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Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

A man in the UK claims to have solved the mystery of how large objects such as the standing stones at Stonehenge and Egyptian statues and mega-stones were moved in the past. Steven Tasker has created...
Vimanas: Greater Understanding on a Hotly Debated Topic

Vimanas: Greater Understanding on a Hotly Debated Topic

It is an intellectual pleasure to find friends and topics that intertwine over time and lead to greater understanding. It is like lifting a heavy velvet cloth and discovering ancient and precious...
Catapulta by Edward Poynter

Were Catapults the Secret to Roman Military Success?

The Roman Empire conquered the known world in large part due to its army. The Roman Army was a formidable force of training and discipline led by military minds who established organizational and...
The Persian War Machine: The Immortals – Part II

The Persian War Machine: The Immortals – Part II

The Persian war machine made empires beforehand look miniature. The Persians were able to take the best from all over the Near East and turn it into a force that could not be defeated for many...
The Persian War Machine: Organization and Command – Part I

The Persian War Machine: Organization and Command – Part I

The Persian war machine made empires beforehand look miniature. The Persians were able to take the best from all over the Near East and turn it into a force that could not be defeated for many...
The Great Pyramid of Giza

Ancient Machine Used to Protect Great Pyramid Pharaoh in His Afterlife Revealed

Both in life and the afterlife, protection was essential for the pharaohs. An Egyptologist studying Giza for the last 30 years says that devices were put in place at the Great pyramid in an attempt...

Ancient Chinese abacus receives UNESCO recognition

The abacus , also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use centuries before the adoption of the written modern numeral system and is still widely used by merchants, traders and...
Antikythera Mechanism

The incredible inner workings of ancient Antikythera mechanism explained

The Antikythera mechanism is one of the most amazing mechanical devices discovered from the ancient world. For decades, scientists have utilized the latest technology in attempts to decipher its...