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  • Reply to: The Grail Cypher: A radical reassessment of Arthurian history   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: ralph ellis

    >>William = Wilhelm = "Wants a Helm", "Helm" symbolises Protection).

    Guillaume or Willhelm means "guide" or "navigator". The same title given to the leaders of the supposed Priory de Sion. Or is that Priory de Scion.?? Makes a difference....


  • Reply to: Revealing the True Nature of Elves: Dangerous Beauties and Diabolical Fiends   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: KyleLeroyAmes

    Seek help.

  • Reply to: The Grail Cypher: A radical reassessment of Arthurian history   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Geoffrey Tobin

    The two uses of "flos" in Alan's epitaph are a pun on his Breton epithet "ar-Rouz", the Rose. This too is an emblem of the Virgin Mary. The motto of the Dukes of Richmond reflects the association of Alan with this holy flower: "En la rose, je fleurie", that is "I flourish in the rose".
    When looking for explanations for the King Arthur stories, it's right to consider the dates and connections of the authors. The date of the first Crusade may be significant to the Grail component of these Romances, but so is the date of Alan's death, 4 August 1093. (As best I can tell, he died in the London Fire of that summer, hence the word "cineratur" for the manner of his death.) This is shortly before the crusade, so we have two dramatic events occurring at that time that affected England, Brittany and Normandy.
    I don't think Arthur is one story, but rather a composite of events that people felt strongly about. For example, the Journey to Avalon is plainly based on Riothamus's escape to Avallon in Burgundy after being betrayed and ambushed by Euric and the Visigothic army, an historic event in the period 468-471.
    Geoffrey of Monmouth surely knew Count Stephen of Treguier, Alan's youngest brother and heir, who died in 1136. Chretien de Troyes was familiar with the court of Henry II whose son Geoffrey married Stephen's great-granddaughter and heiress Constance, Duchess of Brittany. Their son was Duke Arthur I, rightful king of England who was murdered by his uncle John. The price John paid was the loss of the Angevin empire to a massive revolt.
    Thomas Malory wrote his tales when a later heir, Arthur de Richemont was Duke Arthur III. This Arthur had taken over the French government, reformed its finances and army and personally drove the English out of northern France.
    This was a mighty family whose deeds would soon have global impact as their Breton ideals of freedom and equality under law were carried to new continents.
    This is not to diminish the importance of the crusades and the Grail, but rather to show that the tapestry of the Arthurian Cycle has many interconnected threads. Alan's genealogical links to the Romans and to the Apostles indicate how rich this great work is. Recall that St James the Greater was brother to John the Beloved, and thus related to the Virgin Mary herself and to Christ.
    Furthermore, the Sovereign House, which is the official French designation for Alan's family, alone in the world had the right to wear the ermine representing the purity and honour of the Virgin. Think on that!
    When other aristocrats were borrowing from the Knights Templar, the Sovereign House gave large donations to them. Philip the Fair's destruction of the French Templars and confiscation of their wealth, much of which had been from Brittany, was a provocation that contributed greatly to the Hundred Years' War.
    Even if we didn't know of Alan's ancestral connections to Saint James and the Virgin, we should realise that there's something uniquely grand and marvellous about his family, due to the extraordinary combination of military prowess, wisdom and humility that they had.
    If Joseph of Arimathea was remembered for special reasons in Britain, then the knowledge of it must have been carried by, and particularly dear to, them.
    Oh, before I forget: the zodiac constellation nearest Arcturus is Virgo.

  • Reply to: Does First-of-its-Kind Hebrew Inscription give Evidence for New Testament Account of Jesus Miracles?   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Willem

    What Osiris says!
    This article and its header only proof how people tend to blow up insignificant facts and stories to mythical proportions to proof the existence of their specific savior. It's all a fraud!
    Very bad try AO!

  • Reply to: Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Rose McDonald

    Gina; Here's more about the sword you might find interesting. They're available on Italian Ebay for 75 Euros. I posted the ad on the Oak Island Facebook page.

  • Reply to: The Hidden Origins of Il Separatio: Manuscripts Deemed Dangerous and Banned   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: osiris

    This echos the (i believe buddhist) notion that nothin is bad or good, it simply ‘is’.   Fascinating article.

  • Reply to: Mesoamericans at Teotihuacan kept Ferocious Animals Captive and May Have Fed them with Humans   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: osiris

    Isn’t it also possible that the captive carnivores were simply fed maize since it was a staple and readily available? I think the notion that because they had high amounts of vitamin C in their teeth indicates that they ate humans is a bit of a stretch considering that the vitamin C comes from the Maize and not the humans. I would guess it was much more likely the animals were simply fed maize. But as the article states; ‘we may never know’.

  • Reply to: Does First-of-its-Kind Hebrew Inscription give Evidence for New Testament Account of Jesus Miracles?   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: osiris


    “….The dedication comprises eight lines, so that it is very detailed or expansive…...”

    and so far we only get the word "Marmaria" translated on the slab? Okay, it’s in hebrew, it’s old, it has a ‘word’ which echos something out of the NT. So that constitute evidence of miracles???

    Let us know when the whole 8 lines are translated and what the entire inscription says. Until then it’s just another rock with some writing on it.

  • Reply to: Questioning the Moses Timeline: Clues revealed in work of murdered playwright Marlowe   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: lfm

    amazing that we're now in the Space Age and people still believe in such superstitious fairytales.......

  • Reply to: Questioning the Moses Timeline: Clues revealed in work of murdered playwright Marlowe   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Wally58

    Sam, you are pretty dang close to dead on the money correct! Jews were known as Edomites in Christ's time. The word Jew did not exist then. No J's or J sounds until 1500 years later. Not even a "Jesus" then as His name was Yahshua. Even Germans use the J letter as a Y sound as in Karl Jung (Young).

  • Reply to: The Olmecs: Mesoamerican Mother Culture of Colossal Heads and Giant Mysteries   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Samuelrothenberg

    I'm a big supporter that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. But I truly think that when afrocentrists start claiming everything on this planet as having been done by them. It sorta hurts the movement. People will say "see them afrocentrists they think Greece is black and Olmecs were black". And then they will think "and that the Egyptians were black" so people will stop taking them seriously on the real issue which is were the Anciemt Egyptians black? Which is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbows anyway. Everything pales in comparison to Egypt. But claiming everything else in fact hurts the movement.

  • Reply to: The Nephilim: Giant Offspring of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Man?   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: jeffery barber

    You ask a very valid question, Gary. I agree that Enoch is canonical

    When the church realized the true nature of Enochs work, they gave him the boot. Enochs testement clearly tells the truth about many issues, including the true nature of spirituality, reincarnation, and hell.

    The Book of Enoch, basically and foremost is a apocraphyl foretelling of the true location of the battle of the Armageddon, he explains who is behind the malevolence, in veiled terms, but very clearly if you look closely, he tells us that Armageddon is fomented by the "accursed of the accursed for ever, that sleep in the dust" and they are in the "accursed valley between the lofty trees". He explains that as long as they stay in their valley, everything will remain peaceful.

    The "accused valley between the lofty trees". The "lofty trees" are the Sierras and the Rockies. That makes the "accursed valley" the great basin.

    Enoch even makes reference to the "saints" and makes a rhetorical joke at one point, in an "ohoh, somebodies gonna be in trouble" way, for the malevolence they create.

    Another thing Enoch relates, and the true reason the church gave him the boot, is he tells us about reincarnation and spirituality. Hell also relates the true nature of "hell".

    Understanding the churches intention of inserting themselves between God and the masses, to make themselves the middleman of spirituality, for the low low price of 10% of everything you own, we can get you to heaven in one trip through the game of life.

    Just come on into the crazy popes and ask about our "salvation and forgiveness" package. You can forget about "suffering" and all those rebirths that our competition gives away. Here at crazy popes church we have what you need, come on in today.

    The truth is, the only spiritual dogma the Old Man endorses is Advaita Vedanta, which is the divine seed that every religion on earth can trace its roots back to.

    Advaita Vedanta is the spiritual dogma which was brought here by the annunaki, and gifted to the Sumerians.

    Before the council of Nicea in AD328, spirituality was very much of an individualized deal, between you and God. There were no churches. There were temples, but those were for the priests, not congregations.

    The church gave us religion, but not spirituality. They created a collective guilt trip, replete with a big collection plate that every body else saw who dropped what into it. The created competition among the people and profited nicely by it.

    In its purest form, Advaita Vedanta, required no church. Like i said, very individualized. The only "religion" that is requisite, is simply an acknowledgement that the Creator exists. Other than that, you were/are free to make your own "religion" out of it.

    As for the church, they have been on the old mans"shit list" for a long time. You cannot go around spreading malevolence, like the crusades, and then point the finger of blame at the Old Man and say "God told me to" and not expect to to be on his christmas card list.

    That, and the fact that of all the billions and billions of dollars the church has taken in, not one shekel has ever found its way to the Old Mans coin purse. Not one!

    I hope that ive answered your question.

  • Reply to: The Hidden Origins of Il Separatio: Manuscripts Deemed Dangerous and Banned   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Victor Garay

    This is how we freed ourselves in the "garden of eden" or the mines. We asked questions. It wasn't until the secret creation of woman, that once we began to multiply, woman gave us curiosity because they are our nurturers, they watch after men. This is also why through out religious history, woman is down played and suppressed. Because they were the key ingredient to why we were freed. That's why when we are triumphing in celebration and embracing each other, evolving to the point where we were becoming individuals, to the point where we don't need religion, the malevolent all mighty extraterrestrial "god" creates a catastrophe to wipe out mankind and it's been proven through religious texts.

  • Reply to: The Hidden Origins of Il Separatio: Manuscripts Deemed Dangerous and Banned   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Victor Garay

    This story illustrates, the individual. If you look up the definition for individual, it states; single; separate. Because once a person finds himself and his true mind, he'll know his real self and he'll become an individual.

    Once you've found yourself, regained your true mind and awareness, you'll be severed from the grasp of the power establishment. The power establishment knows this and fears this. Once you've regained your true mind and awareness, no one would be able to manipulate the way in which you apply your energy and there are all sorts of corruption ranging from nightmares, corrupt, power-hungry religious leaders, political institutions, peer pressure, and the media that will try to manipulate you. No power establishment will want this to happen, because the real self is dangerous for the established church, dangerous for the state, dangerous for the crowd, dangerous for the tradition, because once a man knows his real self, he becomes an individual. Independent from everything else, he'll be conscience informed and capable of critical thinking. He no longer belongs to the mob psychology. He will not be superstitious. He cannot be exploited and he cannot be led like cattle. He cannot be ordered and commanded. He will live according to his light or energy. He will live from his own inwardness. His life will have tremendous beauty, integrity. That is the fear of the power establishment.

    Integrated persons become individuals, and the society wants you to be non-individuals. Instead of individuality, the society teaches you to be a personality. The word "personality" has to be understood. It comes from the root, persona, which means a mask. The society gives you a false idea of who you are, it gives you just a toy, and you go on clinging to the toy your whole life.

    Question everything, that's what set us free. It's not a question of loyalty or faith, but of individuality. The power establishment and the church are working together to suppress you from finding yourselves. The idea of duality that there's a "god" and a "devil" is the greatest scam on this planet and that's how they manipulate the way in which you apply your energy. The last thing the power establishment and the church want is a conscience informed public capable of critical thinking. That's why they try to persuade you that "god" controls everything so you can't. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time. Give a man religion and he'll die praying for fish. They teach you that "god" controls everything so that you are afraid to question the intentions of this superiority and so that you are even afraid of even expressing your own individuality in many cases. Christians and others are taught that they have virtually no power to do anything except pray, worship and do "good deeds." They are taught to practice self denial and are told that their own will is totally irrelevant. Religious followers believe that they are yielding their will over to a benevolent cosmic individual who has single-handedly created the whole universe and has their best interests at heart when in fact they are handing over their will and freedoms to hidden groups of religious and political elites for the elites own personal gains. It appears that religion must constantly degrade and humiliate its followers in order to glorify and elevate its god. Unfortunately many people appear eager to give away their power to authority and seem to have a need and even a desire to be ruled and disciplined by it. That's why they ask for your faith or blind submission. They want you to believe that you're not capable of helping yourselves. There are no single masters in all creation, there is only creation as one, united as one and everyone in it. The real monsters are only flesh and blood. Duality creates a illusory system of superiority that makes a separation between the unified creation which is us. This illusion of an enemy image is how they control you. This keeps the followers in a continuing state of fear and compliance. The war of terrorism will never be won because they are your masters. Regain your true mind and regain your awareness. We shouldn't separate ourselves in a universe that unites us just because we're a little unsure of who we are. We are spheres of energetic probes created by the universe and it's because we are possessors of energy that has an awareness that we are the means by which the universe becomes aware of itself. So, what makes you, you? Who are we? Our brains? Our brains are a body part like our fingernails and our hearts. Why is that the part that's makes us? It doesn't, because we have a sort of voice that's in our heads, the part of us that thinks, that feels, that is aware that we exist at all. If you're aware you exist, then you do. That's why when we die we're still here, as energy. That's our awareness. That's how you escape death. The only thing that can escape death is energy because energy cannot be created nor destroyed. What's true in our minds and in our awareness, is true, whether some people know it or not. Find yourself and your true mind. This is how the universe tests us.

    We don't truly die. Our legacy carries on. It's all about energy and how you apply it. The only thing that can escape death, is energy. We are spheres of energetic probes created by the universe and it's because we're possessors of energy that has an awareness that we are the means by which the universe becomes aware of itself. You have to find yourself and your place in this world. To show your connection to the universe. Life is about the ride, that's all. Don't ever let anyone or anything make you feel guilty for living life the way you want to. When you look in the mirror, don't look at yourself look at how people see you. Look at your friends, your family, your hobby or the things that make you happy. So, you can awaken your awareness. When this happens you become an individual and not a personality. This is how the universe tests us.

    Our purpose on this planet is to show our connection to the universe. To awaken. Life isn't about the prize at the end, it's all about the ride. When we were born, our energy was as bright as the sun, fully aware of everything around us. Have you ever looked into a baby's eyes when it's born? It's always watching, aware of everything, it looks in awe of everything around it and when it reaches adulthood and dies, the universe wants it just the same. If we don't awaken, our energy will remain here to be born into a new capsule to live another cycle of corruption by our own choice of representation. When you're awakened and you die, your energy is sent to a better world with less corruption, living a better life in a better capsule. This is how the universe tests us. Our lives and everything in the universe is a cycle of massive amounts of energy that has always existed being transferred and spread out in cycles called Aeons. An Aeon is when the universe blinks from far away. It expands, then it contracts on itself, then it has another big bang continuously blinking. Our purpose is to show our connection to the universe, not separate ourselves from it. We shouldn't separate ourselves from a universe that unites us, just because we are a little unsure of who we are. We are all special beings and we all deserve to be happy and no human nor animal should have to suffer. The day we stop caring about each other will be the day we lose all humanity.

    You are all "gods". Because every experience is a learning experience, there is no source of good or evil. You decide the way in which you apply your own energy. God is consciousness... not a creator. God is the source of creation, energy. It (not he or she), It is not independent of you. It is the totality of everything. So when I call you all Gods, I am not talking about your personal self. I am talking about the expression of the god self that rests inside of you. The verb.... the energy, not the noun. Once, you think god is a noun, person, place or thing, you've separate yourself from it and immediately you become a limited being. That's what separates the believers (religious) from the know-ers (spiritual).

    When we are born, the universe sends our energy into existence into a capsule or body. When we are infants, our "souls" or our luminous ball of energy is covered from top to bottom with a glowing coat, something like a plastic cover that is tightly adjusted over, like a cocoon of energy. That glowing coat is our "soul's" awareness. That glowing coat of awareness is what the accessories for power or the power establishment consumes. The accessories for power reside in infinity. Infinity is everything. It is all that surrounds us, it is the dark sea of awareness. Inside infinity, includes all sorts of corruption ranging from nightmares, corrupt, power-hungry religious leaders, political institutions, peer pressure, and the media and they will try to manipulate the way in which you apply your energy. When humans reach adulthood, all that is left of that glowing coat of awareness is a narrow fringe that went from the ground to the top of the toes. That fringe is the result of our awareness being eaten from the power establishment or the "powers that be". That fringe permitted mankind to continue living, but only barely. Man is the only species that has the glowing coat of awareness outside that luminous cocoon.

    This life is a test to show our connection to the universe, that we are all equal components of creation in the universe. That every experience is a learning experience. For after all, we are all connected by energy. So, everything depends on everything else. The one contains the many and the many contains the one. A leaf contains the sun, the sky and the earth. So, you can't understand anything in isolation from your environment, so denying yourself would be the equivalent of closing yourself off from the universe. Find yourself, not a system of superiority. If you don't stand up for yourself, then you'll fall for anything.

  • Reply to: Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Dialn911

    Did you not read the article? Shields have been found on the island and region. Also, its stated this is believed to be a a CEREMONIAL sword and not ones used for combat. you went on such a long winded explanation about why this is not sufficient for combat and its stated in the article is was not used for that purpose. It was also tested for verification which it passed. People will call anything a hoax when it threatens their world views.

  • Reply to: Nostradamus and Chinese Prophets Had Startlingly Similar Predictions   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Henry Davidson

    2 is considered bad luck in fung shui so this guy having a name like 2 x 2 (Tui Bei Tu) is great for predicting disasters :)

  • Reply to: Nostradamus and Chinese Prophets Had Startlingly Similar Predictions   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Chunzi

    There are at least a couple of different versions of the Tuibeitu. The one you are using in this article is probably a false one, used in times of war. In 1930's Japan ocupied Manchuria, and from poem 41 onwards the 'predictions' are about getting them out... In the original Chinese languages there is no mention about a '99-year... It says 'Jiushujiu Niancheng' witch means '99 years of harvest' It is not about a certain year, but about a period... But then again,,, That's how books on Nostradamus also have been written in numbers... As people start to read what is says before copying others... I do like predictions, but I also like a good translation...

  • Reply to: Questioning the Moses Timeline: Clues revealed in work of murdered playwright Marlowe   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Sam

    During what we would know as the time of Moses there was nothing on Earth known as a Jew. There were people in the middle East known as Hebrews, I cannot say with any certainty that were ever a people known as the Israelite's? It is a sure thing there were no Jews. The Jews are a modern day invention of the Rothschilds and since the Rothschilds own publishing and print the Christians bible, well, most of the people reading this will say: hey, man, the bible says this and the bible says that. Hey man, the bible says what the Rothschilds want it to say, and so does the Pope. It is for certain the Ashkenazi Jews did not come from the middle east, and since the Ashkenazis made sure the Semites who might call themselves Jews were used up in WW2, murdered by the Communist Jews who were Ashkenazi. From this came the Holohoax and a lot of other stuff thought of today as history when in fact it is nothing but BS.

  • Reply to: Revealing the True Nature of Elves: Dangerous Beauties and Diabolical Fiends   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Rosalie

    I wish I could unsee what I just saw in these pictures.

    Elves, pixies, trolls, fairies, leprechauns, Sasquatch, yeti, Loch Ness monster, wood nymphs, etc-etc-etc, are all manifestations of the evil angels who were tossed out of Heaven. These demons can take any shape or form they want to deceive us. I also believe that is what UFOs are, demons.

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   8 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Sai Das

    I have never seen such a display of run on sentences in my entire life!!!
