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The Temple at the Gates of Dawn: Ancient Sites are Forever Sacred - It’s only the Name of the Gods That Change

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Event Date(s): 
24/02/2018 - 16:00 to 17:00

Join regular Ancient Origins contributor  Charles Christian  for an exploration of how one mysterious ruin in the East of England has been the site of continuous religious ceremonies for over 2000 years—but with an ever changing cast of gods including the Celtic Belenus, the Roman Mithras, the Saxon Woden and finally the Christian God. This revealing webinar will also be looking at the implications of the St Michael ley-line and how this could connect the ruins with an even older tradition stretching back to Thoth, Ancient Egyptian god of the Underworld. Join us for a preview of some of the material in Charles Christian’s upcoming book  The Temple at the Gates of Dawn .

Charles Christian

See more at and don’t miss Charles’  Weird Tales Radio Show , exploring Ghosts, Geeks, Magick, Music, Urban Myths & Folklore!

Charles Christian  is a professional writer, editor, award-winning journalist and former Reuters correspondent. His recent non-fiction books include  A travel guide to Yorkshire’s Weird Wolds: The Mysterious Wold Newton Triangle .



Event Location:  AO Premium

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