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The tightly packed amphorae of the Ses Fontanelles Roman shipwreck. Source: Sebastià Munar Llabrés, Jaume Cardell, Carlos de Juan, Miguel Ángel Cau, Darío Bernal-Casasola, Llorenç Picornell & Enrique García Riaza / Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Roman Shipwreck Reveals Entirely New Type of Amphora

Archaeologists excavating the hold of a Roman cargo ship off the coast of Mallorca have turned up something new. An entirely unknown type of amphora has been found inside the wreck, which is believed...
Corinthian columns spotted by swimmer in Israel have led to discovery of Roman shipwreck. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Marble Columns Spotted by Swimmer Reveal Bountiful Roman Shipwreck

While swimming in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, Gideon Harris unexpectedly stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Little did he know that this uneventful event would lead experts to...
The Roman inscription is still clear on this amphorae recovered with many other well-preserved artifacts from a 4th-century-AD Roman cargo ship found meters from a busy Mallorca, Spain beach in 2019.					Source: Jose A Moya / Arqueomallornauta-Consell de Mallorca, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad de Cádiz, Universitat de les Illes Balears

1600-Year-Old Roman Shipwreck Found in “Perfect” Condition in Spain

In 117 AD, at the time of Caesar Trajan’s death, the Roman Empire had reached its territorial peak, stretching across the Mediterranean Sea to North Africa and Western Asia. And the Romans used ships...
A 13-foot anchor found by the Ottoman shipwreck.   Source: ©Enigma Recoveries

A Dozen Mediterranean Shipwrecks Reveal Global Trade

Marine archaeologists have found a large number of shipwrecks in a deep body of water known as the Levantine Basin in the Eastern Mediterranean. Experts have been looking for these wrecks for many...
This mysterious American shipwreck is only revealed in the sands following some storms. Source: York Maine Police Department

American Shipwreck Finally Identified – And it’s Revolutionary!

The state of Maine in the United States is well-known for its many shipwrecks, but the stories behind some of the vessels are still unknown. A recent study on one of the mysterious American...
The ‘Made in China’ inscription (highlighted here) indicates that this piece may have been made in the Wang family workshop Jianning Fu Prefecture.

‘Made in China’ Mark Names the Source of Java Shipwreck Cargo

Experts at the Field Museum in Chicago have made a discovery regarding a Chinese treasure trove that lay strewn on the ocean floor in the Java Sea. The trove was from a sunken ship that carried...
The Eerie Remains of an Ill-Fated Ship Still Preserves its Cargo Beneath the Mud

The Eerie Remains of an Ill-Fated Ship That Still Preserves its Cargo Beneath the Mud

It was a cold January day when a beautiful cargo ship called Amsterdam disappeared under the waters of the English Channel. When researchers found it once again in 1969 they couldn't believe its...
A diver exploring one of the wreck sites.

23 Wrecks Found in Ship Graveyard in Aegean Sea in Just 22 Days

It is the second time in a little over the year that researchers in Greece have announced the discovery of nearly two dozen sunken ships in the Aegean Sea. In the area of Fourni, a group of 13...
Photo of modern Azalai salt caravan.

Hippalos: Hazardous Journeys by Camel and Caravan – Part II

(Read Part 1, Hippalos: Early Navigation of Deep Sea Routes Between India and Egypt ) Assuming the presence of military was a deterrent to the local pirates, the Greek ship loaded with trade goods...
Hippalos: Early Navigation of Deep Sea Routes Between India and Egypt – Part I

Hippalos: Early Navigation of Deep Sea Routes Between India and Egypt – Part I

On the south-east or Coromandel Coast of India, about two miles (3.2km) south of the former French enclave of Pondicherry, there is a tract on the east known locally as Arikamedu, near the village of...
Ancient Greek sanctuary to receive 2,200-year-old cargo

Better Late than Never - Ancient Greek sanctuary to receive 2,200-year-old cargo

Over two millennia ago, a 10-metre column was ordered for the construction of a temple in one of the most important oracle centres in antiquity, Klaros, but it was sunk when the cargo ship carrying...