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Gods Forgotten Mount Sea Mountain Frozen Ocean

The Mythological Pantheon of Ancient Islands: Cosmic Sharks and Whale Riders

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Complicated words and pictures printed on parents’ newspapers mean absolutely nothing in the imaginative realm of children; however magical beings, fantastic creatures and obscure landscapes featuring in myths and folklore, all make perfect sense. Children all over the world are read stories of heroes following winding rivers and venturing to mystical islands where they battle bizarre oceanic creatures and while the protagonists’ characters and personalities lead the charge in these myths, water is a primordial mythological symbol of life, cleansing and rebirth. In myths and folklore, water represents the mystery, infinity, transitional and eternal nature of creation, thus, the hero’s voyage to a magical island becomes the pioneering journey of inner space and cosmic time.

Part of an old sea chart made by Albino de Canepa, showing the mythological islands Antillia and Roillo. (Public Domain)

Part of an old sea chart made by Albino de Canepa, showing the mythological islands Antillia and Roillo. (Public Domain)

Archetype of the Hero’s Journey

Mythologists, historians, archaeologists and anthropologists discover archetypes such as; the hero, the sage, the god, the trickster and the child in the mythological corpus of cultures all over the world. These characters are usually featured clashing with giant serpents, enduring floods, being seduced by treasures and demons disguised as virginal maidens; all the way living what has been defined as ‘the hero’s journey’ from birth, through life and to completion in death. Essentially, the mythological hero goes on an adventure and is victorious in a decisive crisis before coming home transformed and bringing the gifts of his new wisdom.

In 1949, American scholar Joseph Campbell wrote the seminal work of comparative mythology, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he discusses the journey of the archetypal hero found in global myths. Since Campbell's observations many modern artists, writers and filmmakers, including George Lucas in his Star Wars films, have publicly acknowledged Campbell’s hero-concept as having influenced their story telling.

This diagram of the “Monomyth” or “Hero's Journey” is based on Joseph Campbell’s mythological analysis. (Public Domain)

This diagram of the “Monomyth” or “Hero's Journey” is based on Joseph Campbell’s mythological analysis. (Public Domain)

Developing Campbell’s ideas, David Leeming’s 1998 tour de force, Mythology: Voyage of the Hero, asks: “What makes something mythic?” and “What do mythic events and narratives have to do with us?” Presenting universal themes found in the myths of many distant world cultures, Leeming presents a wide array of interpretations by Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, illustrating how myths developed within societies from the human trait of searching for meaning and universal truths in natural occurrences.


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Ashley Cowie is a Scottish historian, author and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems, in accessible and exciting ways. His books, articles and television shows explore lost cultures and kingdoms, ancient crafts and artifacts, symbols and architecture, myths and legends telling thought-provoking stories which together offer insights into our shared social history.

Top Image: Gods Forgotten Mount Sea Mountain Frozen Ocean (Public Domain)



Hi Everyone,

Joseph Campbell's statement regarding Global Mythology puts a fresh perspective on our Ancestors Oral History.

I think the reason why people resist these stories are because we're afraid of them; another step in to the unknown, what took place in those stories defined as Myth's is that they go against the Natural Order of things.

For something like the beings described in The Story usually ID as gods or demons they're like the ultimate monster under the bed and in the closet.

I know, I've said this before and most likely by now a majority of people are tired of me bringing up the subject, but, the topic matters to me because in my opinion; it answers the World's Questions, of not only did these quote gods, and demons, Evil-Spirits exist but also why how they came to be in the first place.

That is Enoch, to me Enoch is the point of origin; Enoch is like a treasure map but, the treasure where searching for is ourselves.

What has happened to Us and where do we go long after this World is no more?

On that note The entire Bible answers that question. Getting back to Enoch He lays out before Us in the Scriptures The Ancient World forever clothed in an obscure Cloud by our thinking regarding Mythology therefore unaware that those things spoken of by our great-grandparent's are true.

That bearded man in the article sitting a top an Island looking down on the Water look how big he is Enoch said Men like him grew to 3000 feet in height; and when Enoch encountered The Grigori on a 5th Heaven which is 2nd Hell in reality where they're bound in chains fast an Enoch points out three of the Grigori escaped down to Earth why are the Grigori so significant?

Because the Grigori were said to be even bigger than the Nephilims 3000 ft. Ht. Just how big is that than The Titan's? Or Colossus size.

That example may not be very impressive so what of the famous Mountain at the center of alk the Greco-Roman Stories Mt. Olympus?

That's in Heaven God's Country Enoch 1 Book of the Watchers teaches that this mountain is massive that is feels the Heaven's up, so the Greeks calls it Mt. Olympus to me Olympus is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

Am I right with this assessment probably not that's when the church hymnal "When we All Get to Heaven comes in to play".

Guess my excitement for Enoch and The Global Myths mentioned by Joseph Campbell is telling I think that's all I have to say in regards too the subject of Myth's the Oral stories of our Ancestors for now so this is where I say Goodbye Everyone!

Hi Everyone,

Joseph Campbell's statement regarding Global Mythology puts a fresh perspective on our Ancestors Oral History.

I think the reason why people resist these stories are because we're afraid of them; another step in to the unknown, what took place in those stories defined as Myth's is that they go against the Natural Order of things.

For something like the beings described in The Story usually ID as gods or demons they're like the ultimate monster under the bed and in the closet.

I know, I've said this before and most likely by now a majority of people are tired of me bringing up the subject, but, the topic matters to me because in my opinion; it answers the World's Questions, of not only did these quote gods, and demons, Evil-Spirits exist but also why how they came to be in the first place.

That is Enoch, to me Enoch is the point of origin; Enoch is like a treasure map but, the treasure where searching for is ourselves.

What has happened to Us and where do we go long after this World is no more?

On that note The entire Bible answers that question. Getting back to Enoch He lays out before Us in the Scriptures The Ancient World forever clothed in an obscure Cloud by our thinking regarding Mythology therefore unaware that those things spoken of by our great-grandparent's are true.

That bearded man in the article sitting a top an Island looking down on the Water look how big he is Enoch said Men like him grew to 3000 feet in height; and when Enoch encountered The Grigori on a 5th Heaven which is 2nd Hell in reality.

They're bound in chains fast an Enoch points out three of the Grigori escaped down to Earth why are the Grigori so significant?

Because the Grigori were said to be even bigger than the Nephilims 3000 ft. Ht. Just how big is that to me I think that's the Titan's either that or Colossus take that 7th Wonder of a great statue of a man in the Ancient World again this gives the impression of possibility the guy existed.

That example may not be very impressive so what of the famous Mountain at the center of the Greco-Roman Stories about Mt. Olympus said to be the homes of zeus, hera, ares, & athena/Artemis?

That mountain God's Country Heaven Enoch 1 Book of the Watchers teaches that this mountain is massive that it fills the Heaven's up, so the Greeks calls it Mt. Olympus in my opinion I believe that Olympus is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

Am I right with this assessment probably not that's when the church hymnal "When we All Get to Heaven comes in to play".

Guess my excitement for Enoch and The Global Myths mentioned by Joseph Campbell is a rather telling topic.

I think that's all I have to say in regards too the subject of Myth's the Oral stories of our Ancestors for now so this is where I say Goodbye Everyone!

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Ashley is a Scottish historian, author, and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems in accessible and exciting ways.

He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of... Read More

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