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Boudicca became the warrior queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain. Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

Boudicca: The Truth Behind the British Legend (Video)

Boudicca, the enigmatic warrior queen of the Iceni, has become a legendary figure in British history. Her rebellion against the Roman Empire, shrouded in the accounts of historians Tacitus and...
Boudicca, the Celtic Queen, (

Boudicca: The Celtic Queen Who Unleashed Fury on the Romans

We British are used to women commanders in war; I am descended from mighty men! But I am not fighting for my kingdom and wealth now. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my...
Bird Watcher Digs Up Million-Dollar Bounty of Gold Celtic Coins

Bird Watcher Digs Up Million-Dollar Bounty of Gold Celtic Coins

Modern-day treasure hunting isn’t known as a particularly lucrative hobby. But in September, one amateur British birdwatcher / treasure hunter struck gold, both figuratively and literally, while...
Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

An Iron Age village that was deliberately destroyed in England might have been torched in response to Queen Boudicca´s legendary rebellion against invading Roman conquerors. Constructed with wattle-...
The Celts had many female warriors

Eight Surprising Things You Should Know About the Celts

The Celts were a distinct ethnic group made up of tribes spread across Europe. They shared similar languages, traditions, religions , and cultural practices and were known for their fierceness in...
Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Around 60 AD Queen Boudica of the Iceni (a Celtic clan) attacked and razed London, a Roman city of ancient Britain. Now, researchers have just announced that in response to Boudica and her warriors’...
A group of iron-age treasures buried around AD 50 along with their owner, housed in the City Museum and Art Gallery, Gloucester

Is Celtic Birdlip Grave the Final Resting Place of Queen Boudicca?

Over a century ago, a group of workmen stumbled upon three ancient Celtic graves near Birdlip in Gloucestershire, England. The central grave contained the remains of a woman, along with a hoard of...
Boudicca led her people in a revolt against the Romans in Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium.

Human bones in pot may reflect gruesome ritual conducted by army of Queen Boudicca

A 2,000-year-old cooking pot filled with cremated human bones has been found by the banks of the Walbrook river in London, in what was known in ancient times as Londinium, a thriving capital of a...
A print, entitled 'Caractacus, King of the Silures, delivered up to Ostorius, the Roman General, by Cartismandua, Queen of the Brigantes'

Mighty Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes Tribe and Friend to Rome

Standing next to Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament in the heart of London is a giant bronze statue of a woman with her two daughters on a chariot. This was Boudicca, the queen of the...
Boudicca, the Celtic Queen

Boudicca, the Celtic Queen that unleashed fury on the Romans – Part 2

(Read Part 1 ) Queen Boudicca had every reason to hate the Romans – by 60 AD, the lands of the Iceni clan of Britain had been captured, her people had been killed or taken as slaves, she was publicly...
Golden hoard of Roman jewellery

Golden hoard of Roman jewellery found hidden from Queen Boudicca and her army

Two thousand years ago, warrior queen Boudicca from the Celtic Iceni tribe led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire. Her army marched upon a settlement for discharged Roman...
Scythian Warriors

Tattooed Scythian Warriors, Descendants of the Amazons? - Part Four

( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) Just as the Pazyryk culture greatly resembled the Scythian culture to their west, I think we can also see cultural similarities in the Norse and Celtic peoples to the...