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Fig.1 The experimental henge “Nesshenge” as it looked in 2008. Source: Dr John Hill

Nesshenge Revisited: How Does the Reproduction Neolithic Henge Look 15 Years On?

It is not every day that one gets the opportunity to build a replica Neolithic henge earthwork. Moreover, after 15 years of “weathering”, one is amazingly surprised to see that it not only survives...
Stone circle at Avebury Henge. Source: Reimar / Adobe Stock.

Ley Lines and Avebury Henge, the Better Version of Stonehenge (Video)

Avebury Henge in Wiltshire stands as a captivating alternative to its more renowned counterpart, Stonehenge . This expansive site, with its enormous earthworks and three stone circles, has attracted...
An aerial view of Castilly Henge, a classic horseshoe henge that had long been hidden in dense vegetation in a lonely landscape.		Source: Cornwall Archaeological Unit / Historic England

Cornwall’s Newly Revealed Castilly Henge Had Its Own Stone Circle Too!

Archaeologists from Historic England and the Cornwall Archaeology Unit (CAU) have uncovered proof that a standing stone circle once stood inside Castilly Henge, a Neolithic-period earthwork found...
The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

In my recently published book, I write “It is astonishing that so much attention is given to the prehistoric monuments of both Stonehenge and Avebury henge when the remains of a far greater Stone Age...
Part of the Mount Pleasant mega henge under excavation in the early 1970s.             Source: Cardiff University

Mount Pleasant And Other Mega-Henges: Evidence Of A Construction Boom

England’s 4,500-year-old “mega henges“ were a tremendous Stone Age development that took place just before the new waves of European settlers landed in Britain. Ancient henges were ceremonial fasting...
A new report by the local council has highlighted problems being caused by hikers and tourists along the Devil’s Dyke in Cambridgeshire. Source: Rob Mills / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Stunning ‘Devil’s Dyke’ Under Threat in Britain

In Britain, a mysterious monument has become the subject of controversy. There are claims that the ancient Devil’s Dyke, a vast defensive earthwork, has been damaged by walkers and has been fouled by...
Goseck Circle

Goseck Circle: The Oldest Known Solar Observatory

In 1991, inspectors from the German government took aerial photographs of a small German town called Goseck and saw something strange. On the ground, there appeared to be a giant circular ridge...
A probable Iron Age or Roman enclosed settlement (red arrows) and associated field system (blue arrows) revealed by LiDAR data but hidden today beneath woodland.       Source: University of Exeter

Armchair Indiana Joneses Find Ancient Sites Using LiDAR During Lockdown

Volunteer archaeologists working from home are revealing hitherto uncharted prehistoric burial mounds, Roman roads and medieval farms, using LiDAR technology. An innovative project is underway...
Seahenge – how it was found at low tide off the coast of Norfolk, England.     Source: Norfolk Archaeology Unit

Seahenge: A Subaquatic Monument of the European Bronze Age

Today, the United Kingdom is crisscrossed with many fascinating monuments from ancient times. From the ages when these islands were inhabited by different peoples and cultures of tribes from ancient...
December 21, the longest night and shortest day of the year, is a special event at Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland. This photo was shot August 24, 2014.

Winter Solstice: Stone Age People in Ireland built a Fantastic Monument to the New Year

Tomorrow, 22 December, the Irish will celebrate the Winter Solstice as they did thousands of years ago – at Newgrange, a 5,000-year-old megalithic monument into which the sun shines at sunrise on the...
Almendres cromlech megaliths. Evora, Portugal.

Legends say Mysterious Women Built the Megaliths of Portugal

Prehistoric Europeans told legends about powerful, mysterious female makers of European stone tombs called dolmens and cromlechs. On the one hand, they were said to bestow riches and fertility on...
Three standing stones of the ancient and mysterious Ring of Brodgar (Oliver / Adobe Stock)

Vandal’s Repulsive Attack On 4500-Year-Old Ring of Brodgar is a Crime Against Humanity

Built almost 5,000 years ago at the early stages of agriculture in northern Europe, Ring of Brodgar , the third largest Neolithic stone circle in Britain has fallen victim to the scourge of society...
Stones in the South Circle viewed from the south-east quadrant bank. The tower of St James church is in the background.

Was the Massive Stone Circle of Avebury In Honor of a Humble Neolithic House? [New Report]

A peculiar square formation recently discovered within the Neolithic stone circle monument of Avebury henge is reshaping the traditional narrative of one of the wonders of the prehistoric world. It...
Stonehenge was one of the feasting destinations of the pigs.

Prehistoric Britons Brought Pigs From As Far As Scotland For Stonehenge Feasts

New findings suggest ancient people in the late Neolithic period travelled hundreds of kilometers across Britain’s wild landscapes to attend great feasts and festivals at stone circles in Wiltshire...
Carnac Stones, Brittany. Stone Age sailors may have spread this kind of megalithic monument building practice.

Extensive Study Claims Stone Age Sailors Spread the Concept of Megalithic Sites Like Stonehenge

There are many thousands of stone megaliths found in almost every country in Europe, from Scotland to Italy. The best known example of these stone constructions is Stonehenge. The reason that these...
Avebury Stone Circle

The Old Stones: Remarkable Development of the Avebury Landscape

The Avebury monuments cluster around the headwaters of the upper Kennet valley in north Wiltshire, close to the northern edge of the Wessex chalk uplands. Much of the archaeological fame of this...
Bryn Celli Ddu: Ancient Stone Circle and Passage Tomb Was for the Living and the Dead

Bryn Celli Ddu: Ancient Stone Circle and Passage Tomb Was for the Living and the Dead

Stonehenge is arguably one of the most iconic prehistoric monuments in the UK. Nevertheless, this ancient structure is just one of many henges found across the country. The fame gained by Stonehenge...
L-R: Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan; Dr. Cliodhna Ni Lionain, Devenish’s lead archaeologist; Devenish executive chairman Owen Brennan; and his wife Prof. Alice Stanton and one of the decorated kerb stones.

Startling new find of a 5500-year-old Megalithic Passage Tomb in Ireland is, “The Most Important Find for Half a Century”

It has been an exciting time for Irish archaeology as many ancient finds have been uncovered in recent months. The latest discovery is one of the most thrilling of all according to local experts...
The record dry spell has been credited with the discovery of a previously unknown monument beside Newgrange, Co Meath

New Henge Appears Near Newgrange as a Heatwave Hits Ireland

A summer heatwave has dried the land of the Boyne Valley in Ireland, revealing the shadows of previously unknown circular enclosures. One of the most intriguing appears to be a distinct outline of a...
A reconstruction of Germany's Pömmelte.

Evidence of Human Sacrifice and Death Rituals Found at the German Woodhenge

The 4,300 year old woodhenge of Pömmelte in Germany is finally beginning to give up its secrets - and some of the information we’re learning is quite grisly. The battered skeletons of women and...
A Roman chicken brooch unearthed during the excavations.

Huge UK Archaeology Excavations Project Unearths Prehistoric, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Medieval Sites!

One of the largest archaeology projects in the UK has revealed Anglo-Saxon settlements, a Roman military camp, remnants of a Medieval village, and a wealth of archaeological treasures. That’s quite a...
Aerial photo of woodhenge discovered at Little Catwick Quarry, Yorkshire.

Yorkshire’s First Woodhenge May have Served as an Ancient Sauna

A team of archaeologists from Yorkshire have uncovered a 4,000-year-old “woodhenge,” thus a wooden circle that some now believe might have been used as a sauna. East Yorkshire’s First Woodhenge...

Outside the Circle: The Ancient Stonehenge Landscape – A Wider Perspective

Stonehenge stands on the windswept Salisbury Plain reminding us of the engineering, astronomical, and mathematical skills of our distant ancestors. Undoubtedly, Stonehenge is recognised worldwide as...
The 5000-year-old burial chamber at Bryn Celli Ddu on Anglesey

Multiple Previously Unknown Prehistoric Burial Sites Detected Around Bryn Celli Ddu

A team of archaeologists has conducted a geophysical survey that has revealed what appears to be a cairn cemetery at the prehistoric ritual area around Bryn Celli Ddu on the Welsh island of Anglesey...
