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Ancient Places

Ancient places can be found all over the world. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and visiting such ancient places in the world can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over the world, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Banganarti site in 2014.       Source: Albertinese/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Raphaelion, the Ancient Christian Faith Center of Banganarti

Banganarti, a famous archaeological site on the eastern bank of the Nile, is one of the most popular sites in Sudan. Within this site is the Raphaelion, a church that dates back to the 7th century AD...
Father Christmas enjoying the Christmas tradition. Date: circa 1860. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock

Favorite Christmas Traditions PLUS Those You May Never Have Heard About

Every year as December rolls in, some 2 billion people start to feel the Christmas cheer. While the celebration is now primarily a Christian one honoring the birth of Jesus, its traditions merge with...
AI representation of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg in 1517.           Source: Nevio/ Adobe Stock

Why did the Protestant Reformation Happen? (Video)

​ The Protestant Reformation, often attributed solely to Martin Luther's 95 theses, was a multifaceted movement with roots deeply embedded in the challenges faced by Western Christianity. Luther's...
Aerial view of the Western Gokturk period complex discovered in Kazakhstan.	Source: TRT Haber

Huge Turkic Khaganate Cult Complex Changes History of the Steppe

In a remote valley in the Tarbagatay district of Kazakhstan's Eastern region, archaeologists have unearthed a Turkic Khaganate cult complex, dating back to the Western Göktürk Period, 6th- 8th...
A sunset at Stonehenge, perhaps not the Winter Solstice. Source: Nicholas/Adobe Stock

Stonehenge Activates On the Winter Solstice Sunset, Not Sunrise

Today, as the northern hemisphere experiences the Winter Solstice, English archaeoastronomers remind us that Stonehenge was built to honor the sunset on this crucial date, and not just the Summer...
An artist’s depiction of the chinampas. Source: Archeomaps

The Chinampas: The Ingenious Aztec “Floating” Farms of Mexico

When faced with the seemingly impossible task of feeding a huge population in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs came up with an ingenious solution about 1,000 years ago. Located in the...
Sunrise on the San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Island, Spain. Source: samael334/Adobe Stock

Gaztelugatxe: Exploring Game of Thrones’ Real-Life Dragonstone (Video)

Nestled in Spain's Basque Country, Gaztelugatxe stands as a real-life counterpart to Game of Thrones' iconic Dragonstone. Connected to the mainland by a slender man-made path, this islet harbors a...
Depiction of the Purépecha princess Eréndira in a mural entitled “the History of Michoacan” by Juan O'Gorman. Source: Lucy Nieto / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED

Beyond the Aztecs: The Forgotten and Formidable Purépecha Empire

When talking about the major Mesoamerican civilizations, the Aztecs and Maya tend to dominate the conversation. But Mesoamerica refers to the region in the Americas that stretches from central Mexico...
A night view of modern day York, Yorkshire, England.  Source: davidionut/Adobe Stock

The Ancient Roman and Viking Origins of Yorkshire (Video)

In the history of Yorkshire , the fusion of Roman and Viking legacies weaves a captivating narrative. Beyond its picturesque landscapes, this English county harbors a multifaceted history. Romans...
Hillforts (pukaras) in the south-central highlands of Peru. Source: Elizabeth Arkush, Lauren Kohut, Romuald Housse, Ryan Smith, & Steven A. Wernke / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Andean Archaeology Revealed On An Unprecedented Scale

Astounding GeoPACHA software is advancing Andean archaeology. The new and innovative web application is allowing researchers to map archaeological features in the Andes mountains of South America...
Six Blackfeet Chiefs painted by Paul Kane along the North Saskatchewan River in Saskatchewan, Canada. Source: Public Domain

What Really Happened When Europeans Landed In North America? (Video)

In North American history, an 800-year saga unfolds, echoing the clash for land and wealth. Indigenous nations battled each other and the encroaching Europeans, marking a defiant struggle for...
10 subterranean structures of the ancient world continue to baffle archaeologists. Source: Dpnuevo/CC BY-SA 3.0, Yasir999/CC BY-SA 4.0, Gernot Keller BY-SA 2.5, Pafnutius/CC BY-SA 3.0, flickr

Ten Amazing Subterranean Structures From the Ancient World

From ancient cisterns and water systems to mysterious caves, underground crypts, subterranean temples and even entire cities built beneath the earth, what our ancient ancestors have achieved is both...
Spiegelrei canal at sunrise, Brugge, Flanders, Belgium. Source: JFL Photography/Adobe Stock

Secrets of the Best-Preserved Medieval City in Europe (Video)

Bruges, Belgium is a living reminder of medieval splendor, stands as a UNESCO World Heritage site , its charm echoing through well-preserved buildings and winding streets. As the gateway to the North...
A computer-generated image of the battle that is thought to have taken place on a remote mountainside south of Chur around 15 BC between Roman troops advancing northwards through the Alps and local Suanetes. Source: Courtesy of Leona Detig

Lost Roman Battlefield in Switzerland Discovered Through Thousands of Artifacts

In 2019, a spectacular Roman dagger was metal detected in a remote region of the Swiss Alps. Now, a team of scientists and students have mapped a 2,000-year-old Roman battlefield representing the...
Copan Maya ruins in Honduras.	Source: Rafal Cichawa/Adobe Stock

The Ancient Maya: How Did Such An Advanced Society Collapse? (Video)

In 1839, John Lloyd Stevens embarked on a challenging expedition into the dense jungles of Honduras, fueled by tales of a magnificent Maya city, Copan . The ruins he discovered presented an enigma: a...
Drawing of male Pict. Source: Public Domain

The Picts, the Scottish Tribe That Gave the Romans Hell (Video)

The Picts , a group dwelling north of the Forth–Clyde isthmus, in what is now Scotland, remain shrouded in mystery despite their historical notoriety. The term "Pict" emerged around the third century...
Andriamamelo cave art panel. Madagascar cave art is leading to curious conclusions. Source: Author provided

Madagascar Cave Art Reveals Captivating Africa-Asia Connections

David Burney / The Conversation Unique, prehistoric rock art drawings have been discovered in the Andriamamelo Cave in western Madagascar. I was part of a team that discovered and described these...
Great Zimbabwe wall and tower. Source: Jan Van Der Voort/Adobe Stock

Reclaiming African History- The Lost City Of Zimbabwe (Video)

In the heart of southern Africa lies Great Zimbabwe , a silent witness to the intricate tapestry of an ancient civilization. Initially dubbed the work of a mythical white society by colonialists, the...
Plague in an Ancient City by Michiel Sweerts.  Source: Public Domain

Most Common Causes of Death in Ancient Rome and Greece (Video)

Life in ancient Greece and Rome was far from the glamorous tales we envision. High mortality rates were fueled by childbirth perils, with poor sanitation contributing to infant mortality. Malaria, an...
Archaeological excavations at the Interamna Lirenas site in central Italy's Lazio region have revealed the prominent remains of a theater. Source: Alessandro Launaro

Interamna, An Obscure Roman Village Escaped 3rd Century Decline of Empire

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Roman settlement of Interamna Lirenas in central Italy’s Lazio region was a typical remote Empire town. It was believed to have suffered the same fate as so many...
Ancient mud-brick city of Timbuktu, the most important center of the Malian Empire. Source: Uolir/Adobe Stock

The Malian Empire and the Richest Man in History (Video)

In 1235 AD, the Malian Empire emerged from the shadows of the fallen Ghanan Empire, its epic origins recounted in the oral tradition of West Africa. Sundiata Keita , the Lion King, plays a central...
Red Fort is a historic fort and UNESCO World Heritage Site at Delhi, which served as the residence of the Mughal Empire. Source: anjali04/Adobe Stock

How and Why Did the Mughal Empire Fall? (Video)

The Mughal Empire , once a formidable force, met its demise through a series of internal and external challenges. Originating from the Barlas tribe, the Mughals blended Mongolian roots with Persian...
The oldest fortified settlement sits atop a section of land overlooking the Amnya River. Source: Nikita Golovanov/Antiquity Publications Ltd

World’s Oldest Fortress Discovered in Siberia Challenges Traditional Archaeology

The world's oldest fortress has been discovered in Siberia, dating to 8,000 years ago. This defensive complex reveals an ancient class structure, and like Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, it challenges...
AI generated illustration of Port Royal's Sunken City. Source: Declan Hillman/Adobe Stock

Pirates and the Earthquake that Destroyed Port Royal (Video)

Port Royal, once a den of pirates, faced divine retribution 325 years ago. The infamous city, labeled the 'Sodom of the West,' met its demise on June 7, 1692, at 11:43 a.m., when a powerful...
