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Representational image of Boudica, the warrior queen of the Iceni, one of the many Iron Age tribes of Britain. Source: NorLife / Adobe Stock

Forging a Nation: The Iron Age Tribes of Britain

The Iron Age tribes of Britain were dynamic societies that flourished between roughly 800 BC and 43 AD. This pivotal period marked a significant transition in British history, characterized by the...
Boudicca became the warrior queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain. Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

Boudicca: The Truth Behind the British Legend (Video)

Boudicca, the enigmatic warrior queen of the Iceni, has become a legendary figure in British history. Her rebellion against the Roman Empire, shrouded in the accounts of historians Tacitus and...
10 ancient unsung heroes reshaped history.	Source: W Parkinson/ CC BY-SA 4.0, Assassin's Creed Wiki/CC BY SA, CC BY-SA 3.0, Public Domain

10 Most Fascinating Unsung Heroes of Ancient History

History was built by heroes - both small and great. But heroes are not made only in battles. They can be scholars, sages, explorers, commanders, religious figures, and anything in between. And for...
Fearless women rulers who defied norms and forged their own paths to power. Source: Stasiuk/Adobe Stock

4 Powerful and Inspiring Women Rulers that Changed Society and the World

Throughout ancient history, many women have defied societal expectations and risen to positions of power and influence. During their reigns, they left unforgettable marks not only on their own...
The profiles of the some of the most powerful and influential Ancient Leaders.  Source: Ded Pixto by Adobe Stock

9 Ancient Leaders Who Changed the Course of History

The annals of history are filled with tales of great leaders who have left their mark on the world, shaping the course of human events through their actions, decisions, and vision. From conquerors...
Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

An Iron Age village that was deliberately destroyed in England might have been torched in response to Queen Boudicca´s legendary rebellion against invading Roman conquerors. Constructed with wattle-...
Boudica Iberian Warrior Queen Who Said No To Rome

Boudica Iberian Warrior Queen Who Said No To Rome

At a time when the Western Atlantic region was not nations, but confederations of loose tribes or clans, there were no frontiers like there are today. The western Iberian tribes lived in hillforts,...
El Panteón de los Héroes (The Panthenon of Heroes) by Oleo de Arturo Michelena, (1898)

Eight Heroes and Heroines Whose Names Are Immortalized

Why do the names of some men and women survive the wearing effects of time, living through centuries of recorded history as ‘heroes and heroines’ while other people’s names vanish like dreams upon...
Women Warriors: Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Warrior Women: Despite what Gamers Might Believe, the Ancient World was Full of Female Fighters

Eve MacDonald / The Conversation One of the great things about computer games is that anything is possible in the almost endless array of situations on offer, whether they are realistic or fantasy...
Ten Powerful and Fearsome Women of the Ancient World

Ten Powerful and Fearsome Women of the Ancient World

A quick perusal of the Forbes ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ list for 2017, will reveal female politicians, heads of industry and billionaire philanthopists at the top of the list. The likes of Angela...
Devil's Dyke

Was the Devil’s Dyke in England once Part of the Legendary City of Troy?

In a small village northeast of Cambridge, near the most northern route of the ancient Icknield Way, a great 'dyke' emerges smoothly from the ground and rises to over two stories high. This...
Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Romans, quaking in their Sandals After an Attack by Boudica, built a Massive Fort to Defend London

Around 60 AD Queen Boudica of the Iceni (a Celtic clan) attacked and razed London, a Roman city of ancient Britain. Now, researchers have just announced that in response to Boudica and her warriors’...
A group of iron-age treasures buried around AD 50 along with their owner, housed in the City Museum and Art Gallery, Gloucester

Is Celtic Birdlip Grave the Final Resting Place of Queen Boudicca?

Over a century ago, a group of workmen stumbled upon three ancient Celtic graves near Birdlip in Gloucestershire, England. The central grave contained the remains of a woman, along with a hoard of...
Boudicca led her people in a revolt against the Romans in Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium.

Human bones in pot may reflect gruesome ritual conducted by army of Queen Boudicca

A 2,000-year-old cooking pot filled with cremated human bones has been found by the banks of the Walbrook river in London, in what was known in ancient times as Londinium, a thriving capital of a...
The treasure-hunters. Working with a metal detector.

Metal detectorist uncovers Roman treasure hoard in England

A person with a metal detector uncovered some beautiful items of a Roman period burial from around 200 AD in a field in England north of London. An archaeologist says the items were likely owned by a...