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The Roman sarcophagus found on a Varna beach, Bulgaria.

Appearance of Sarcophagus on Beach Has Experts Pondering Its Origin

In a bizarre find, a vacationer came across a Roman sarcophagus on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast near Varna. The find was reported to the local authorities, leading to a swift response by...
 The silver amulet found at Deultum, Debelt, Bulgaris, the oldest Christian relic of Bulgaria.

1,800-Year-Old Silver Amulet is Bulgaria’s Oldest Christian Relic

Excavations near the village of Debelt in southeastern Bulgaria produced an astonishing artifact that changes the understanding of the history of Christianity in the country. At the site of an...
Top image: Statue of Hermes in situ at Heraclea Sintica. 	Source: Archaeologia Bulgarica

Remarkable Discovery of Complete Hermes Statue in Heraclea Sintica

Archaeologists working in the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica have unearthed a marvelously preserved marble statue from the Grand Canal of the district. This find is a first in the region, where...
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria - ceiling fragment (replica).       Source: tonya kolarova/Adobe Stock

Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, the Masterpiece of Ancient Artisans

The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak is a remarkable archaeological site located near the town of Kazanlak in central Bulgaria. Discovered in 1944, it is a stunning example of Thracian artistry and a window...
Artifacts and medallion of Emperor Caracalla found in the Roman tombs in Bulgaria. Source: Veliko Tarnovo History Museum

Rare Medallion of Emperor Caracalla Among Valuable Finds from Nova Varbovka

The Veliko Tarnovo Regional History Museum has presented to the media the valuable finds from the Roman graves discovered last December near the village of Nova Varbovka in Strazig. The rich grave...
Baba Vanga, attributed mystic and healer who claimed to have foreseen the future and the Cave of Bastet in Bulgaria. Source: /CC-BY-SA-3.0, Natalya/Adobe Stock

The Expedition Sparked by the Cryptic Tale of Baba Vanga's Prophecy

Shortly before her death, the Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga is said to have whispered an enigmatic prophecy: “ The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field...
This man underwent complete mummification in just over 16 days.  His mummified corpse was found near a railway in Bulgaria leaving scientists perplexed about this quick natural mummification.   Source:  Mileva B, Tsranchev I, Georgieva M, et al. /CC-BY 4.0

Man Discovered Mummified After 16 Days: Bulgarian Scientists Perplexed

Investigators in Bulgaria have been perplexed after finding “a complete mummified corpse,” just 16 days after the man was last seen alive. Sherlock once said, "Once you eliminate the impossible,...
Miniature in the 14th century Constantine Manasses Chronicle depicting the Bulgars led by Khan Krum pursuing the Byzantines during the Battle of Versinikia in 813. Source: Public domain

The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Bulgars and the First Bulgarian Empire

In the annals of history, the First Bulgarian Empire emerges as a captivating tale of rise, conquest and eventual decline. Founded by Khan Asparuh in the late 7th century, one of the early leaders of...
Faded Cyrillic script discovered on lead plate. Source: Ivaylo Kanev/Bulgarian National History Museum

Earliest Known Cyrillic Script With Ancient Plea Found at Medieval Bulgarian Fortress

Researchers performing excavations at a medieval fortress in Bulgaria unearthed a weathered and aged lead plate that contained a hard-to-read inscription. In fact, the inscribed words were so faint...
Part of the Novae Roman military camp. (Kleo73 / CC BY-SA 3.0) Insert: Ancient Roman fridge found at the site. Source: P. Dyczek / PAP

Ancient Fridge Unearthed at Roman Military Camp in Bulgaria Kept Food Cool

Polish archaeologists excavating a Roman military camp in Bulgaria expected to discover some coins; and they weren’t really surprised by the hoards of day-to-day tools and the expansive ancient water...
Ancient Roman refrigerator found at Novae Roman settlement, Bulgaria. Source: P. Dyczek / PAP

Archaeologists Unearth First Century Roman Refrigerator in Bulgaria

Over the last few decades, archaeologists from Bulgaria and Poland have been performing excavations at the site where the Roman legionary fortress of Novae once stood. The ruins of the fortress can...
Statue of Dionysus Bacchus.

The Thracian Oracle: Has the Famous Sanctuary of Dionysus Been Found?

The Thracians were an ancient people inhabiting parts of modern day Bulgaria and Greece. The lands of the Thracian tribes were home to several significant ancient cities, important landmarks and...
Bacho Kiro Cave Reveals Volumes About Human-Neanderthal Relationship

Bacho Kiro Cave Reveals Volumes About Human-Neanderthal Relationship

In 2020 a team of researchers reported the discovery of a collection of Upper Palaeolithic stone tools at the Bacho Kiro Cave site in Bulgaria . Among the tools they discovered the remains of modern...
The 2,500-year-old terracotta relief discovered on St. Cyricus depicts marching hoplites. Source: National Institute and Museum of Archaeology

Archaeology Hot Spot on St. Cyricus Yields Yet Another Greek Treasure

Over the last few years, excavations on St. Cyricus, near the Bulgarian town of Sozopol, have been particularly fruitful, unearthing a long and eventful history in the area. Now, on the St. Cyricus...
The mountain citadel of Perperikon, located near Kardzhali in Bulgaria, is an isolated dream for archaeologists. (Victor Lauer / Adobe Stock)

The Great Mountain Citadel of Perperikon and the Dionysian Cult

The modern nation of Bulgaria was always at the crossroads of history. Situated in a crucial historic region, it is filled to the brim with important archaeological sites and places of immense value...
"The Eyes" in the Prohodna Cave near Karlukovo, Bulgaria.

God or the Devil? Whose Mystical Eyes Follow Visitors through the Bulgarian Prohodna Cave?

Prohodna Cave is a natural cave located in North Central Bulgaria. This cave is a popular tourist attraction due to a certain natural feature in the cave, i.e. two eye-shaped holes in its central...
Prof. Vasil Nikolov and his team of archaeologists at the Provadia-Saltworks found the ceramic artifact, believed to be a salt god, while excavating the bottom of a salt evaporation pool. Source: Provadia-Solnitsata

Unidentified Salt God Emerges from Ancient Bulgarian Cult Site

In the ancient world salt was so valuable that Roman soldiers were sometimes paid with salt instead of money . A monthly salt allowance was a salarium , and this Latin word seeds both the French word...
Roman Inscription Reveals That The Emperor Took Bribes And Lied

Roman Inscription Reveals That The Emperor Took Bribes And Lied

An ancient stone monument with a Roman inscription is revealing the truth about the corrupt politics of Imperial Rome. The find was discovered near a ruined Roman city in Bulgaria. The Roman...
Aerial view of the Cape Chiroza fortified Hellenistic center recently found on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.   Source: Burgas Municipality

Fortified Hellenistic Center And Underwater Site Found In Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, a fortified Hellenistic center has been found on the country’s Black Sea coast . A fortress has been discovered on the shore and, what’s more, a large underwater site has been located in...
Devetashka – Bulgarian Cave

Devetashka - the Bulgarian Cave with 70,000 Years of Human Habitation

Devetashka cave is an enormous cave in Bulgaria, which has provided shelter for groups of humans since the late Paleolithic era, and continuously for tens of thousands of years since then. Now...
The rich burial of Varna man found with gold in Bulgaria

Varna Man and the Wealthiest Grave of the 5th Millennium BC

In the 1970s, archaeologists in Bulgaria stumbled upon a vast Copper Age necropolis from the 5th millennium BC containing the oldest golden artifacts ever discovered near the modern-day city of Varna...
Newly discovered Thracian pit sanctuary in Burgas, Bulgaria  Source: RHM Burgas

Ritual Thracian Pit Sanctuary Found in Bulgaria

A new pit sanctuary has been uncovered in Bulgaria during construction work. This site is up to 2500 years old and is thought to have been used by Thracian tribal groups, for ritual purposes. The...
Scientists have found the earliest direct evidence for Upper Paleolithic humans in Europe in a Bulgarian cave. Source: Gorodenkoff /Adobe Stock

Earliest Upper Paleolithic Humans in Europe Discovered!

When did modern humans reach the lands we now call Europe? When did those Late Stone Age humans replace the Neanderthals as the dominant hominins of the region? The answers to these questions about...
Tsarverets fortress at Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria          Source: Ongala/ Adobe Stock

Tsarverets Castle, Bulgaria: The Rise and Fall of an Empire

The Balkan nation of Bulgaria is blessed with many archaeological sites. One which played an important part in Bulgarian history is the Tsarverets (or Tsarevets) Castle. This bastion, now mostly in...
