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Kremsmunster Abbey, Upper Austria, was founded in 777 AD by Tassilo III, Duke of Bavaria, the last of the House of Agilolfings. According to the legend of its foundation, Tassilo established the monastery on the site where his son, Gunther, had been attacked and killed by a wild boar during a hunt. Source: Simone/Adobe Stock

The House of Agilolfings, Bavaria’s Powerful Overlords

The House of Agilolfings is a significant, though often overshadowed, dynasty in the history of early medieval Europe. Originating in the region that would later become Bavaria, this noble lineage...
The Iron Crown of the Lombards

10 Most Important Kings of the Lombards

The Lombards were a Germanic people who played a significant role in shaping the history of Europe, especially during the early medieval period. Originating from the lower Elbe River region, the...
The Joyeuse Sword of Charlemagne. Source: P.poschadel/CC BY-SA 3.0

Joyeuse: The Legendary Sword of Charlemagne

The sword of Joyeuse, which today sits in the Louvre Museum, is one of the most famous swords in history. Historical records link the sword to Charlemagne the Great, King of the Franks. If it did...
Left; Byzantine silverware, Right; Medieval silver coins from the study.	Source: Left; Johnbod/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Antiquity Publications Ltd

Medieval England’s Sudden Silver Currency Conversion Solved

After years of speculation, researchers have finally traced the origins of Europe's revolutionary adoption of silver coins in the mid-7th century, uncovering a tale of economic evolution and...
AI generated image of Charlemagne Charles the Great king. Source: dan/Adobe Stock

Charlemagne: How He Changed History Forever (Video)

Charlemagne , also known as Charles the Great, stands as a pivotal figure in European history, reshaping the fragmented Western and Central Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Born...
AI Panoramic view of the castle during the Dark Ages. Source: DIGITALSHAPE/Adobe Stock

Why the Dark Ages Weren't Really All That Dark

For hundreds of years, a period often referred to as ‘the Dark Ages’, covering the 5th to the 10th centuries, was looked down upon by historians, especially during the Renaissance and Enlightenment...
Myth or reality, Ragnar Lothbrok remains an iconic figure in Viking lore. Source: HN Works/Adobe Stock

What is the Story Behind the Real Ragnar Lothbrok? (Video)

Ragnar Lothbrok , an iconic figure in Viking lore, emerges from the shadows of Norse sagas, a sea king whose exploits reverberate through the annals of history. In 845, as the Frankish Empire...
The Saxons spread across Europe from the 4th century, settling nearly every corner of the continent, here portrayed clashing with Vikings. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

The Saxon Conquest of Europe, and a Christian Conquest of Saxons

Anyone familiar with European history will have heard of the Saxons. Originally a Germanic tribe from the North Sea coast of the Netherlands, over the centuries they spread across Europe like...
Coronation of Queen Victoria 28 June 1838 by Sir George Hayter (Public Domain)

Coveted Imperial Titulature, Emperors and Empresses: Don’t Blame Queen Victoria

The title of “emperor” is commonly seen as superior to that of “king”. But that has not always been the case. Ironically, what is now translated as “emperor” started out not as a title at all but as...
Le Puy-en-Velay, A Small French Town with a Large Legacy

Le Puy-en-Velay, A Small French Town with a Large Legacy

Despite its relatively small size, the town of Le Puy-en-Velay in France is blessed with a spectacular landscape, great architecture, and remarkable ruins. Many festivals are held here throughout the...
Rollo was a Viking famed for raids on Paris and becoming ‘Duke’ of Normandy.          Source: uteam2016 / Adobe Stock

How Rollo the Viking Conqueror Settled in Normandy

Rollo was a well-known Viking leader who lived between the 9 th and 10 th centuries AD. He is best-known for becoming the ruler of Normandy and is therefore sometimes referred to as the first Duke of...
Charlemagne receiving the submission of Widukind at Paderborn in 785, by Ary Scheffer (1840) (Public Domain)

The Facts and Fiction of Charlemagne and His Paladin

In the early Middle Ages, the most eminent members who surrounded the sovereign of the empire were defined as Paladins, or Palatine Counts, who, among various other duties, served as Judges for...
La Margineda and Santa Coloma heritage                 Source: Photo by Visit Andorra

La Margineda: A Mountain Pass of Ages and Archaeological Gem

Believed to have been created by Charlemagne , Andorra is a tiny country nestled between Spain and France and the only country where Catalan is the official language. It is a place not everyone has...
Medieval Carcassonne town view, France. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe

Carcassonne: Europe’s Largest Medieval Fortified City Was Defended by Straw Soldiers

Carcassonne is Europe’s largest fortified city that still stands today. It is located in Aude, a department in the southern French region of Occitanie . The city is divided into two parts by the Aude...
King Offa of Mercia in procession.

King Offa of Mercia: A Ruthless Anglo-Saxon Hellbent on Power and Prestige

One of the most prominent Anglo-Saxon kings, Offa of Mercia in southern England, came to power upon the murder of his cousin, King Aethelbald. He went on to rule for 39 years and consolidated much of...
Coronation of Louis the Pious as King of Aquitaine.

The Troubled Reign of Louis the Pious, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Louis I (byname the Pious, the Fair, or the Debonair) was a King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor belonging to the Carolingian Dynasty. He lived between the 8 th and 9 th centuries AD and reigned...
Externsteine, north-eastern face, across Wiembecke pond.

Worship? Meditation? Sacrifice? What Ancient Ritual Activities Were Held at the Externsteine Sacred Stone Formation?

Externsteine is an unusual sandstone rock formation near Ostwestfalen-Lippe in the northwest of Germany. It is unique among other monolithic sites in Europe because it is a natural formation that has...
Some Saxon Queens had killer reputations. (Public Domain);Deriv.

The Wicked Queen and Her Scandalous Daughter: How Murder & Mayhem Took a Saxon Princess from Palace to Poverty

While we might be gripped by the intrigues, the machinations, and the violence of the Lannisters and the Starks in the Game of Thrones television series and the Song of Ice and Fire series of novels...
Women Without Virtue Need Not Apply! The Medieval Nine Worthy Women

Women Without Virtue Need Not Apply! The Medieval Nine Worthy Women

In the 14th century, the nine worthies were a list of nine men who were identified as paragons of chivalrous behavior, which included courage and honor in battle. The nine worthies consisted of a...
The Heroic Story of Roland: A Valiant Knight With an Unbreakable Sword

The Heroic Story of Roland: A Valiant Knight With an Unbreakable Sword

Roland (Hruodland in Frankish) also called "Roland the Valiant," was born in 736 AD and died in 778 at Roncevaux. He was a Frankish knight, Earl of March of Brittany, responsible for defending the...
From Papyrus to Parchment: The Imperial Library of Constantinople

From Papyrus to Parchment: The Imperial Library of Constantinople

Many years after the destruction of the great libraries of the ancient world, such as the libraries of Pergamum and Alexandria, the Imperial Library of Constantinople preserved precious Ancient Greek...
Magical Rings and Their Mystical Powers

Magical Rings and Their Mystical Powers

Treasures are not always large gold hoards or mountains of precious stones. A treasure can also be a highly precious artifact such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinus, and the Sword of...
A depiction of Charlemagne.

Charlemagne: One of the Most Important Figures of Early Medieval Europe

Charlemagne (known also as Charles the Great, as well as Charles I) was a King of the Franks , the first ruler of the Holy Roman Empire (though the term ‘Holy Roman Empire’ would only be coined after...
The medieval manuscript King René’s Book of Love, written by that 15th century king of Sicily and Duke of Anjou himself, beautifully illustrates knighthood and chivalry

Excavations turn up medieval bones which may be a knight and his family

Archaeologists in Edinburgh have excavated several skeletons this year, including a discovery last month of bones believed to belong to a medieval Scottish nobleman or knight, now dubbed Sir Eck...
