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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown game hero, Sargon. 	Source: Ubisoft

The New Prince of Persia Game is Announced. How Does the History Stack Up?

The popular, but almost archaic Prince of Persia video game franchise is back, with a new game, and a new hero on the scene. So what’s the new backstory, who is this new hero, and is there any basis...
A species of nematode similar to the 46,000 year old worms that have been resuscitated. 	Source: Hussmann/Adobe Stock

Have 46,000-year-old Nematodes in Suspended Animation Really Been Resuscitated?

For more than two decades scientists have been collecting frozen microbes from deep layers of the Siberian permafrost, to see if they can be thawed and brought back to life. In the most recent...
Illicitly traded cuneiform tablet seized by the US Department of Homeland Security HSI. Source: US Homeland Security Investigations/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Illicit Artifact Trading Falls From Top Three Dark Economies

For at least half a century it has been believed, and repeated, that the buying and selling of illegal artifacts was in the top three most illicit trades in the modern world. However, new research...
A perpetual stew or hunter’s stew, in a cauldron over an open fire. Source: shaiith/Adobe Stock

What is this Ancient Perpetual Stew Being Served in a Brooklyn Park?

Most folk have experienced the holistic satisfaction that comes after a good old bowl of stew, on a cold winter’s nights. However, this story tips traditional stew conventions on their head, as it’s...
The Inca sun temple or Qorikancha in Cusco city during Inti Raymi, hence the solar disk. Source: SL-Photography/Adobe Stock

Ancient Astro-Architecture of the June 21 Winter/Summer Solstice

Even the most well-read history buffs among us often go cold when they read about ancient cultures calling today, 21 June - the “winter solstice”. Let’s delve into solstice mechanics, and explore why...
Nubian Queen. Source: Atelier Sommerland / Adobe Stock.

Never Mind Cleopatra – What About the Forgotten Queens of Nubia?

Jada Pinkett Smith’s new Netflix documentary series on Cleopatra aims to spotlight powerful African queens. “We don’t often get to see or hear stories about Black queens, and that was really...
Researchers and volunteers with the Florida Museum of Natural History have discovered the ancient remains of several gomphotheres (elephant ancestors) at a fossil site in North Florida. Source: Kristen Grace/Florida Museum

Paleontologists Uncover 6-Million-Year-Old Elephant Graveyard in Florida

While digging along a dried-up riverbed in northern Florida, a team of paleontologists and volunteers from the Florida Museum of Natural History unearthed a collection of bones from an elephant...
The Bedchamber Sword of Tipu Sultan (reg. 1782-1799), SOLD for $17.5 million. Source: Bonhams Auctioneers

Why this Warrior Sultan’s Sword Has Just Sold for $17.5million, Most Expensive Sword Ever

Tipu Sultan's sword was estimated to sell for an inordinate $2.5 million. However, yesterday, this prize weapon was auctioned in London and fetched a staggering $17.5million (£14 million). This not...
Still of the 3D Imagery film of the Titanic wreck on the seabed. Source: Atlantic Productions/Magellan

See The Titanic as Never Seen Before in ‘Largest Underwater Scanning Project in History’

History’s most famous shipwreck of the iconic liner, the R.M.S. Titanic, which caused the death of 1,500 people when it sank in 1912, has now been the subject of the largest underwater scanning...
Left; St Edward’s Crown, Right ; Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Coronation of King Charles III Utilized Crown Jewels and Sacred Royal Regalia

Citizens of the United Kingdom will be witness to a rare and special moment on Saturday, May 6, when the former Prince Charles is official crowned as King Charles III. On display and in use at the...
The coronation of Charles VII of France (1429), detail of the painting Jeanne d'Arc (1886–1890) by Jules Eugène Lenepveu. Many ancient coronation traditions will be recreated in the coronation of King Charles III. Source: Public Domain

King Charles III’s Coronation: A 900-Year-Old Ceremony in the Modern Day

Cominh this weekend, King Charles III’s coronation will be the 39th coronation ceremony of a British monarch at Westminster Abbey. It is an ancient ritual that dates back over 900 years and is the...
Left; May Queen at Beltane Fire Festival 2010 – Edinburgh. Right; Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night) by Falero.  Source: Left; Martin Robertson/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, Right; Public Domain

What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Beltane and Walpurgis Night?

Beltane and Walpurgis Night are festivities with deep histories that occur in the springtime, and the two are being celebrated in various European lands this weekend. With fire being a main feature...
The Third and Last Challenge by the King’s Champion during King George IV's Coronation Banquet in Westminster Hall, by Denis Dighton.            Source: Public Domain

The King’s Champion: Medieval Coronation Roles, With a Twist

Francis Dymoke, a 67-year-old farmer from eastern England, will play a ceremonial role in the upcoming coronation of King Charles III , and carry forward an ancient royal tradition while at it. He...
The Stone of Scone. Source: Imelde Corelli Gioielli

Charles III Will Be Crowned on the Stone of Scone. But Is It the Real Stone?

Scotland’s legendary “Stone of Destiny” or “Stone of Scone” was used to coronate the ancient kings and queens of Scotland for almost 400 years, before being taken by the English monarchy in 1296. 700...
200-year-old sculptures marked with blue crayon at Croome Court. Source: National Trust

Historic Croome Court Sculptures Marked Up By Crayon-Wielding Miscreants

On Saturday, April 8, tour guides at the historic Croome Court estate in Worcestershire were stunned to find crayon markings all over a statue and memorial plaque located on the court’s sprawling...
A tired Muslim woman awakening early during Ramadan. (Odua Images/Adobe Stock)

In Centuries Old Tradition, Drummers Awaken a Sleeping Istanbul to Ramadan

3,400 Muslim drummers dressed in Ottoman period costumes will march through 1000 Istanbul neighborhoods, reciting ancient poems before dawn, preserving “a beauty” from the month of Ramadan. Selami...
The mummy delivery, in the delivery cool bag, confiscated by police.	Source: EFE/Ministry of Culture Peru

Man in Peru Caught Out Drinking With an 800-year-old Mummy!

A pre-Hispanic mummy of between 600 and 800 years old, was found inside the backpack of a delivery man from a delivery company in the Peruvian region of Puno, near Bolivia. The 26-year-old Peruvian...
Artistic representation of fish raining over Lajamanu.   Source: Composite CC BY 2.0 and CC BY 2.0

Raining Fish Reported Near the Australian Desert

It may sound like a biblical tale, but it just happened. A secluded community in the Northern Territory of Australia had the heavens rain down fishy manna on it. Even more astonishingly, Lajamanu, a...
Manananggal, mythical creature of the Philippines. Source: Public Domain

Alleged Sighting of the Mythical ‘Manananggal’ in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety

Police in the Philippines are working to ease the fears of residents in a city where reports of a fearsome creature have been circulating. The strange incident began last Thursday evening in the...
Saint Valentine is today associated with lovers. Here, lovers shown in the Medieval Miniature from the Codex Manesse. Source: Public Domain

Valentine’s Day’s Connection with Love was Probably Invented by 14th-Century Poets

Natalie Goodison / The Conversation As an undergraduate, on a tour of Europe, I happened to step into the church where Saint Valentine’s head was kept. The tour guide told us a (likely fictitious)...
Stone of Destiny, also known as Lia Fail. Hill of Tara. County Meath. Source: jamegaw/Adobe Stock

Vandal Strikes at Lia Fáil, Ireland’s Ancient Spiritual Heart

Ireland’s “Stone of Destiny” - the Lia Fáil - or Stone that Roared, has been defaced by a mindless vandal. Although mindless isn’t quite right, at they actually seem to have thought about what they...
Damaged Ottoman mill building in the Aleppo Citadel.          Source: Syria's Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums

Ancient Engineering Saves Sites From Earthquake’s Wrath

Concerns have arisen for ancient sites after two earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria on Monday. Thousands of fatalities have now been reported in Turkey and Syria due to the powerful earthquake with...
The recently destroyed walls of Gaziantep Castle. Source: DHA/ Daily Sabah

Historic Monuments Including Gaziantep Castle Destroyed in Earthquake

The catastrophic earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that hit Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, 2023 has caused horrific loss of life and injuries in 10 cities in the affected region. It has also destroyed a...
A model of a dinosaur nest with eggs hatching. Source: Jaroslav Moravcik / Adobe Stock

Giant Titanosaur Nesting Ground Discovered in Central India

During explorations near the city of Dhar in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India, paleontologists made a remarkable discovery. The scientists found an extensive collection of fossilized dinosaur...
