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Ancient Places

Ancient places can be found all over the world. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and visiting such ancient places in the world can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over the world, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

From left- Mount Tai (Public Domain), Mount Hua (CC BY 2.5), Heng Shan (CC BY-SA 3.0), and Mount Song

Breathtaking Scenery and Fascinating Traditions Connected to the Five Great Mountains of China

There are numerous mountains in China that are considered to be sacred and the key locations may be divided into several groups. One of these groups is known as ‘Wu Yue’ - roughly translated into...
Folio 7v contains an image of theVirgin and Child.

The Golden Age of the Christian Picts: Evidence for Religious Production at Portmahomack- Part 2

(Read Part I) The "Golden Age" of artisan efforts at the Tarbat monastery did not last nearly as long as the monastery of Iona; the industrial locations were burned in a site wide fire in the eighth...
Abbey of Kells - Scanned from Treasures of Irish Art.

The Golden Age of the Christian Picts: Evidence for Religious Production at Portmahomack

Situated on the edge of the Tarbat peninsula on the northeastern coast of Scotland, Portmahomack carries a legacy of a long buried Golden Age of religious industry that was devastatingly altered by...
Ruins from the Kingdom of Tuwana

The Ancient Kingdom of Tuwana: A Bridge that Aided the Flow of Culture

Tuwana (spelled also as Tyana) is an ancient city that existed since the time of the Hittite Empire. This city is now known as Kemerhisar, and is located in what is today the Niğde Province, Central...
Dunollie Castle and the Clan MacDougall

Formidability in the Face of Factions: The Significance of Dunollie Fort - Part 2

(Read Part I) As mentioned in Part 1, the Dál Riatan fort of Dunollie has been an archaeological headache for some scholars, as its remains lie beneath a castle built by the MacDougall clan in the...
Photo of Dunollie Castle

Formidability in the Face of Factions: The Significance of Dunollie Fort

Snuggly enveloped within the arms of the Irish Sea, Dunollie Castle towers over Argyll from its sandstone promontory at the edge of Loch Etive in Scotland, a surviving symbol of the power and...
Medicine Wheel Park, Valley City State University, Valley City, ND

Mysteries of the Native American Medicine Wheel – Healing, Rituals, and Astronomical Aid

Medicine wheels, known also as sacred circles or sacred hoops, are monuments constructed by certain Native American cultures by laying stones in a particular pattern on the ground. The most basic...
Karaftu Cave

The Ancient Caves of Karaftu and its Historical Treasures

The Caves of Karaftu are a series of chambers that were carved into the cliff face of a mountain in the Kurdistan Province of Iran. The caves were formed naturally, but were modified by inhabitants...
A view of Lindholm Høje.

Buried for One Thousand Years: The Eerie Graveyard of the Vikings

Lindholm Hoje is an ancient graveyard of the Vikings that had been lost for one thousand years, buried beneath thousands of tons of sand. As many as 700 burials, along with the remains of settlements...
25,000-Year-Old Buildings Found in Russia

25,000-Year-Old Buildings Found in Russia

In the Caucasus mountains of Russia, not far from the cities Tzelentzchik, Touapse, Novorossiysk and Sochi, there are hundreds of megalithic monuments known as dolmens. Russian and foreign...
The Hypogeum in Malta, which is known to create specific sound frequencies, which have an effect on the human body

The Mysterious Connection Between Geophysics, Architecture and Biomedicine

From the ancient past to the modern times, man has been experimenting with various architectural approaches, according to the era, the specific functions and his own level of consciousness. Nowadays...
Odry stone circles, Poland.

The Nazi Temple of Pomerania: Exploring the Mysterious Odry Stone Circles

Odry is a small village in Pomerania in the north of Poland. This location became famous with the discovery of the second biggest site of stone circles in Europe. It is also known to be the home of...
 More details View of inside the Passetto, the secret passage between Vatican City and Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, Italy

The Passetto: Escape Route of Popes in Times Past

The Passetto di Borgo (also known simply as the Passetto, which may be translated as a small passage ) is a corridor that connects the Vatican City, more specifically St. Peter’s Basilica, with the...
The Dramatic and Bloody History of Nottingham Castle

The Dramatic and Bloody History of Nottingham Castle

Nottingham Castle in the East Midlands of England has seen nearly 1,000 years of battles, revolts and scandals, but it is perhaps best known for its connection with the legendary English outlaw Robin...
The Tunnel of Eupalinos: One of the Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Classical World

The Tunnel of Eupalinos: One of the Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Classical World

The Tunnel of Eupalinos (or Eupalinos Tunnel) is an ancient tunnel that functioned as an aqueduct. This tunnel is located on the Greek island of Samos, and has been considered as one of the most...
Ancient Sacred Sites Triangularly Aligned by the Footsteps of the Gods

Ancient Sacred Sites Triangularly Aligned by the Footsteps of the Gods

Ancient architects not only placed temples sharing commonalities according to perfect triangles, they did so from the sky and across vast distances. The Hindu Trimurti is the eastern equivalent of...
The Secrets and Treasures of KV5, the Largest Tomb Ever Found in Egypt

The Secrets and Treasures of KV5, the Largest Tomb Ever Found in Egypt

The treasures of Tutankhamun have been remembered as the greatest discovery in Egypt. However, in 1995, the Valley of the Kings revealed another magnificent secret – the tomb of at least 52 sons of...
Incredible Megaliths of India: Menhirs, Temples and Sky Religion

Incredible Megaliths of India: Menhirs, Temples and Sky Religion – Part II

[Read Part I here] Indian menhirs occur in large alignments, orientated North-South or East West, and spaced at regular intervals, probably following a schema not yet fully understood. Some major...
Incredible Megaliths of India: Star Maps and Headless Goddesses

Incredible Megaliths of India: Star Maps and Headless Goddesses – Part I

That India has many thousands of megaliths is something that deserves to be more widely known. These monuments include Menhirs (tall standing stones), alignments, avenues, stone circles, cysts,...
Krishna Butter Ball: 250 Ton Boulder that Defies the Laws of Physics

Krishna Butter Ball: 250 Ton Boulder that Defies the Laws of Physics

The Krishna Butter Ball is a large boulder located in Mahabalipuram, a town in the Kancheepuram district in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This giant boulder is one of the town’s tourist...
Vikings. Summer in the Greenland coast circa year 1000.

Remote Sensing Satellite Uncovers Astonishing New Evidence of Viking Presence in Newfoundland, Canada

Ancient Origins Guest Writer, William James Veall, is far afield from his usual research concerning Trans-Oceanic visitations to South America. On this occasion he turns his attention towards the...
More than a Dozen Mysterious Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England, Mystify Researchers

More than a Dozen Mysterious Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England, Mystify Researchers

More than a dozen tunnels have been found in Cornwall, England, that are unique in the British Isles. No one knows why Iron Age people created them. The fact that the ancients supported their tops...
Talgua Cave: The Cave of the Glowing Skulls

Talgua Cave: The Cave of the Glowing Skulls

Talgua Cave, known also as the ‘Cave of the Glowing Skulls’, is a cave located in the Olancho Valley, which is situated in Catacamas, a municipality in northeastern Honduras. The cave’s name may be...
Artist’s representation of the triple burial of Dolni Vestonice

The Mysterious Prehistoric Triple Burial of Dolni Vestonice

Twenty-five thousand years ago, three teenagers were laid to rest in a common grave, near a village called Dolni Vestonice in the Czech province of Moravia. Their bodies had been manipulated such...
