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The recently restored portion of the marble floor of the villa in the submerged park of Baia, Bacoli, Italy. 	Source: Edoardo Ruspantini/ Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

Marvels Beneath the Waves: Restored Marble Floor of Sunken Roman Villa Revealed

The underwater world of ancient Rome continues to yield astonishing discoveries, the latest being a stunning marble floor of a sunken villa near Bacoli, Italy. This remarkable find is part of the...
Submerged remains of Emperor Claudius' nymphaeum. Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae (Ruthven / CC 1.0)

Time Travel Below Waves: Baiae's Ancient Party Town (Video)

Diving among the ancient ruins of Baiae is an extraordinary experience, providing a tangible connection to the decadent past of the Roman Empire. Located near Naples , this once-thriving resort town...
Underwater archaeologist exploring the ancient remains of Baiae. Source: Naumacos / Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park

Stunning Roman Villas Unearthed in Underwater Ruins of Ancient Baiae

Underwater archaeologists working in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Naples, off Italy’s western coast, recently discovered the ruins of spectacular Roman villas. Built 2,000 years ago, or possibly...
A diver explores the Baiae Underwater Archaeological Site

Hedonistic ‘Sunken City of the Caesars’ Recaptured By Divers After 1,700 Years

The sunken city of the Caesars that was lost for over seventeen centuries under the blue waters of Italy's west coast, has been uncovered in impressive new pictures taken by divers who were permitted...
Underground Baiae

The Mystery of the Roman Tunnels of Baiae

There are certain places on Earth in which nature is imbued with the supernatural. Over the ages, human beings attach mythological stories to these places of mystery; one such place is located at the...
Baiae - Italy

Floods expose Roman ruins near famous Gulf of Baiae crossing

Heavy flooding south of Naples has caused a series of landslips, exposing old Roman walls at Baiae (now known as Baia), an ancient Roman seaside resort on the Bay of Naples in Italy, much of which is...