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Amazons, ancient roman warriors in a battle.	Source: neurobite/Adobe Stock

“Vaginas Have Received You, And You Know Of Nothing Else!” - Finding The Amazons

Feminist Amazons? In the conclusion to her essay in the Feminist Theology magazine Olga Papamichali writes: “The independent and radical nature of the Amazon spirit changed the way men used to see...
Millions of postcards made a mockery of Leap Day traditions which gave women the opportunity to propose to men once every four years on the 29th February. Source: Public domain

Women Have Proposed Marriage to Men on Leap Day for Hundreds of Years

Welcome to February 29th, the Leap day that comes around but once every four years! In the age of viral marriage proposals, the persistence of outdated traditions whereby men inevitably go down on...
Representative image of a Scythian Enaree shaman. Source: jozefklopacka / Adobe Stock

The Mysteries of the Enaree: The Androgynous Shamans of the Scythians

Throughout history, shamans played a major role in many of the world’s most important civilizations. For the ancient Scythians, this role was taken by the Enaree, male priests and shamans who adopted...
Roman Emperor Elagabalus bust, with a modern photo realistic reconstruction of his likeness based on this. Source: Left, © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro/CC BY-SA 4.0 ; Right, Daniel Voshart/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Roman Emperor Elagabalus Assigned Transgender By A British Museum

The third-century AD ruler, Elagabalus, has been declared transgender by a British Museum, which is set to relabel its display to accommodate the change. The decision has been taken by the North...
A female prehistoric hunter stands before a mammoth. Source: nsit0108 / Adobe Stock.

Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?

Prehistoric men hunted; prehistoric women gathered. At least this is the standard narrative written by and about men to the exclusion of women. The idea of “Man the Hunter” runs deep within...
Archaeologists have unearthed an adorned stela at Las Capellanías complex in Cañaveral de León, Spain.       Source: University of Durham

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Archaeologists performing excavations at the 3,000-year-old Las Capellanías funerary complex in southwestern Spain have uncovered a decorated stela (standing stone slab) that features a unique and...
Capstones at the Bryher burial site in the Isles of Scilly, where the tomb of the female warrior was discovered. Source: Isles of Scilly Museum Association

Curious 2,000-Year-Old Isles of Scilly Burial Mystery Solved

On one of the small and lightly populated Isles of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall in southwestern England, archaeologists uncovered a unique stone-lined burial chamber in 1999. The grave goods...
Recreation drawing of ‘The Ivory Lady’. 	Source: Miriam Lucianez Trivino/Nature

High Status Skeletal Find of “Ivory Man” in Valencia Turns out To Be “Ivory Lady”

In 2008, in southwest Spain’s Valencia, the skeletal grave of an ‘important person’ was undoubtedly found, with an array of precious artifacts. This included an elephant's tusk, an ivory comb, a...
CGI of a prehistoric woman hunting big game. Source: nsit0108/Adobe Stock

Study Shows Prehistoric “Man Hunter, Woman Gatherer” View Is Grossly Inaccurate

For a long time, it has been believed that prehistoric men played the role of hunters while women took on the role of gatherers. However, a recent study uncovers that both men and women in hunter-...
Detail of a painting of a mother and child, in this case Andromache and Astyanax by Pierre Paul Prud’hon. Source: Public domain

Mothers’ Lives in Ancient Greece Were Not Easy – But Celebrations of Their Love Have Survived Across the Centuries

By Joel Christensen / The Conversation As a father of three and the husband of an amazing woman, I know that one day a year is far too little to recognize everything mothers do. But my work as a...

Homeric Hymn to Demeter Or The Thesmophoria – Which Came First?

Evoking early agrarian rituals which celebrated the primal mysteries of birth, death, and resurrection, the Homeric Hymn to Demeter has the distinction of being amongst humankind’s first literary...
The Escolania boys choir performing in the Abbey of Montserrat, Catalonia, Spain. Source: Jean Robert Thibault / CC BY-SA 2.0

After 700 Years, Monastery Choir “Boys Only” Rule is Broken

In yet another instance of the dissolution of gender barriers, girls are all set to storm one of the surviving bastions of male exclusivity: the all-boys Escolania choir, based at the Benedictine...
Two skeletons known as The Lovers of Valdaro (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Activist Group Tells Archaeologists Not to Assume Gender of Ancient Skeletons

Self-declared “anarchist archaeologists” are warning archaeologists not to assume the gender or race of ancient skeletons because they see the categorization of sexes as discriminatory to the dead...
Skeletons from a vaulted chamber in Herculaneum.	Source: L. Fattore, Sapienza University of Rome / Sciencemag

Roman Diets Exposed: Who Ate Best? Elite Roman Men, Or Women?

Archaeologists in Italy have discovered significant ‘dietary gender differences’ in an exclusive pocket of the ancient Roman Empire. Skeletons found at Herculaneum have provided new insights into the...
Viking Pendants Suggest Ritual Gender Roles, New Study Says

Viking Pendants Suggest Ritual Gender Roles, New Study Says

A new study has been conducted on mysterious Viking pendants found in Denmark (by the dozens) and as far afield as Russia and England. These figurines were created in bronze, are roughly inch-long,...
The research suggests that a re-evaluation of gender in Iron Age society is required. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

Study Argues Medieval Finnish Warrior Was Non-Gender Specific

A new study claims to have solved the mystery of non-binary gender evidence at a medieval warrior grave. In 1968, in the village of Suontaka Vesitorninmäki in southern Finland, a warrior’s grave...
Spiritual Marriage and Holy Virginity: The Medieval Practice of Sexless Marriage

Spiritual Marriage and Holy Virginity: The Medieval Practice of Sexless Marriage

The institution of marriage dates back to almost the beginning of written history, with countless variations on how it has been practiced throughout the ages in different cultures and religions. The...
Girl of Gran Dolina, Individual H3

The 800,000-Year-Old Gran Dolina Boy Just Became A Girl

History is peppered with stories of women who disguised themselves as men to fight in wars, to steal crowns and to topple empires. However, in this story we have an 800,000-year-old little boy who...
Discovery of 9,000-Year-Old Female Hunter in Peru Is Rewriting History

Discovery of 9,000-Year-Old Female Hunter in Peru Is Rewriting History

A grave in Peru has been shown to contain the world’s oldest female hunter. This news is potentially explosive. It may change our understanding of gender relations in the ancient Americas and even...
Wonder-Woman Playing Cleopatra Sparks Racial Controversy

Wonder-Woman Playing Cleopatra Sparks Racial Controversy

There is perhaps no better way of instigating argument in modern society than bringing up ethnicity, race or gender, and with this in mind I petition that you, the reader, to stay on “my side”...
A group of Neanderthals, who, according to a new research paper, gave modern humans a Neanderthal gene that can make Covid-19 more servere.            Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

Covid-19 Complications – Are Neanderthals to Blame?

A strand of Neanderthal DNA inherited by modern humans has been linked to your likelihood of falling severely ill with Covid-19 , but not everyone is convinced. The Neanderthal gene is only found in...
A Woman’s Best Friend: The Herstory of Dog Domestication

A Woman’s Best Friend: The Herstory of Dog Domestication

The Grimaldi Goddess clay figurine, unearthed at the Neolithic settlement of Çatal Hüyük in Turkey, dates back to about 6000 BC. It depicts an obese woman giving birth while seated upon a throne...
Painting titled ‘Free Women of Color with their Children and Servants in a Landscape.’ Life changed for American women as the eighteenth century progressed. Source: Public Domain

Culturally Misunderstood: The Struggles and Advances of Early American Women

The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw a series of transitions in life in America, as many, particularly women, strove to find their identities in patriarchal society. Early American women were...
Hansanlu Lovers skeletons close up of torsos and skulls

The Eternal Kiss of the Hasanlu Lovers Throws Up Questions of Ancient Love: Romance, Bromance or Something More Familial?

Have you ever heard of the “The Hasanlu Lovers?” If not, don’t be too quickly seduced by the exotic and romantic sounding moniker this phenomenon has been awarded. Colorful and amorous images are...
