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Heimdallr brings forth the gifts of the gods to the humans by Nils Asplund (1907) (Vogler/CC BY-SA 3.0)

Ancient Germanic Mythos: Hitler the Archetypal Wotan and Savior

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Regressus ad Uterum refers to the spontaneous regression to a time or a situation when a person or an entire nation felt like a child in the womb of their mother; safe and with the unhindered potential to realize its inner nature. So, to the defeated and fragmented post First World War Germans, the world of their ancestors, of Arminius and the much older one of the legendary myths, heroes, and the Valhalla of the great Nordic legends, became models of admiration and inspiration. The true German bard, Wagner, was able to bring this Mythos to the forefront and the Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung identified certain archetypes manifesting in the collective subconscious of the German Volk.

Eastern Front theatre of World War I in 1916 (Public Domain)

Eastern Front theatre of World War I in 1916 (Public Domain)

What is most striking is the constancy and similarity of these archetypal figures and the violent power of their expansion, that led the German people to loosen their bond with the real world, luring them towards the unexplored universe of Mythos. Wotan's sons also rediscovered their ethnic-cultural origins through their exploration of the visionary cosmos of the Nordic fairy tales, following the publication of the fables of the Grimm brothers. In the Deutsche Mythologie (German Mythology) by Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm, (1835) they tried to recover their Mythos in search of a superior spiritual light, hidden but powerful, within the Volk, to recompose the nation’s fragmented self.

The Roots of the Volk

The word Volk in German has a very particular semantic root and perfectly expresses these aspects: it does not only mean people, or race, but it encompasses the whole community of individuals who feel bound by the same blood, united by a ‘transcendent essence’ described sometimes as ‘myth’, sometimes as ‘nature’, other times as ‘cosmos’ but still all one with the most intimate spiritual personality. It is basically the tragedy of a people in search of the self, which is perceived as fragmented and confused. Among writers and philosophers increasingly complex theories began to develop with a common denominator: the link with Nature. According to volkisch theorists Paul de Lagarde and Julius Langbehn, belonging to a specific Volk is essentially linked to the nature or essence of the landscape of birth. For example, the Nordics - precisely because of their longing for the light that illuminates their lives amidst the grey mists enveloping their forests - would be true Lichtmenschen,


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Pierluigi Tombetti is a historian, author and writer who has thoroughly investigated the ideological and social reasons and motivations of National Socialism. Writer, columnist and editor in the historical and archaeological field, he is the author of reportages, articles and essays including  Hitler’s Occult Enigma – The Third Reich and the New World Order  

Top Image: Heimdallr brings forth the gifts of the gods to the humans by Nils Asplund (1907) (Vogler/CC BY-SA 3.0)

By Pierluigi Tombetti

Pierluigi Tombetti's picture


Born in 1966, is a historian, author and writer who has thoroughly investigated the ideological and social reasons and motivations of National Socialism. Writer, columnist and editor in the historical and archaeological field, he is the author of reportages, articles... Read More

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