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English Heritage

Bolsover Castle and its grand view over Bolsover town and the surrounding landscape. Source: Matthew / Adobe Stock

Bolsover Castle: 11th Century Fort Bloomed Into Stunning Residence

Bolsover Castle is a famous and unusual castle in Derbyshire, a county in England’s East Midlands. Although the current building was constructed during the 17th century, the history of Bolsover...
Norton Priory: The Most Excavated Monastic Site in Europe

Norton Priory: The Most Excavated Monastic Site in Europe

Norton Priory is a former Augustinian abbey located in Cheshire, England . Established in the 12th century, it was originally meant to house a community of Augustinian canons. During the 14th century...
Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

When the large brass key to St. Leonard’s Tower in Kent went missing in 1973, no one knew if it had been lost or stolen. Now, 47 years later, the key has been returned , and its sudden arrival is...
Restormel castle in Cornwall             Source: Richard Croft / CC BY SA 2.0

Restormel Castle, What the English Call ‘A Romantic Scene’

Restormel Castle is one of the four principal Norman castles of Cornwall and among the most notable in Britain for its circular design. Built in the 13th century, it was a luxurious residence and...
Donnington Castle near Newbury in West Berkshire   Source: Piotr / Adobe Stock

Donnington Castle, Proud Survivor of Parliamentary Guns

There are various types of castles in Britain built by conquerors, rightful kings and wealthy supporters of the monarchs. One of the most distinctive is that of Donnington Castle (not to be confused...
2,000 previously unknown archaeological sites identified in Exmoor, England

2,000 previously unknown archaeological sites identified in Exmoor, England

Researchers have compiled an aerial survey of more than 10,000 images of Exmoor, United Kingdom, revealing evidence of 2,000 previously unknown archaeological sites and new information on known...

New Research Refutes Long-Held Beliefs about Stonehenge

Excavations and research conducted by English Heritage has revealed controversial findings which question the long-held view that Stonehenge was built to record astronomical movements such as the...