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Photo of the dragon stone of Lchashen 1 (erected at the entrance of the Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum Reserve) and its drawing on the right.

Burial of Two Infants Found Under Dragon Stone At Prehistoric Armenia Site

A n international team of scientists has unearthed the remains of two infants buried beneath a basalt monument known as a dragon stone at the Lchashen site in Armenia. This finding is remarkable not...
Left, Childlike graffiti found at Insula dei Casti Amanti site, Pompeii.              Source: Pompeii Sites

Children’s Graffiti Reveals Witnessing of Gladiatorial Violence in Pompeii

Alongside the impressive frescoes found during excavations at Pompeii, some less impressive, but perhaps more telling art has been discovered. Children’s graffiti has been found that depicts scenes...
Representational image of a child mummy in Peru. Source: lamurebenjamin / Adobe Stock.

1,000-Year-Old Cemetery of Child Mummies Found in Peru by Gas Workers

In a remarkable discovery in the district of Carabayllo in Peru, archaeologists have unearthed a nearly 1,000-year-old pre-Hispanic cemetery containing the remains of infants and children . Six...
From ancient to modern times the abominable violation of human rights has occurred. Referred today as human trafficking, it is nonetheless, a form of slavery, of human exploitation for personal or commercial gain. Source: Rick/Adobe Stock

From Sumerian Gods to Modern Day: The Long History of Slavery and Lost Children

The recent film Sound of Freedom is a fictionalized account of the true story of Tim Ballard, a former US Department of Homeland Security agent who founded the nonprofit organization Operation...
Painting by Louis Le Nain from book cover of Death Control in the West 1500–1800: Sex Ratios at Baptism in Italy, France and England, by Gregory Hanlo.	Source: Taylor & Francis

Parents Murdered Their Children, “Routinely,” Claims New Book

A harrowing new study into the history of infanticide, child murder, in early-modern Europe, has presented a slate of horrific facts. It turns out child murder was so common in Italy, France and...
British woman drinking tea. Source: Masson/Adobe Stock

By Giving Up Sugar in Their Tea, British Women Helped End Slavery

Believe it or not, but by the 1700s, deciding whether or not to take sugar with your tea had become a political statement. While sugar-free diets are now all the rage, the motivations behind this...
Detail of a painting of a mother and child, in this case Andromache and Astyanax by Pierre Paul Prud’hon. Source: Public domain

Mothers’ Lives in Ancient Greece Were Not Easy – But Celebrations of Their Love Have Survived Across the Centuries

By Joel Christensen / The Conversation As a father of three and the husband of an amazing woman, I know that one day a year is far too little to recognize everything mothers do. But my work as a...
Representational image of a child mummy. Child mummies have been scanned to reveal the prevalence of anemia in ancient Egyptian children. Source: Mary Harrsch / CC BY-SA 4.0

Why Did So Many Ancient Egyptian Children Suffer Anemia?

In a “first-of-its-kind” fascinating osteoarchaeological study, scientists have found that anemia was common in ancient Egyptian children who had been mummified . Through the use of CT scans, it was...
Many lives lost and their remains thrown in numerous mass graves. Source: AidaTiara/Adobe Stock

Hidden Horrors: 10 of History’s Most Shocking Mass Graves

From ancient times to the present day, mass graves have been a haunting reminder of the atrocities that human beings can inflict upon each other. These graves, containing the remains of countless...
This capacocha victim, a boy recovered from Cerro El Plomo in 1954, was the first finding of its kind to be the subject of scientific studies. Pictured with excavated grave goods: a female silver statuette, gold llamas and spondylus shell, a chuspa stuffed with coca leaves, scrotum and animal intestine bags with clippings of nails, hair and teeth, and a silver bracelet. Source: Jisa39 / CC BY SA 4.0

Capacocha: Ritualized Child Sacrifice in the Inca Empire

The Inca were an impressive people. From the 1400s to 1532, they created an empire so large it spread from modern Ecuador to central Chile. Master builders that rivaled the ancient Egyptians, their...
The most mystifying grave found during the July-August dig season at Pampa La Cruz in northern Peru held five children in a circle with their heads almost touching. Source: andina / Huanchaco Archaeological Program

76 Pre-Inca Child Sacrifices Found at Peru’s Pampa La Cruz site

Archaeologists working at the pre-Inca Pampa La Cruz site in Peru have found even more evidence of Chimu child sacrifice practices. The sacrificial remains of 76 more children have been discovered at...
Dyfed Archaeological Trust diggers standing in front of the boxes of artifacts found at what is thought to be the medieval friary site in Haverfordwest, Wales. Source: Dyfed Archaeological Trust

Unexplained Remains of Children Found Near Welsh Medieval Friary Site

A dig to find the location of a 600-year-old medieval friary in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, has resulted in the macabre discovery of countless human remains. So far, nearly 100 skeletons have been...
Pied Piper of Hamelin. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock

The Pied Piper is a True Story and The Piper Stole 130 Children!

Many would have heard the childhood tale of the Pied Piper who freed a town of rats by leading them away with his music and, when he wasn’t paid, he returned and led away the town’s children, who...
This sacrificed Inca child, known as the Llull Maiden #23, was found on a mountain in Argentina a number of years ago and shares similarities with the sacrificed child Inca mummies found on Ampato volcano, Peru. 				Source: © Johan Reinhard, Ph.D . (used with permission)

Ritually Sacrificed Inca Kids Fed “Soothing” Coca and Caapi Cocktails

The medicinal use of plants and the collection, dissemination, and application of traditional knowledge surrounding plants (ethnobotany) is an indigenous practice from the Americas well documented to...
Handprints are the key element of the children’s art contribution in prehistoric times revealed in this study.	Source: Nattapol_Sritongcom/Adobe Stock

A Whopping 25% of Prehistoric Rock Art Could Be Children’s Art, Study

Child artists are not just a modern reality. They have left their artistic fingerprints on countless ancient surfaces. Now, a new study published in The Journal of Archaeological Sciences points to...
The Satanic Temple are influencing children in American schools (grandfailure / Adobe Stock)

Satanic Temple Weaponizing US School Children In Spiritual Wargames

A new “Satan Club” has opened in a US school for children as The Satanic Temple pushes back on the success of Christian Good News clubs. The term “Spiritual warfare” describes the ancient Christian...
One of the six sacrificed children found in the tomb of an important man in the ancient Andean city of Cajamarquilla. The tiny skeletons were wrapped tightly in cloth.		Source: PHYS

Mummies of Six Sacrificed Children Found at 1,000-Year-Old Peru Site

Archaeologists from Peru recently discovered the remains of six mummified sacrificed children, who were apparently the victims of human sacrifice sometime between the years 1,000 and 1,200 AD. The...
The Green Children of Woolpit, created from Babes in the Wood illustration by Randolph Caldecott. Source: Project Gutenberg / Public Domain

The Green Children of Woolpit: Legendary Visitors from Another World

The 12th century tale of the Green Children of Woolpit, in Suffolk, is a bizarre medieval folk story which has been remembered for generations. It isn’t often we hear of children appearing at the...
Inside the Palermo catacombs, Palermo, Sicily, Italy and an image of Rosalia Lombardo, who died in 1920, as she appeared in 1982. Source: toshket / Adobe Stock and Maria lo sposo assumed / Public domain

Child Mummies in the Palermo Catacombs Cause of Death Investigation

The Palermo catacombs is a huge crypt full of mummified monks, professionals, and children. The child mummies in the Palermo catacombs literally look as if they are asleep in time. Now, 41 of these...
Rock coffin with four children's skeletons, including the dark black dagger in situ. Approximately 4000 years old. (Katrine Ipsen Kjær / ROMU)

Remains of Five Toddlers Found in Ancient Tombs in Denmark

Five children’s bodies have been found in one ancient burial mound in Denmark. But where are all the others? Archaeology is greatly structured on the discovery and recovery of the buildings and...
A Neanderthal boy looking at his reflection not knowing that Neanderthal development was faster than that of modern humans. Some kids have it easier!		Source: EmotionPhoto / Adobe Stock

Neanderthal Child Development Was Faster than Humans, Study Reveals

Neanderthal development was faster than the maturation process in modern humans according to the latest study. This means Neanderthal children were able to reach physical maturity at earlier ages,...
A 3D-relief model of the Quesang fossil handprints and footprints, which appears to be the oldest prehistoric art ever discovered and the prints was made by two children, likely Denisovans. 	Source: ScienceDirect

Tibetan Hand and Footprints May Be Oldest Prehistoric Art

Scientists have discovered an exciting new example of prehistoric art high on the Tibetan Plateau: a set of ancient children's hand and footprints. If the dating of between 169,000 and 226,000 years...
Paleolithic Age Footprints of Children Discovered in La Garma Cave

Paleolithic Age Footprints of Children Discovered in La Garma Cave

Cantabria in northern Spain is famous for its cave systems that are adorned with deeply-ancient prehistoric drawings . In archaeological terms National Geographic calls the Museo de Altamira “the...
East Meets West: Little Red Riding Hood Versus Japan’s Okuri-Inu

East Meets West: Little Red Riding Hood Versus Japan’s Okuri-Inu

Throughout history the dark of the night has always brought fear. The quiet forests, roads or paths were a place where imagination would run wild as to what goes bump in the night. In the West,...
