text on the lid comes from the Book of the Dead.

Zep Tepi and the Djed Mystery: The Book of the Dead and Fallen Civilizations—Part II

Chapter XVII of the Egyptian Book of the Dead highlights an indisputable detail: ritual formulas hid proofs of prehistoric events. They were handed down orally, and after millennia they inspired the...
The 2.8 million-year-old fossilized jawbone with small teeth which may be a transitional fossil between primitive and modern man

Jawbone found in Ethiopia set to rewrite history, push back origins of humans

An extraordinary fossil find in the desert of Ethiopia is pushing back the dawn of humankind by approximately half a million years, and rewriting what we know about the evolutionary branching that...

The Takenouchi Manuscripts and the Story of Humanity Never Told

The Takenouchi manuscripts are a set of mysterious documents that were rewritten by a man named Takenouchino Matori 1,500 years ago in a mixture of Japanese and Chinese characters, transcribed from...
Hominids in Africa

Could Cave Findings Unravel Mysteries of Human Origins?

Archaeologists have just completed a 3-week excavation of the Rising Star cave system in the northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the results are expected to be revolutionary. The dig yielded...
Human Origins Cradle in China

Investigation into Human Origins to be Launched in China

The Cultural Heritage Bureau of Hebei province in China has announced that they will be funding an initiative to investigate traces of early humans in order to learn more about the origins of humans...

Doomsday odds to improve

According to a new analysis, the chances of human civilization surviving long enough to colonise other planets may be better than previously thought. The doomsday argument predicts humanity’s...