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Composite image of Osiris and his protective sisters Isis and Nephthys, overlain by Akhenaten’s face, all overlying the Ark and the winged cherubim, from Moses and Joshua Bowing before the Ark, gouache on board, by James Tissot, 1896-1902. Now in    the Jewish Museum, New York. Author created.

Was the Ark Of The Covenant A Coffin – Secret Link To Osiris God Of The Dead

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Why does the Bible refer to the Ark of the Covenant as a coffin? Was someone buried in it? Was it a symbolic coffin, or even God’s coffin? The Bible describes the Ark as a sacred chest of wood and gold, built at Moses’ direction from a heavenly vision to house the Ten Commandments. It has long held a special place in the hearts of archaeologists and explorers, and it continues to remain at large after 2,600 years. It also remains cloaked in mystery, especially as to why the Bible refers to it as a ‘coffin (aron, אֲר֖וֹן). When the Greeks translated aron in the Septuagint, they used the word kibotos, a ‘large box/chest’, and when later translated into Latin, the word arca was used, meaning the same thing. This became ‘ark’ in English.

Osiris (664 and 332 BC) Louvre Museum (Public Domain)

Osiris (664 and 332 BC) Louvre Museum (Public Domain)

Osiris God Of The Dead

The current author traces the Ark’s secret connections back to Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead. Osiris was the most popular god in ancient Egypt, and as scholar Theodore Godlaski describes: “Osiris is at once both the best known and the most mysterious of the gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He is a god, yet functions as a man. He is immortal and yet dies. He is restored to life, once in this world and again in the afterlife. He is royal and yet, through him, access to a life beyond life is made available to all and not just the elite.”

The myth of Osiris is the most well-known of Egyptian myths, and was related already by Plutarch and Herodotus two millennia ago. In the briefest of strokes, Osiris was the first king of Egypt, who brought all civilizing arts to the people – law, music, agriculture, viticulture, etc. His brother Set was jealous and murdered him, first by sealing him in a wooden coffin and casting it into the Nile, and when that failed, by hacking him up into pieces. His wife Isis, found and bound those pieces, making the first mummy, and magically resurrected the king, who became Lord of the Underworld.

Now, the Bible depicts Moses as fighting against the traditional gods of Egypt, so it remains a baffling mystery as to how the Ark of Yahweh could retain elements of Osiris. Nevertheless, the Ark retains secret, purposeful links back to this god of resurrection.


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Jonathon Perrin is the author of Moses Restored: The Oldest Religious Secret Never Told, now in its brand new Second Edition, as well as Mysteries of the Past, his newest book, all available as print or e-books from Amazon, as well as on

Top Image: Composite image of Osiris and his protective sisters Isis and Nephthys, overlain by Akhenaten’s face, all overlying the Ark and the winged cherubim, from Moses and Joshua Bowing before the Ark, gouache on board, by James Tissot, 1896-1902. Now in    the Jewish Museum, New York. Author created.

By Jonathon Perrin



Duchovny's picture

No not a coffin, but most certainly a magic box which was like the ones the Egyptians carried around their diety in on festivals. 

Jamie R

Jonathon Perrin's picture


Jonathon is a writer, explorer, and geologist who has searched for oil and gas, rare earth elements, and gold deposits in Canada. He also has an archaeology degree and spent five years excavating and mapping prehistoric Native sites in Canada.... Read More

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