Tracing The Footprints Of The Philistines To Minoan Knossos On Crete
The year 1185 BC heralded a diaspora of the so-called Sea Peoples to the south-western coast of the Levantine. From the west they came in ships via the Mediterranean Sea and from the north they crossed the land over what is now Syria. They were not only warriors, but they trekked with their whole communities including their livestock, to settle in the region, bringing their cultures and religions with them. Pharaoh Ramses blocked their invasion into Egypt and drove them back to the coast of the Levant. Thus, the descendants of these people became Philistia, encompassing the pentapolis of Ekron, Gaza, Gath, Ashkelon and Ashdod. The last two settlements’ prefixes interestingly remind of the goddess Asherah, revered in the region during the Iron Age. Biblical references of Amos 9:7 and Jeremiah 47:4 state the Philistines came from Kaftor, the Hebrew name for Crete, the island of the Minoan Knossos. But the Bible is not the only source, as archaeological evidence also supports cross-cultural pollination.
The Philistine Cult Of The Goddess Ashera
The term ‘Asherah’ appears 40 times in the nine books of the Torah, sometimes as Asherah referring to the goddess herself and sometimes as ‘asherah’, referring to a wooden pilar or tree representing the goddess. I Kings 15:13 refers to the “ repulsive image for the worship of Ashera”; I Kings 18:19 refers to the 400 prophets of Ashera; II Kings 23:4 refers to icons of Baal and Asherah in the temple, II Chronicles 15:16 refers to the “ detestable image for Asherah” and Judges 3:7 refers to the worshippers of Baals and Asherahs.
Archaeologists such as William G Denver in What did the Biblical writers know and when did they know it (2002) and Judith M Hadley in The Cult of Asherah in ancient Israel and Judah (2000) did not doubt that by the eighth century BC, Asherah was regarded as the consort of Yahweh. For several centuries the wooden pillar representing Asherah stood in the Temple of Solomon and her icons were discovered all over Palestine. Hadley mentioned the lions and snakes which were recognized emblems of Asherah.
Painting on a jar found at Kuntillet Ajrud, under the inscription "Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah" (Public Domain)
At Kuntilet ‘Ajrud in the northern Sinai-peninsula inscriptions referring to " Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah" and " Yahweh of Teman and his Asherah” were found.
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Dr Micki Pistorius has an Honours Degree in Biblical Archaeology
Top Image: Fresco of the Bull Horns and Minoan women of Priestesses (Image: Courtesy Micki Pistorius)
Hi All,
I enjoyed reading this article "Tracing The Footprint's of the Philistine's", I recall reading in The Bible; Genesis about the origins of The Philistine's, the scriptures mentions they arrived in Mesopotamia after the Eruption of a Volcano somewhere around Crete.
I also remembered A&E's original Documentary series then on channel 43 Mysteries of The Bible The Philistine's but the program narrated by Richard Kiley an Scripture read, by the late Actress Jean Simmons that some Scholars disagreed with that estimation about The Philistine's first introduced in Genesis.
It was said that The Father of History Herodotus visited The Holy Land in the year 540 B.C.E an bestowed on the region the name Palestine which of course means "Land of The Philistine's" though, I did think they themselves were extinct.
After learning from Jeopardy Hosted by the late Host Alex Trebek about The Canaanites not being extinct an more so living in Lebanon who knows perhaps The Philistine's is still here.
I did notice as I read the article about Ashera an Baal; about Ashera being the Wife of Yahweh. The issue with this period in Bible history is that Israel an Judah were worshipping graven images, idols however the name Ashera looks a bit familiar too me all is have too do is remove The A from the name an you get Hera, I find that rather intriguing.
In the Middle East at least there appears to be an consensus that The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost who makes up The Holy Trinity is in fact Woman; in some Bible Book's "She" is referenced in Proverbs as Wisdom an other's as The Holy One.
A long time ago in Church History when someone was Baptized or the Benediction was done by the Pastor; they once said I now Baptize you In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Mother today She's addressed as Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.
Harkening back too Israel & Judah worshipping the Idol's Baal a weather deity an Ashera the Scriptures say that they passed their children through the Fire.
This means they are sacrificing their children; to these Graven Image's which is why the Scriptures always described God as Very Wroth towards Israel & Judah for their constant Backsliding Behavior an breaking The Covenant with God.
By the time one reads Ezekiel God addresses Israel, Judah, Samaria as a Rebellious People; while the first wave of People were taken from Judah to face The Babylonian Captivity.
I think this is where I'll end the discussion about The Philistine's, Israel & Graven Image's of Baal & Ashera. So until next Discussion, Everyone Goodbye!
Hi All,
I enjoyed reading this article "Tracing The Footprint's of the Philistine's", I recall reading in The Bible; Genesis about the origins of The Philistine's, the scriptures mentions they arrived in Mesopotamia after the Eruption of a Volcano somewhere around Crete.
I also remembered A&E's original Documentary series then on channel 43 Mysteries of The Bible The Philistine's but the program narrated by Richard Kiley an Scripture read, by the late Actress Jean Simmons that some Scholars disagreed with that estimation about The Philistine's first introduced in Genesis.
It was said that The Father of History Herodotus visited The Holy Land in the year 540 B.C.E an bestowed on the region the name Palestine which of course means "Land of The Philistine's" though, I did think they themselves were extinct.
After learning from Jeopardy Hosted by the late Host Alex Trebek about The Canaanites not being extinct an more so living in Lebanon who knows perhaps The Philistine's is still here.
I did notice as I read the article about Ashera an Baal; about Ashera being the Wife of Yahweh. The issue with this period in Bible history is that Israel an Judah were worshipping graven images, idols however the name Ashera looks a bit familiar too me all is have too do is remove The A from the name an you get Hera, I find that rather intriguing.
In the Middle East at least there appears to be an consensus that The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost who makes up The Holy Trinity is in fact Woman; in some Bible Book's "She" is referenced in Proverbs as Wisdom an other's as The Holy One.
A long time ago in Church History when someone was Baptized or the Benediction was done by the Pastor; they once said I now Baptize you In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Mother today She's addressed as Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.
Harkening back too Israel & Judah worshipping the Idol's Baal a weather deity an Ashera the Scriptures say that they passed their children through the Fire.
This means they are sacrificing their children; to these Graven Image's which is why the Scriptures always described God as Very Wroth towards Israel & Judah for their constant Backsliding Behavior an breaking The Covenant with God.
By the time one reads Ezekiel God addresses Israel, Judah, Samaria as a Rebellious People; while the first wave of People were taken from Judah to face The Babylonian Captivity.
I think this is where I'll end the discussion about The Philistine's, Israel & Graven Image's of Baal & Ashera. So until next Discussion, Everyone Goodbye!
Hi All,
I enjoyed reading this article "Tracing The Footprint's of the Philistine's", I recall reading in The Bible; Genesis about the origins of The Philistine's, the scriptures mentions they arrived in Mesopotamia after the Eruption of a Volcano somewhere around Crete.
I also remembered A&E's original Documentary series then on channel 43 Mysteries of The Bible The Philistine's but the program narrated by Richard Kiley an Scripture read, by the late Actress Jean Simmons that some Scholars disagreed with that estimation about The Philistine's first introduced in Genesis.
It was said that The Father of History Herodotus visited The Holy Land in the year 540 B.C.E an bestowed on the region the name Palestine which of course means "Land of The Philistine's" though, I did think they themselves were extinct.
After learning from Jeopardy Hosted by the late Host Alex Trebek about The Canaanites not being extinct an more so living in Lebanon who knows perhaps The Philistine's is still here.
I did notice as I read the article about Ashera an Baal; about Ashera being the Wife of Yahweh. The issue with this period in Bible history is that Israel an Judah were worshipping graven images, idols however the name Ashera looks a bit familiar too me all is have too do is remove The A from the name an you get Hera, I find that rather intriguing.
In the Middle East at least there appears to be an consensus that The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost who makes up The Holy Trinity is in fact Woman; in some Bible Book's "She" is referenced in Proverbs as Wisdom an other's as The Holy One.
A long time ago in Church History when someone was Baptized or the Benediction was done by the Pastor; they once said I now Baptize you In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Mother today She's addressed as Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.
Harkening back too Israel & Judah worshipping the Idol's Baal a weather deity an Ashera the Scriptures say that they passed their children through the Fire.
This means they are sacrificing their children; to these Graven Image's which is why the Scriptures always described God as Very Wroth towards Israel & Judah for their constant Backsliding Behavior an breaking The Covenant with God.
By the time one reads Ezekiel God addresses Israel, Judah, Samaria as a Rebellious People; while the first wave of People were taken from Judah to face The Babylonian Captivity.
I think this is where I'll end the discussion about The Philistine's, Israel & Graven Image's of Baal & Ashera. So until next Discussion, Everyone Goodbye!