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Charles Christian

The Temple at the Gates of Dawn: Ancient Sites are Forever Sacred - It’s only the Name of the Gods That Change

Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 16:00 to 17:00
Join regular Ancient Origins contributor Charles Christian for an exploration of how one mysterious ruin in the East of England has been the site of continuous religious ceremonies for over 2000 years—but with an ever changing cast of gods including the Celtic Belenus, the Roman Mithras, the Saxon Woden and finally the Christian God.

From Saxon Sirens to Sacred Orchards - Modern Traditions, Pagan Origins

Thursday, February 16, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:00
Every January, in parts of rural England, people still gather to celebrate Wassailing, a tradition with distinctly Pagan origins intended to bless the coming year’s apple crops and protect orchards from evil spirits. It’s an intriguing part of the ongoing connection between the present day and folklore but in this eye-opening presentation, English Dark Ages and Medieval History expert Charles...