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  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: K e v i n

    You got that right. Hope the taquitos were good - we roll our own as well. :-D

  • Reply to: Golem: A Legendary Clay Beast Created to Protect Jewish People   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Adam Brower

    First of all, "Frankenstein" was written by Mary Shelley in 1818, at age 21. Second, "It was a dark and stormy night" is the opening sentence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's "Paul Clifford," written in 1830. Since he was only 14 years old when Shelley wrote "Frankenstein," there is no connection at all between the two. Third, no: we have not "abandoned" our dietary laws, nor do we intend to.

    Ms Braley is plainly an idiot, but a person's lack of intelligence is sometimes the result of natural selection, and she should not held responsible for the genetic shortcomings of the six-fingered, clay-eating hill folk who undoubtedly were her progenitors: the disastrous results of inbreeding are well known. Additionally, her comment does appear to indicate that she has, at one time or another, actually read a book, and that is encouraging. On balance, though, our world would probably be better off without her.

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: J.R. Bentley

    Sorry for the delay in reply...I was hand rolling some Taquitos . What I can share for sure is that the more I learn the l less I truly know. Anyone that says any different of their own selves is full of it... :)

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: K e v i n

    JR I bet you enjoyed Fingerprints of the Gods as much as I did. I realize some of Graham's conclusions he himself has since disproved but overall it changed the way I see the world and how I think about human history - and frankly it was the first step in my realization (at least for me) that the western idea of religion and all religion in general is BS. I went from Sunday school teacher to agnostic over about a 5 year period after having studied certain philosophies and read on ancient history and started thinking independnedt of my lifelong brainwashing from society and government. I don't sneer at nor look down on others but I know what I believe finally - and what I don't. I've only read a handful of similar books since because I have been caught up in the rat race, but been trying to simplify my life to get to a point where I can actually again . . . . brace yourself . . . READ BOOKS! Have any suggestions?

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: J.R. Bentley

    Good to see you that you are hip to the Smokescreen. They have only two choices as a career. Become a Mystical Shaman reader and writer of Petroglyphs...or become a Clerical Conman and exploit the masses for Sustenance.

    Both have a very long history of example over the last 500,000 years. Yet we still do not take the time to see that the Geese are pointing South...To "somewhere" as they fly away.

    I think the farther we go back...the less Gullible Mankind was...

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: K e v i n

    J.R. Thanks for your enlightenment. I guess I should've been able to figure that out - after I read your reply I remembered that meteroites are often found right on the surface in many areas, and not all of them impacted recently.

    As to the backdoor meetings and grants etc. you're preaching to the choir. I know it all too well. I have never been involved in any such corruption or greed but know some who have and delight in graft and corruption. It's like politicians . . . most get it in with altruistic aims, but soon greed of money and power consume their human nature and they justify it by convincing themselves they must "play the game" to stay in power "to do any good for their constituents". I imagine the same mentality is prevalent among academia, researchers, explorers in the lab or in the field; they line their pockets and use their power to put stumbling blocks in front of others telling themselves unless they can continue in the game they cannot "make important discoveries for mankind" when their track record of important or meaningful discoveries may be non-existent, or limited at best.

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: J.R. Bentley

    It Depends on the Geological Environment. There are places in the Desert Southwest called "Desert Pavement" where the accumulation of Rocks on the surface can be half a million years old or older. I have found many interesting artifacts on the surface of this Desert Pavement but no one will even take a look at them because they were not found at the level of 26 feet and a 20,000 Dollar Grant that they only actually spend half of on the Project.

    This BS is all about Grants and Funds. And if you don't think there are "Back Door" meetings I have news for you...

  • Reply to: Evidence Accumulates for Ancient Transoceanic Voyages, Says Geographer   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: J.R. Bentley

    Greed and Gluttony. Take the examples of Nature...Take little bites...Only what you need to cure the hunger and no more. Even the Christians do not take heed of the very same messages in their own written word of righteousness.

    How confusing it must have been for the Native Americans when the Christians tried to teach them to read when the teachers could not even comprehend what they were themselves reading...

  • Reply to: Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jagadeesh Reddy

    First let me clarify one thing. According to Hindu Puranas (ancient religion scripts), this universe is in existence since millions and billions of years. You never believe such large numbers. But it's very common to us. As we always here in our Mantras during Poojas to God. It continues like this "Swetha Varaha Kalpe, Vaivashwata Manvantare, Kaliyuge... etc., which means that present year is 155,521,972,949,117 years since it was created. Source: wikipedia and search for Hindu_units_of_time

  • Reply to: Buddhism in Ancient Egypt and Meroe – Beliefs Revealed Through Ancient Script   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Outwest

    Interesting indeed, and much more plausible than Jesus traveling to India.

  • Reply to: How DNA Testing Revealed European Ancestry in Elongated Paracas Skulls   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Pachakuti

    I agree entirely with your comments. Although LM's research links the Nephilim to aliens, that is not necessarily the case.

    Andrew Collins, amongst others, has amassed a mass of information to show that the Nephilim, Annunaki and other groups identified as 'fallen angels' came from exactly the same region as the do the haplogroups discovered in these DNA tests. Moreover, he argues that these people were long-headed, feather-clad shamans, who may have been Cro-Magnon/Neanderthal hybrids.

    My own research into Andean mythography and certain anomalous artefacts has come to exactly the same conclusion, but by an entirely different route. (Details to be revealed in my forthcoming book). We live in exciting times! Thanks for the link - which I shall study with great interest.

  • Reply to: Why did Tutankhamun Have a Dagger Made From a Meteorite?   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: jack stephens

    Meteorite iron was widely used by Inuit (Eskimo) peoples.

  • Reply to: Initial Stage Reached on Dream of Cloning Woolly Mammoth   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Hehe

    So, ya, Add this Gene to your Wooly Mammoth "MAO-A"

  • Reply to: Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: gord

    Wow NADJA. What dingle berry talk. You may nit see yourself as being a racist, but you surely harbour a lot of hatred and anger.

    Such language to make a 'point'. Seems your the only one to know the truth. All the rest of use are scumbags, thieves, liars, been brianwashed- cuz we are all just so stupid and ignorant.

    What a sad sad state of mind and being you are in.

  • Reply to: More Than Summer Solstice - Prehistoric Calendar Revealed at Stonehenge   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jagganath

    AS a suggestion, and to finally settle matters between yourselves, please build a replica with the Aubrey holes and all the bits everyone speculates about, aligned exactly howsoever your belief system concludes things should be, and check out your theories in 3D instead of computer models that are too far removed from human experience to impress.

    Then , while you are at it- and it can just be a small scale balsa wood model, or even clay fired replicas of all the stones etc; try remembering the debut of 2001: and the apes are yourselves......

  • Reply to: Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Nadja

    The lieing scumbag ''Israelis'' (European origins) stole the culture, knowledge and even religion of the black ppl(original ppl) the true Israelites! And no matter where one is, the deeper one digs the blacker it gets. If one does a quick research to ancient findings in the Americas/Africa/Asia you see faces with broad noses(mostly destroyed or modified) to hide the truth, also in Afghanistan. And this might be Hebrew but it were the true Jews/Israelites not the fake Jew-ish ppl with their origins in Europe.

    The Africans(original ppl)) have already discovered everything we know about technology aka reversed technology. They come up with fairytale stories/distractions like the poor intelligent Tesla(playing on your emotions and I too used to fall for this crap) who was deceit by Edison that keeps the focus away from ancient technology. And all other socalled scientists who did nothing but copy and paste ancient African technology. All they could come up with is psychology the science of brainwashing and '' modern '' medicine which its main aim to keep the ppl of the world sick so that big pharma can make bilions. Before I go off-topic, Tesla himself was in fact a first class Jesuit just like his friend Edison was. It's all a big show, like pretty much everything wehave been taught so far. Cuz the ones who do all the killings write the historybooks and the newspapers. However, the offspring of the slave traders and todays colonists and imperialists doesn't want anyone to know we owe pretty much everything to Africans meaning BLACK FOLKS! Also almost any ancient sculpture found in South America/Africa/Asia had all big broad noses but the noses are always destroyed and/or modified. They want to brainwash us into believing differently through cultural programming, like this article and fb page about history in pictures
    or the hundreds of films that are made in the past 100 years aka whitewashery of notorious ancient African Kings and Queens. The only role black folks are allowed to play is that of a junkie/criminal/single mom/gangster or slave(aka psychological warfare). We live in the post middle ages, not the modern time for we already have passed modern times. They still don't know how certain enormous monuments in the Americas/Africa/Asia are built with all the ''technological advancement ''. There is so much out there that is unknown and the deeper one digs the blacker it gets. That is why there is a war on ''terrorism '' to gain more ancient knowledge and ancient findings/historical facts by creating division among ppl of Africa, espcially North Africa(aka ''the middle east '' which is part of North Africa, an imaginary concept brought to life by the colonists to create division '') so that they can easily plunder for more resources and ancient knowledge undisturbed. Idem dito for Afghanistan! Louis Dupree, the University of Pennsylvania, the Smithsonian Institution and others suggest that humans were living in Afghanistan at least 50,000 years ago, and that farming communities of the region were among the earliest in the world. Afghanistan is at the centre - the crossroads - of ancient civilizations and urbanized culture:
    Indus valley civilization 2200–1800 BC
    Oxus civilization 2100–1800 BC
    Aryans 1700–700 BC
    Median Empire 728–550 BC
    Achaemenid Empire 550–330 BC
    Seleucid Empire 330–150 BC
    Maurya Empire 305–180 BC
    Greco-Bactrian Kingdom 256–125 BC
    Parthian Empire 247 BC–224 AD
    Indo-Greek Kingdom 180–130 BC
    Indo-Scythian Kingdom 155–80? BC
    Kushan Empire 135 BC – 248 AD
    Indo-Parthian Kingdom 20 BC – 50? AD
    Sasanian Empire 230–651
    Kidarite Kingdom 320–465
    Hephthalite Empire 410–557

    Those poor countries are being attacked not for democracy or religious bullshit (there is a difference between religion and spirituality- not the new age crap indoctrination) but for their overly rich resources including extreme valuable ancient knowledge. Do not take my word for granted but research for yourself. For your tears (umbrella).

    Before the special kinds of stupid ppl start label me as racist. I am NOT racist. I do not wish these sick ppl death or whatever. They can control anything they want but they will never ever control time. And I will never ever stop spreading truth no matter what one labels me for their convenience. In fact racism is invented by the colonists/imperialists in east and west for this very reason, so save me the bullshit k?!
    When anyone no matter their color or race spreads truth and want everybody to research everything they are taught they are labeled as racist or lunatic. Or black folks that want to educate their children and stand up for their fukn rights are also labeled as racist. Go and brainwash someone else with your hocus pocus crap. In every race and/or country, there are good and bad ppl. Again you must be some special kind of stupid to generalize an entire population/group of ppl. There are white folks who are aware especially when it comes to history and historical facts. And some are ignorant as fuck but have the most wonderful hearts and intentions when it comes to humanity. Others are just born fuckups inherited by their fuckup racist grandgrandgrandgrand parents, it's in their genes.

  • Reply to: Ancient Book Teaches Amazing Mental Abilities   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert Turner

    Request more information on Robert Turner Book The Notary Art of Soloman

  • Reply to: Dragons: Exploring the Ancient Origins of the Mythical Beasts   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jagganath

    After this vinyl emerged mankind became progressively more stupid. The copmmonly available knowledge of actual flying dinosaurs known as Pteradactyls etc was lost, and graphic artists made lots of money by substituting ideas as impossible, and not even as anarchic as Darwin's very own. Years later, the few remaining copies of "Phenomena" were removed by assiduous non-believers and that a live toad was discovered in a piece of Welsh Coal, and a live Pteradactyl from marble whilst building the Mont Blanc Tunnel in very recent times made my crocodile cry, but not as much as "Kerry".

  • Reply to: 16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: K e v i n

    I'm an admitted archaeology dummy, but it seems implausible to me that artifacts that are over 16,000 years old can be found relatively undisturbed a mere one meter below the surface. They were clearly not pushed to just below the surface by a seismic event or otherwise. I've found tools and other items I have lost over the years, just 2 - 5 years later several inches to nearly 6 inches below the dirt as I do landscaping. I realize gravity will pull iron below the surface at rates an order of magnitude faster than stone tools, but 16,000 years is a long time relative to the shallow depths they were found.

  • Reply to: The Controversial Iwajuku Site and the Argument for the Japanese Paleolithic Period   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Markus Glover

    Really fine post, I definitely adore this website, keep on it.
