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Adam’s Calendar

Adam’s Calendar: Oldest Megalithic Site in the World?

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Adam’s Calendar is controversially suggested to be the oldest man-made structure in the world.  Sometimes referred to as "African Stonehenge", it predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza by tens of thousands of years.  Located in Mpumalanga, South Africa it is a standing stone circle about 30 meters in diameter and has been estimated by some accounts to be more than 75,000 years old. Various astronomical alignments have been identified at the site and it is possibly the only example of a completely functional, mostly intact megalithic stone calendar in the world.

Adam’s calendar is location in Mpumalanga, a picturesque region in South Africa

Adam’s calendar is location in Mpumalanga, a picturesque region in South Africa (Wikimedia Commons)

Scattered throughout the mountains of South Africa are thousands of stone circle ruins.  The first estimates of the number of these ruins was made in 1891 by English explorer Theodore Bent.  He estimated there were about 4,000 in this area of the world.  By 1974 the estimate had risen to 20,000.  Today, researcher and authority on the subject, Michael Tellinger, has estimated the number of ancient stone ruins to be 100,000 or possibly much higher.  Some of these “stone circles” have no doors or entrances while most are connected by an expansive network of channels that are often misinterpreted as “roads” by some historians.  This connected grid of circular ruins are immersed in a seemingly never-ending expanse of ancient agricultural terraces surrounding the structures.  Adam’s Calendar is considered to be the most famous among these ruins.

Screenshot from Google Earth showing just a tiny area in South Africa, which is rich with ancient earthworks and stone structures

Screenshot from Google Earth showing just a tiny area in South Africa, which is rich with ancient earthworks and stone structures (Google Earth)

Known by African elders, as the “The Birthplace of The Sun” or “Inzalo y’Langa”, the site was first brought to public attention in 2003 by South African pilot Johan Heine.  He had been flying over the mountains of Mpumalanga, South Africa for over 20 years and took an interest in the thousands of strange circular stone objects scattered throughout the region and began photographing them.  In consulting experts on their origins, he was informed that they were the remains of "cattle kraal" (livestock enclosure) left behind by the Bantu people when they migrated from the north around the 14th century.  Today this theory seems far from definitive as the structures are unlike any other Bantu cattle-kraal designs, which are usually made of thorny shrubs, with a single entrance/exit for the cattle.  There are also several thousand of them spread over tens of thousands of miles.

Bantu cattle kraal

Bantu cattle kraal (Image source)

An air crash involving one of his crew brought Johan to discover the mysterious monolithic circle by accident.  On route to find one of his pilots who crashed his plane on the edge of the cliff, Johan noticed an arrangement of large stones sticking out of the ground next to the crash site.  While rescuing the injured pilot down the side of the cliff, Johan walked over to the monoliths and realized they were aligned to the cardinal points - north, south, east and west – as well as the equinoxes and solstices.  There were at least 3 monoliths aligned towards the sunrise, but on the west side of the aligned monoliths there was a strange hole in the ground.  After weeks and months of measuring and making observations, Johan suspected it was a stone calendar.

The site is aptly named Adam’s Calendar because the stones are placed to track the movement of the sun, which casts shadows on the rock.  It still works perfectly as a calendar today by following the shadow of the setting sun, which is cast by the taller central monolith onto the flat stone beside it.  This remarkable calendar was originally a large circular stone structure resembling Stonehenge and in the center of the 'circle' are two upright stones which are said to have been carved.  Its original shape is still clearly visible from satellite images.  The stones are all dolomite, weighing up to 5 tons each, and are said to have been transported from a distant site.  It should be noted that the area surrounding Adam’s Calendar is extremely rich in gold.  Several mining shafts have been reported in the area with one of the richest working mines in the world today being the Sheba Gold Mine, located in Mpumalanga.  Not only did the rich gold reefs attract attention in the 1880’s, but the early evidence of historic civilizations mining for minerals were described in writings by the early Europeans.

Rodney Hale's plan of Adam's Calendar with alignments as they were in 11500 BC

Rodney Hale's plan of Adam's Calendar with alignments as they were in 11500 BC (

The first calculations of the age of the calendar were made based on the rise of Orion, a constellation known for its three bright stars forming the "belt" of the mythical hunter.  The Earth wobbles on its axis, so the stars and constellations change their angle of presentation in the night sky on a cyclical basis.  This rotation, called the precession completes a cycle about every 26,000 years.  By determining when the three stars of Orion's belt were positioned flat (horizontal) against the horizon, it is possible to estimate the time when the three stones in the calendar were in alignment with these stars.  According to Tellinger, a calculation done by astronomer Bill Hollenbach based on the rise of Orion suggested an age of the site of at least 75,000 years.  A further calculation done in June 2009, suggested an age of at least 160,000 years, based on the rise of Orion 'flat on the horizon' but also on the 'erosion of dolerite stones' found at the site. Some pieces of the marker stones had been broken off and sat on the ground, exposed to natural erosion.  When the pieces were put back together about 3 cm of stone had already been worn away. These calculation helped assess the age of the site by calculating the erosion rate of the dolerite.

Michael Tellinger testing the sound acoustics of the site

Michael Tellinger testing the sound acoustics of the site (

The latest and most interesting discovery of the stone circles and Adam’s Calendar is the sound frequencies of the rock formations from the earth below them.  With modern technology, Tellinger and scientists have been able to detect and measure sound frequencies with acoustic properties made from the earth inside the circles which conduct electricity.  These sound frequencies of the earth under the stones are shaped as flowers of sacred geometry as they surface to the ground.

There is still much about Adam’s calendar that is yet to be understood, including who built them, what their civilization was like, and how they constructed it with such precise measurements. Perhaps in time, more research will piece together this prehistoric mystery. 

Top image: Adam’s calendar, Mpumalanga, South Africa (

ByBryan Hilliard


Tellinger, Michael. "Decoding the Hidden Ruins of Southern Africa." Accessed May 31, 2015.

Serrao, Angelique. "Discovering The Oldest Manmade Structures on Earth." Discovering The Oldest Manmade Structures on Earth. July 14, 2008.

Tellinger, Michael. "Adam’s Calendar." Michael Tellinger.

Tellinger, Michael. "THE OLDEST MAN-MADE STRUCTURES ON EARTH." Megalithomania Conference.

"Adam's Calendar, Africa." Adam's Calendar, Africa.

"Amazing Metropolis Discovered in Africa Is 200,000 Years Old!" Amazing Metropolis Discovered in Africa Is 200,000 Years Old!

"ADG (UK) Blog." Ancient Annunaki Cities Discovered In South Africa ~.



Pete Wagner's picture

Megalith stone cultures would not have stopped doing that.  The ancient South African stone masonry culture was obviously wiped out, probably by the fiery Atlantis event, leaving behind only the the largest stone columns that supported the burnt timber rooves.  Of course ruins were resettled by people who had no part in their creation.

Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.

Jim Jones1's picture

Wonderful i didnt know anything about Africas Megalithic structures.
I would contest the naming of the structure as Adams Calendar however and favour the name given by those indigenous to this place: “Inzalo y’Langa. This should be the first name and if you like you should say 'also known as Adams Calendar' but i would actually drop it altogether because it refers to the colonial past.

Jim Jones1's picture

Wonderful i didnt know anything about Africas Megalithic structures.
I would contest the naming of the structure as Adams Calendar however and favour the name given by those indigenous to this place: “Inzalo y’Langa. This should be the first name and if you like you should say 'also known as Adams Calendar' but i would actually drop it altogether because it refers to the colonial past.


That's the most exciting news ever to read about Adam's Calendar.

I'm reminded of duel subjects regarding Adam.

First reminder The Bible; Second Reminder National Geographic Channel.

What does that all have to do with Adam's Calendar? The fact that it's in Africa a general consensus at least in the monotheistic faiths is that Adam was Created in Asia and He was European.

Yet discoveries are being made seeming to dispute this idea of Adams origins other than God saying Let us Make Man in our Own Image our Own likeness and God Created Us Male and Female in His Likeness and Image.

National Geographic did a science program on In Search of Adam 2008, a Geneticist decided to look for Adam's DNA operate on Science's Principle known as An Idea of Adam.

Fascinating distinction long narrative short (if curious I did recently watch it again on ytube), the scientists found Adam in East Africa he's ID as Scientific Adam to me however, that is Biblical Adam.

The other topic regarding Adam is what the Bible testifies to after, Adam & Eve disobeyed God and broke His one Rule Committing the Sin of Presumption but, that's a whole other philosophical discussion at another time; Dad & Mom was driven from Eden as a consequence.

Genesis says there were 4 Rivers that ran through Eden there fore Adam and Eve had to settle somewhere but, Genesis maintain Adam and Eve came back an worshipped at the Gates of Eden guarded by a Flamming Sword and 300 Angel's barring the Entrance.

I think that as the World began to change Adam and Eve must have moved away it would explain South Africa.

That's one idea I have and the there's another idea Adam was Created before Eve The Bible teaches women came from one of Adam's Rib. That being the case Adam wasn't Created in Eden, God planted the Garden an led Adam to Eden.

We Believers know that every evening there was a certain moment when God came to Adam and Eve in Eden and teach them a diverse amount of subjects and topics they were learning about.

Since Adam arrived first it could be that The Lord and Adam built that Calendar right before Adam went to live in Eden.

After I became aware of The Books of Enoch I learned of something in Enoch 2 The Book of the Secrets of Enoch;
I found out God intended Adam to be a Second Angel on Earth.

Depending on how long Adam walked The Earth that was the case then Adams Calendar co-insides with that original plan of God. That's when God noticed Adams loneliness and then brought Him to Eden and then not long after God Creates for Man Eve.

That calendar structure Adam must have gone back to the sight to try an work on it; due to the fact God commanded Adam to work and provide for himself and Eve this would mean farming and other useful reasons for the calendar.

By the way I found out Adam in Hebrew means PEOPLE so people were supposed to have been Second Angels our original Destiny.

Alright, that's all I have to discuss for now everyone so until next time Goodbye!

to me, ignorant of the site, i welcome the news of their existence as it has rather lifted the lid on the ages of similar, if not all stone structures. If these indeed date to some 70,000 years BEFORE Stonehenge ,Callanish, Carnac and Avebury, and the Egyptian pyramids, then an explanation for stones no longer native to these sites, and claimed to have been somehow lifted and moved from miles away may be that a preceeding Ice Age resulted in that layer of stone being scraped away and removed, leaving only a few precious Bluestone and other remnants to be used for their decorative and other value, subsequently. These South African constructions, for constructions in fact they are, say to me that they are the remnants of homes, and that farmers with their livestock lived in them, but that one or more were designed as calendars as is here claimed, and a very long time ago


Bryan Hill's picture


Bryan graduated with a Bachelor of Art in History from Suffolk University and has a background in museum volunteering and as well as working with children’s groups at the Museum of Science and the National Park Service.  He has traveled... Read More

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