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Cannibalism in Brazil as described by Hans Staden in the 16th century

The Startling History of Cannibalism

Cannibalism , a grim and macabre subject, has a long and varied history. Human fascination with cannibalism is reflected in modern media, from films like "Night of the Living Dead" to TV shows such...
Colorized engraving depicting Sawney Bean. Source: Public Domain

Cannibalism in Scotland: The Dark Legend of Sawney Bean

Sawney Bean is a legendary figure from Scotland, who is said to have been a prolific cannibal. Together with his equally cannibalistic family, Sawney Bean murdered and robbed unfortunate victims from...
Moai on Rapa Nui, aka Easter Island. Source: thakala /Adobe Stock

Hidden Rapa Nui: Easter Island’s Cults, Cannibals, and Cultural Connections

Two-thousand-and-two-hundred miles (3,500 km) west beyond the coast of Chile, in the dark blue belly of the southeastern Pacific Ocean, hides Easter Island. A slightly more appropriate name of this...
Homo antecessor shared many facial features with modern humans. Source: Terrae Antiqvae

‘Distinct’ Facial Features Have Been Around For A Very Long Time

A new study suggests that human facial features are found deep within our ancestry. Some say that the similarities between the facial features of modern humans and the controversial Early Pleistocene...
Main Street, Levuka historical port town.

Fascinating Levuka Historical Port Town: Former Home to Fijian Cannibals and Kings

Ovalau Island is Fiji as it used to be in days gone by - an unspoiled paradise with friendly locals, the rare tourist, and an incredibly interesting history. With its unhurried lifestyle, most things...
Engraved bones found at the Gough’s Cave: A. Horse rib. B.Hare tibia. C. ‘bâton percé’ made from reindeer antler. D. bâton percé made from reindeer antler

Prehistoric Britons Cannibalized Dead Relatives and Created Art with their Bones

Paleontologists claim that ancient Britons ate their dead relatives before inscribing markings on their bones in spooky prehistoric rituals. Researchers came to this conclusion after examining human...
Cannibal feast on the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides by Charles E. Gordon Frazer (1863-1899).

Our Ancestors Were Cannibals – and Probably Not Because They Needed the Calories

James Cole / The Conversation In the recently released horror movie Raw , a lifelong vegetarian teenager arrives at a veterinary school and, after being forced to consume a rabbit kidney at a student...
Cannibal feast on the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides by Charles E. Gordon Frazer (1863-1899).

Skull Cups and Chewed Bones: Cannibalism was Ritual Behavior during Stone Age say Researchers

When scientists examined the cracked skulls and gnawed bones found in a cave in England, they recognized the grisly signs of cannibalism. Archaeological findings now indicate that the dwellers of...