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Researcher holding the bronze Irulegi hand inscribed in Vasconic script. Source: Aiestaran, M. et. al / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Bronze Hand Inscribed with Rare Vasconic Script Linked With Basque Found in Spain

A stunningly rare artifact found at an Iron Age site in Spain contains an example of the equally rare ancient Vasconic script. Dating to the first century BC, the artifact in question is a flattened...
A severed hand that was apparently amputated in a trophy taking practice by the Hyksos in Egypt. Source: Gresky, J. et al 2023 / Nature

Severed Hands Reveal Gruesome Trophy-Taking Practices in Ancient Egypt

Twelve severed hands have been discovered in Egypt, part of a gruesome "trophy-taking" practice that has just been revealed in a groundbreaking study. This finding marks the first known physical...
Evidence for a Great Evolutionary Leap Finally Found?

Evidence for a Great Evolutionary Leap Finally Found?

Humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas all move similarly, and they share common anatomies. However, until now, it’s remained unknown how exactly humans were related to these other primates. That mystery...
The fins of this fish played a role in the origins of the human hand. Source: Katrina Kenny, Author provided

This Ancient Four-Limbed Fish Reveals the Origins of the Human Hand

By John Long & Richard Cloutier / The Conversation One of the most significant events in the history of life was when fish evolved into tetrapods , crawling out of the water and eventually...
Fenrir wolf

Fenrir: The Monstrous Wolf of Norse Legend

One of the three children of Loki by a giantess (jötunn ) named Angrboða, Fenrir plays an imperative, though short, role in Norse mythology. A wolf of remarkable size and strength, Fenrir has one...
Hand images at Cosquer Cave. Researchers believe that Upper Paleolithic cave art depicting hands missing fingers may be explained by prehistoric ritual amputation practices.

Does Upper Paleolithic Cave Art with Missing Fingers Really Provide Evidence for Ritual Amputation?

In a research paper published in the Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, three scientists: Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard from the Simon Fraser public research university in British...
Bronze hand with a gold rim found near Lake Biel, Switzerland.

3,500 Year Old Metallic Hand Leaves Deep Fingerprint In Swiss Criminal Investigation

Last October, a 3,500 year old bronze hand with a golden cuff was discovered by two metal detectorists near Lake Biel in the Bernese Jura, about 28 miles (45 km) northwest of Bern, Switzerland. Now,...
Acollection of ancient signs and symbols: Buddha’s hands forming a mudra. (CC BY SA 3.0) A heart. (Public Domain) Devil’s horns hand sign. (Ra Boe/CC BY SA 3.0) Thumbs up and down. (CC0) A barber’s pole. (Dave Barr/CC BY SA 2.0) A pentagram. (Sam Kelly/CC BY 2.0)

10 Ancient Symbols You Think You Know the Meaning Of (But You Probably Don’t)

From pigments to printing presses, symbols have been part of human communication from the very first day of mankind’s existence. The imperfection of speech, which undoubtedly allowed the sharing of...
Alleged Mummy found at Nazca, clearly has three fingers and toes

Paradigm Shift Required? 3-Fingered Mummified Humanoid Found in Peru May Change the Story of Human Origins

A remarkable mummified body has been discovered in Nazca, Peru. While mummies can draw attention, this particular find may alter the story of human origins. The crouched mummified body of a humanoid...
A photo of the Hand of Hercules.

The Colossal Hand of Hercules, So Where is the Rest of Him?

The Hand of Hercules is the name given to a massive fragment of an ancient statue that was unearthed by archaeologists in Amman, the capital of Jordan. This fragment is believed to have once been a...
The 130-million-year-old fossil.

The 130-Million-Year-Old Human Fossil Heist

In 2016, a telephone interview with an artefact collector led me to uncover a scientific conspiracy of Biblical proportions. Professors are the high priests of our technology driven society, but as...
Are you a Righty or Lefty? Ancient Teeth and Tools May Explain the Evolution of Handedness

Are you a Righty or Lefty? Ancient Teeth and Tools May Explain the Evolution of Handedness

Caroline Spry/ The Conversation Roughly 90% of humans are right-handed and this is one of the traits that separates us from most other primates who don’t really show any overall preference for left...
A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative man-made creation, examination by a physician in Cusco, Peru, revealed that it is composed of skin and bone, with six bones in each finger.

Bizarre 3-Fingered Mummified Hand Found in A Tunnel in the Peruvian Desert

A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative...
Operation Mummy's Curse Repatriates 2,800-Year-Old Mummified Hand That Had Been Used as Hollywood Prop

Operation Mummy's Curse Repatriates 2,800-Year-Old Mummified Hand That Had Been Used as Hollywood Prop

A valuable collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts was returned to its motherland by the US government in a clampdown on criminal gangs smuggling cultural treasures. Among the ancient artifacts was...
Searching for Truth in Bones: The Mysterious Relics of Mary Magdalene

Searching for Truth in Bones: The Mysterious Relics of Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is one of the most fascinating people from the times of Jesus. Although every year there are more and more people who follow her as if she were a super-heroine, her story has been...
The Hand of Glory at the Whitby Museum, England.

Mummified Hand from Yorkshire May Be Last Hand of Glory Still in Existence

The Bladen Journal reports that a mummified hand found in Castleton, North Yorkshire, England is the only known ‘Hand of Glory’, a grotesque artifact meant to aid thieves in their work during the...
A Homo Naledi Foot (a) Dorsal view (b) Distal view of the cuneiforms and the cuboid in which the reconstruction of the transverse arc is observed (c) Middle view showing the moderate longitudinal arch. Scale in centimeters.

The Feet and Hands of Homo Naledi were Similar to those of Modern Humans – Could this be the Evolutionary Link Paleontologists Were Waiting for?

Homo Naledi brings new surprises that could change the history of evolution for modern humans. Is this finally one of the missing links in human evolution that paleontologists have been waiting for?...
Human Finger Fossil 1.5 million-year-old

1.5 million-year-old human hand fossil showed evidence of complex tool use

Researchers have discovered a 1.5 million-year-old fossil that possesses an anatomical feature that is believed to be vital for making and using complex tools . The implication is that our human...