Excavations at the Anciens Arsenaux site in Sion, Switzerland, have changed the way we understand prehistoric agriculture in Europe forever. Compelling evidence has emerged suggesting that Neolithic...
In the unforgiving realm of Stone Age Scandinavia (10,000-5,000 BC), resilient pioneers, descendants of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, emerged as the first inhabitants. Venturing northward, crossing...
Dogs have often been referred to as "man's best friend," but in the case of the wild dingo in Australia, it has endured a somewhat less favorable reputation. However, new research suggests that...
The domestication of dogs is a fascinating topic that has puzzled scientists for decades. The evolution of wolves into our beloved pets is a remarkable feat, and understanding how this process took...
Scientists have analyzed the remains of high-ranking individuals from the Mongol Empire, who were buried in graves with luxury items such as leather, silk, and gold, and had been preserved in...
Horses and the American West – not just a recipe for the classic Western films of 20th century Hollywood, but a long and storied association. Now a study has revealed this extends further back into...
A study has revealed new information about the ancient migration and domestication of cats in Europe following the arrival of their wild ancestors in Europe from the Near East (the modern Middle East...
Remarkable and extensive new research has shed light on one of the true mysteries of animal domestication. This breakthrough research has revealed important new information about chicken...
Those who have studied Çatalhöyük are aware that cattle appear to have been a hugely important animal in the Neolithic Central Anatolian town of Çatalhöyük East on the Konya Plain in modern-day...
Roughly 18,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers in New Guinea loved nothing more than a good fried egg and a lump of roasted bird meat. And to enjoy these treats more easily, they turned to bird breeding...
A new genetic study has revealed that cannabis domestication began in China during the early stages of the Neolithic period. In an article just published in the journal Science Advances , an...
When it comes to plants with powerful medical applications Asia can be called the ‘traditional home.’ However, this is not the case when it comes to opium poppies, for new research has shown their...
We’ll never get tired of hearing that dogs are a man’s best friend. What is true of domesticated dogs today, has been a socio-cultural and historical phenomenon developed over thousands of years, 15,...
Do not ever try this at home, but it looks like Bronze Age dogs were vegetarians! Well, according to a study of protein in 3,000-year-old canine bones that is. During the Neolithic period, hunters...
The oldest evidence of horseback riding in China has been discovered and it is revealing lost volumes about how horses revolutionized ancient cultures in the East. But it also tells a bleak story...
Research has shown that the humble turkey played a very important role in Pueblo Indian societies in the southwestern United States. Experts have been able to study an exceedingly rare feather...
The Grimaldi Goddess clay figurine, unearthed at the Neolithic settlement of Çatal Hüyük in Turkey, dates back to about 6000 BC. It depicts an obese woman giving birth while seated upon a throne...
The earliest human inhabitants of the Amazon created thousands of artificial forest islands as they tamed wild plants to grow food, a new study shows. The discovery of the mounds is the latest...
Anyone who has a dog, or has experienced losing one, knows the depth and uniqueness of ‘that special bond’, but why and when in the history of our planet, did this love affair between humans and dogs...
Science Daily In the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, between the third and second millennium BC, a widespread funeral practice consisted in burying humans with animals. Scientists have discovered...
11,500 years ago in what is now northeast Jordan, people began to live alongside dogs and may also have used them for hunting, a new study from the University of Copenhagen shows. The archaeologists...
Over 3000 years ago, the Steppes of Mongolia were dominated by herds of horses, sheep, cows and yaks, and the humans that ate them, according to a new study published this week in the Proceedings of...
Neolithic cooking pots can tell you a lot about life in the culture that used them; if you have the right tools on hand. New research on such pottery by the University of Bristol has uncovered how...
Archaeologists have discovered a set of engravings in Saudi Arabia dating back at least 8,000 years, which depict a hunter accompanied by 13 dogs, 2 of which appear to be on leashes attached to the...