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Ancient bakery in Armenia. Source: Patrick Okrajek / Nauka W Polsce. Inset: old flour sacks (representational). Source: Algecireño / Adobe Stock.

3,000-Year-Old Bakery Found with Sacks Worth of Preserved Flour

Archaeologists have uncovered a 3,000-year-old bakery in Metsamor, Armenia , astonishingly, still housing several sacks worth of flour embedded in the soil. The discovery was made within the remnants...
Old locked gate closed to a large castle. Source: Ekaterina / Adobe Stock

Archaeology Enigmas: Four Mystery Doors That Should Never be Opened (Video)

Archaeology is a field that is constantly searching for new discoveries and secrets buried deep in the past. Some of the most intriguing archaeological mysteries involve doors that have remained...
For 2 million years prehistoric humans were super predators and then all the easy prey went extinct, and we had to evolve to a new dietary paradigm: farming.       Source: anibal / Adobe Stock

The Super Predators That Killed Everything They Could. Humans

A team of scientists in Israel have made the news for having made the rather obvious discovery that humans “have been super-predators for 2 million years.” However, this is the dumbed down media take...
Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2020

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2020

In many ways this has been a difficult year, but in the realm of archaeological research some major discoveries have been made around the world. Lost cities and tombs have come to light, the...
Ancient pig figurines found in Polant Credit: PAP / Grzegorz Momot

3,500-Year-Old Pig Figurines Found in Ancient Polish Stronghold

Archaeologists working on a prehistoric settlement in Poland have discovered two tiny pig figurines, miraculously found intact after 3,500 years. The ancient relics can help experts to better...
Destroyed marble column at the monumental fountain at the ancient city of Apollonia in Albania. Source: Himara

Vandals Smash Monumental Fountain in Ancient Greek City of Apollonia

Vandals in Albania have destroyed a famous historical monument in ancient Apollonia causing “irreparable” damage. Founded in 588 BC by Greek colonists from Corfu and Corinth on a site where native...
One of the mummies found in the Tuna El-Gebel burial site. (Ministry of Antiquities) Head and torso of god Xipe Totec found at Ndachjian–Tehuacán archaeological site. (Melitón Tapia/ INAH) A sword from the Talaiotic civilization has been found in Mallorca, Spain. (Diario de Mallorca) Carvings made by people in Vichama, Peru 3,800 years ago suggest rain arrived just in time. (Ministerio de Cultura de Perú ) Temple remains found at Heracleion. (Christoph Gerigk - Frank Goddio/ Hilti Foundation / Egyptian Anti

The Biggest and Best Archaeological Discoveries of 2019

2019 was another exciting year for archaeology. Modern technology and extensive excavations have revealed a slew of fascinating finds – from mummies with masks to a mini Göbekli Tepe, we’ve been...
An uncontacted tribe in the jungle of Brazil

The Uncontacted Frontier: Tribes of the Amazon Want To Be Left Alone

The Amazon rainforest is home to more uncontacted tribes than anywhere else in the world. It is hard to imagine that even today, there are more than 100 tribes who have never seen anything outside...
The ruins of Loropeni, a market town in southern Burkina Faso, lying west of Gaoua

Ruins of Loropeni Shed Light on Ancient Gold Trade and Are Thought to Hold More Mysteries

Loropeni is a town located in the southern part of Burkina Faso, near the country’s border with Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. The town is known for the nearby stone ruins, which was inscribed as a World...
A fragment of an ancestral Pueblo jar dating to c. A.D. 1150.

America’s Archaeology Data Keeps Disappearing and That’s Not Legal

By Keith Kintigh / The Conversation Archaeology – the name conjures up images of someone carefully sifting the sands for traces of the past and then meticulously putting those relics in a museum. But...
Archaeological sites in Canada are endangered by climate change

Race Against Time as Climate Change Devours Ancient Archaeological Sites in Canada

It is now a race against time to discover and try to save historic sites that are being endangered by climate change. Can archaeologists preserve Canada’s history before it’s too late? We’ve almost...
Representational image – does not depict artifacts recovered in Operation Demetra. Coins stolen by the Nazis, Jewish Museum of Greece (Athens)

Illegal Artifact Smuggling and Forgery Ring Smashed in Europe-Wide Police Swoop

After a hunt lasting several decades, a team of almost 250 top European criminal investigators and highly-trained police officers have busted a 24-man strong, ring of international illegal artifact...
Khmer temple ruins at Phnom Kulen, a sacred mountain range in Cambodia.

Phnom Kulen: Sacred Mountain and Hidden Temples Hold Forgotten Treasures in Cambodia

In Cambodia, some 40 kilometers (24.85 miles) northeast of Angkor, is the mountain range of Phnom Kulen. This sandstone plateau is a sacred site to Hindus and Buddhists. In addition to a giant statue...
Bakoni ruins in the hills of Machadodorp

Research on Bakoni ruins of South Africa debunks colonial perceptions of primitivism

There are many Bakoni ruins around the modern town of Machadodorp in South Africa’s Mpumalanga Province, most of them situated on the hills above the town. The slopes here are covered with terraces...
Construction work being undertaken at Gobekli Tepe.

Outrage as Concrete is Poured on World’s Oldest Known Temple at Göbekli Tepe

Archaeologists around the world have been left shocked and furious after the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry gave the go ahead for ‘conservation work’ at the ancient site of Göbekli Tepe, which...
Scholarly tools from left: quills, styluses and book clasps.

Tools of Medieval Wisdom Unearthed Beneath England’s Ancient Academic Hub

Archaeologists in England have unearthed in excess of 10,000 medieval artifacts in central Oxford and every single one of them is providing a clearer picture of day to day life at Oxford University,...
It is estimated 95% of the Ventarrón archaeological site in Peru has been destroyed by fire, including one of the oldest murals in the Americas.

Flames Ravage Peruvian Temple and one of the Oldest Known Murals in the Americas

A fire has destroyed much of a 4000-year-old temple site in Peru, including a wall painting which is said to have been one of the oldest known murals in the Americas. Almost 95% of the site has been...
Tutankhamum’s Golden Coffin

5 Important Egyptian Archaeological Discoveries that Provided Leaps in Our Knowledge of the Past

When it comes to archaeological discoveries, very few countries can measure up to the wealth of Egypt. From the Rosetta Stone , to the Valley of the Kings, to the great ancient pyramids at Giza,...
Witches, Vampires and Werewolves

Witches, Vampires and Werewolves – 10 Ghoulish Archaeological Discoveries

Archaeologists are quite familiar with the unearthing of human remains. But occasionally they come across burials that are more bizarre and unsettling – from hybrid frankenstein-type skeletons, to ‘...
Bison from Magdalenian occupation of Altamira Cave. In black charcoal, c. 16500 – 14000 years ago.

A Pearl of Prehistoric Spain in Danger of Disappearing: Can the 35,600-year-old Art of Altamira Cave be both Witnessed and Preserved?

The cave located at Altamira was inhabited thousands of years ago and contains remarkable examples of sophisticated art from Prehistory. The first paintings appeared there most probably around 35600...
Virtual reconstruction of Villa Romano de Toralla

Villa de Toralla: Who Lived in This Luxury High-Tech Roman Villa on the Galician Coast?

When Julius Caesar arrived in Spanish Galicia in 61 BC the history of this place changed forever. The impact of Roman architecture and many aspects of Roman culture are still visible. The remarkable...
A Sumerian king and an official

Where Sumerian Rulers Lie: The Royal Tombs of Ur

The Royal Tombs of Ur is a 4,800-year-old Sumerian burial site of around 2,000 graves located in the ancient city of Ur in southern Mesopotamia (in the south of modern day Iraq). Sixteen of the...
Mari, Syria - A ziggurat near the palace.

Nearly Lost from The Pages of History, Mari Is The Oldest Known Planned City in the World

The 7,000-year-old ancient city of Mari (known today as Tell Hariri) is one of the oldest known cities in the world, located on the west bank of the Euphrates River in what was once northern...
Ingapirca, Ecuador.

Ingapirca: Proof that the Inca Respected the Cultures of those they Conquered

Located at an altitude of over 3,000 meters in the picturesque Andes Mountains of Ecuador sits Ingapirca, the largest and best preserved archaeological site in Ecuador. Affectionately known as “The...
