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Ancient places can be found all over America. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on America’s history. Visiting such historical places in America can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present American history articles, highlighting the most interesting archaeological sites all over America, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Sacrifice carvings at Cerro Sechin.

The Gruesome Sacrifice Carvings of Cerro Sechín, 3,600-Year-Old Ceremonial Center of Peru

In 1600 B.C., there was no Internet, no television, and no printing press – how then could someone spread a message? For the ancient peoples of northern Peru, the answer was to carve reliefs into...
Illustration of Paleoindians during a burial.

Children of the Upward Sun River: 11,500-Year-Old Remains Shed Light on Alaska’s Earliest Inhabitants

Upward Sun River is the name of an archeological site found in the Tanana River Valley in the interior of Alaska. The site was made famous in 2010 with the discovery of the remains of a young girl...
Cowboy Wash: The Mystery of the 7 Cannibalized Victims in an Abandoned Anasazi Village

Cowboy Wash: The Mystery of the 7 Cannibalized Victims in an Abandoned Anasazi Village

For over 2,000 years, ancient Pueblo peoples (Anasazi) occupied a vast region of the south-western United States. Chaco Canyon was a major centre of ancestral Pueblo culture between 850 and 1250, and...
Ancient Travelers or Local Artists? Who Made the Enigmatic Hemet Maze Stone?

Ancient Travelers or Local Artists? Who Made the Enigmatic Hemet Maze Stone?

Near the town of Hemet in the Reinhardt canyon of southern California there is a curious petroglyph known as the Hemet maze stone. It is a figure made of interconnected rectilinear shapes that form a...
Cave of Kelipus: A Place Where Ardent Believers Waited for the Second Coming

Cave of Kelipus: A Place Where Ardent Believers Waited for the Second Coming

Non-believers say that it is merely an old springhouse. Yet many believe that the hard-to-find cave is where the (perhaps) first death cult of the United States sought sanctuary as they awaited the...
The Lost Artifacts of Clover Hollow - Definite Proof of an Ancient Civilization or Just a Pile of Rocks?

The Lost Artifacts of Clover Hollow - Definite Proof of an Ancient Civilization or Just a Pile of Rocks?

Buried meticulously and ceremonially around the foundations of rock formations aligned across Clover Hollow Mountain are strange and creative portable artifacts that will stretch the imagination of...
Original pyramid found underneath two outer pyramids at Chichen Itza in Yucatan

Original pyramid found underneath two outer pyramids at Chichen Itza in Yucatan

A pyramid within a pyramid within a pyramid: That’s what archaeologists said they have found at the ancient Maya site of Chichén Itza in the Yucatàn Peninsula in the far south of Mexico...
Where Royals Were Born: The 1,000-Year-Old Kukaniloko Birthing Site of Hawaii

Where Royals Were Born: The 1,000-Year-Old Kukaniloko Birthing Site of Hawaii

The Kukaniloko Birthing Site is an important cultural and historical site located in Central Oahu, Hawaii that is sacred to the native Hawaiians, as it was the place where many Ali’i (Hawaiian...
Deriv; Dramatic view from Mount Saint Helena, California (CC BY-SA 4.0), and photo of a Pomo native in a tule boat, circa 1924.

Ancient Age: The Coming of the Amerindians

A hundred and forty million years ago, Lake County, a part of Northern California, began with another of the ear-splitting rumbles that were a part of a continuing grand archaeological planet-wide...
Garden of the Gods: Sacred Ground and Native American Crossroads

Garden of the Gods: Sacred Ground and Native American Crossroads

Located in Colorado Springs, the Garden of the Gods is a stunning expanse of unique geological formations. Its known human history goes back around 3,000 years, however, the indigenous Ute people...
Stone Panels of Clover Hollow --Wondrous Freaks of Nature or Cryptic Messages from the Ancient Past?

Stone Panels of Clover Hollow --Wondrous Freaks of Nature or Cryptic Messages from the Ancient Past?

A paradox of unparalleled proportion is coming to life on the side of Clover Hollow Mountain. The first clues suggesting an ancient civilization might have once existed here comes in the way of high...
Did the Portuguese Have Secret Knowledge about Brazil Before the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Did the Portuguese Have Secret Knowledge about Brazil Before the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Controversy surrounds the knowledge the Portuguese had about Brazil before they entered into the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494, was a treaty between Castile (Spain...
Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part 3 – Prehistoric Traditions of Giants and Mysterious Beings, Part Two

Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part 3 – Prehistoric Traditions of Giants and Mysterious Beings, Part Two

[Read Part I] When I began to research the J.C. Brown mystery, I suspected that if any element of Brown’s story was true, there might be something in the historical record–or prehistoric lore of the...
Mount Shasta, Photograph © Dustin Naef 2016

Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part 3 – Prehistoric Traditions of Giants and Mysterious Beings, Part One

There are countless Native American legends describing prehistoric giants, flood myths, lost civilizations, cataclysms, the star people, and other mysterious beings who belonged to some remote and...
New Expedition Hints at a Lost City Near the Tayos Caves in Ecuador

New Expedition Hints at a Lost City Near the Tayos Caves in Ecuador

After building trust with a local Shuar village, Ancient Origins returned once again to explore the Tayos caves in Ecuador. While the search for hidden cave entrances continues, our recent expedition...
Legends of Mount Shasta: The Abode of the Devil Part 2 – Castle Crags: Fortress of Giants

Legends of Mount Shasta: The Abode of the Devil Part 2 – Castle Crags: Fortress of Giants

“When the Wa-Gas first arrived on this continent they handed down the traditions to us that it was inhabited by a giant race of people when they first came. These giants were represented by the Wa-...
The Lost Tribe of Clover Hollow – Oldest Civilization in the World Found in Appalachian Mountains?

The Lost Tribe of Clover Hollow – Oldest Civilization in the World Found in Appalachian Mountains?

The Appalachian Orogeny is one of the geological mountain building events that created the Appalachian Mountains. This orogeny occurred about 325 million years ago and was caused by Africa colliding...
Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part I – The Legend of J.C. Brown

Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part I – The Legend of J.C. Brown

Many of Mount Shasta’s strangest tales have yet to be told. Ancient Native American legends speak of a fallen race of prehistoric giants who once inhabited the Pacific Coast of North America...
Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Aqueducts and manmade wells built about 1,500 years ago in Peru by the Nazca people are still in use today and supplying water for daily living and irrigation to people in desert areas near the...
Image credit © Dustin Naef “The Confluence”.

Breaking Sacred Ground: The Confluence, and Disruption of the Balance of Origin Sites

The Four Corners region of the United States is too mediocre a name to describe so vast an expanse of the Southwest, representing the corners of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The...
Tsunami. Image copyright © Dustin Naef. Mount Shasta's Legends & Forgotten History, 2016.

Cascadia: A Vast, Dark Green Land of Mystery – Part II

[Read Part I] The twenty-first century is turning out to be a bad time for people who want certainty about our past human origins and history. All of the solid information we thought we possessed...
Mount Shasta. (Image credit copyright © Dustin Naef.)

Cascadia: The Other “Lost Continent” – Part I

It was said that the end came without warning... Once, long ago, as the people slept, the sun came out at night. It shot a flaming arrow across the heavens which burst into thousands of fragments,...
Stonehenge and the Hopi: Hidden Messages Connecting Sacred Sites

Stonehenge and the Hopi: Hidden Messages Connecting Sacred Sites

The Hopi were watching the sun rise and set at specific points on the horizon from fixed locations in their villages long before the Spaniards arrived in 1540. Many of their most important ceremonies...
The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá

Once an Ancient Mine, The Breathtaking Underground Salt Cathedral of Colombia

From preserving the food and trade of a prosperous Pre-Hispanic civilizations, to funding a liberator’s fight for independence, all the way to astonishing modern tourists and worshippers with its...
