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Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, where some of the projectiles used to date the introduction of archery in the Andes were found. Source: SL-Photography/Adobe Stock

Rise of Archery in Andes Mountains Now Dated to 5,000 Years Ago

By Greg Watry/ UC Davis When did archery arise in the Americas? And what were the effects of this technology on society? These questions have long been debated among anthropologists and...
Ancient Greek archer. Source: Stanislav / Adobe Stock.

Could an Ancient Greek Bow Outperform a Modern One? (Video)

In a recent experiment two historians, Theodore, and Christos, decided to find out which is better an ancient Greek bow or its modern equivalent. Theodore wielded a replica of the legendary bow of...
Medieval chainmail armor. Source: koldunova / Adobe Stock.

Could Medieval Chain Mail Armor Stop Arrows Piercing? (Video)

We tend to think of Medieval knights as wearing heavy plate armor but in reality much of their time chain mail made up much of their defenses. Medieval chain mail armor was remarkably effective...
Medieval Archer. Source: Marla / Adobe Stock.

What Did a Medieval Archer Do After His Arrows Were Spent? (Video)

What does an archer do when there are no more arrows left to fire? Is his job for the day done? In the realm of medieval warfare, after the arrows had been launched, the life of a bowman took a new...
Medieval archer. Source: HN Works / Adobe Stock.

How a Medieval Archer Could Take Down an Armored Knight (Video)

Medieval archers faced a daunting challenge when attempting to defeat knights clad in full plate armor . They turned to a combination of weaponry, strategy, and ingenuity to surmount this formidable...
Medieval arrow fletchings. Source: David Pimborough / Adobe Stock.

The Exceptional Craftmanship Behind Medieval Arrows (Video)

Discovering the craftsmanship behind medieval arrows is a journey into the precision and dedication of ancient fletchers and arrow smiths. These arrows , such as the one modeled after a 1545 Mary...
Medieval archer. Source: Warpedgalerie / Adobe Stock.

Mastering the Bow: The Life of a Medieval Archer (Video)

Imagine yourself standing on the front lines of a medieval battlefield , equipped with only a bow and arrow. This was the reality for archers during the Middle Ages, whose skills were often the...
Horseback archery is seeing a comeback in Malaysia. Source: lisheng2121 / Adobe Stock

Horseback Archery Sees Revival Amongst Elite Malaysian Muslims

Horseback archery was commonly used in hunting and warfare in Malaysia for thousands of years. While the ancient discipline declined with the introduction of firearms, it is now seeing something of a...
Where's the evidence for Robin Hood?

Why is the Evidence for Robin Hood as Elusive as the Man Himself?

The historic existence of the legendary English hero who ‘stole from the rich and gave to the poor’ is a perennial source of debate. Every few years, new evidence emerges of authenticity and possible...
Representation of a Mongol female warrior / the legendary Mulan.   Source: katalinks / Adobe stock

Ancient Mongolian Female Warrior Skeletons Substantiate Disney’s Mulan

Microscopic marks discovered on the shoulder bones of two ancient female warriors bring the legendary woman warrior, Mulan , from eastern mythology into historical reality. Disney’s 1998 animated...
Japanese samurai warrior (brunogm / Fotolia)

Medieval Japanese Weapons Influenced Culture Long After the Middle Ages

Weapons are important instruments and are essential during wars. This was especially true regarding Japanese weapons used during the Medieval period. The wars that were fought, won, and lost impacted...
James Woodford’s statue of Robin Hood in Nottingham, England

Robin Hood: Too Good to Be True - A Real Folk Hero or a Romantic Embellishment?

Robin Hood is arguably one of the best-known figures in English folklore. Today, he is generally portrayed as an outlaw dressed in Lincoln green who ‘robbed from the rich to give to the poor’. Now a...
Burial Site of Siberian Archer with Intricate Arrows Unearthed in Altai Republic

Burial Site of Siberian Archer with Intricate Arrows Unearthed in Altai Republic

By The Siberian Times Reporter Medieval archer's 'unique quiver' and arrows with iron tips found in hole in a cliff, along with his wooden sarcophagus. Two local residents accidentally stumbled...
Mosaic depicting Persian Archers

The Master Archers of the Powerful Achaemenid Empire

In the ancient Near East, archery became the predominant means of launching sharp projectiles, replacing spear-throwing. The history of archery, however, may have originated further down south during...