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Ancient places can be found all over Africa. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on African history. Visiting such historical places in Africa can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present ancient African history articles, highlighting the most interesting archaeological sites all over Africa, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

The Nile turned ancient Egypt into a superpower. Source: ahmudz / Adobe Stock.

What Transformed Egypt into an Ancient Power? (Video)

Egypt's ascent to ancient prominence wasn't a stroke of luck; it was an agricultural transformation that set the stage for unparalleled civilization. The lush Nile Valley , fed by nutrient-rich soil...
Abu Simbel was once colorful. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Manuel Bravo.

What Abu Simbel Originally Looked Like (Video)

Behold the Great Temple of Abu Simbel , a stunning reflection of Ramesses II's architectural brilliance. Carved into the Nubian rock, this temple stands as an extraordinary example of ancient...
Homo sapiens in Africa. Source: Alan / Adobe Stock.

Why Did Homo Sapiens Take So Long to Leave Africa? (Video)

The lingering question of why modern humans took considerable time to migrate from Africa finds new dimensions in recent discoveries. Contrary to the conventional narrative, the roots of our species...
Ancient site of Tanis, Egypt. Source:  Joaquin / Adobe Stock.

Is This the Lost Egyptian City of Pi-Ramesses? (Video)

In 1941, the unveiling of a dozen royal Egyptian tombs at the ancient city of Tanis in the Nile Valley captured the imagination of archaeologists. French Egyptologist Pierre Montet’s discoveries...
Recreation of an Egyptian war chariot from the Early New Kingdom by Angus McBride

An Ancient Egyptian Arms Race (Video)

Seqenenre Tao , a determined pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, played a pivotal role in the arms race against the Hyksos during the Second Intermediate Period. Faced with the...
Tuareg man with his traditional tagelmust face and head covering in the mountains of Hoggar, Algeria.	 Source: Sahara Nature / Adobe Stock

The Ancient Tuareg: “Free Men” of the Sahara Desert

In the heart of the Sahara Desert, an ancient people known as the Tuareg have thrived for centuries. The enigmatic history, which can be traced back thousands of years, unfolds as a testament to...
Was this the world’s first zoo? Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Ancient Egyptian Site The World's First Zoo? (Video)

In the world of ancient mysteries lies a peculiar Egyptian burial ground that challenges our understanding of the past. Archaeologist Dr Renée Friedman and her team have discovered a prehistoric...
Pyramids acted as beacons to tomb raiders. Source: sit0108 / Adobe Stock.

Why Pyramids Were Effective Advertisements for Tomb Raiders (Video)

The ancient pyramids of Egypt, exemplified by the Great Pyramid of Giza , stand as remarkable structures in human history. Renowned Egyptologist Dr. Mark Lehner explores their construction and the...
The Pyramid texts discovered within the tomb of Unas at Saqqara in Egypt. Source: EvrenKalinbacak / Adobe Stock

The Pyramid Texts: Evidence for Hypnosis and Trance

There has been a long history of Egyptologists denying that the Egyptians had any mystical doctrines and practices connected with the world of the living, despite everything to the contrary said...
The undecorated tomb KV64. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Why Was This Valley of the Kings Tomb Undecorated? (Video)

In January 2011, Swiss archaeologists stumbled upon an unexpected find in a remote corner of the Valley of the Kings. They were initially focused on excavating the known tomb, KV40, but during their...
The Great Sphinx, Giza, Egypt. Source: Zzvet/Adobe Stock

Did Nature Have a Hand in the Formation of the Great Sphinx?

New York University Historians and archaeologists have, over centuries, explored the mysteries behind the Great Sphinx of Giza: What did it originally look like? What was it designed to represent?...
The False Door in the Old Kingdom tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Uncovering an Egyptian Tomb’s "False Door" to the Underworld (Video)

The recent discovery of an ancient tomb from the Old Kingdom era has ignited excitement among archaeologists. This remarkable find predates many other historical artifacts by around two millennia,...
Thutmose IV found the Sphinx half-buried. Source: Kreatifquotes / Adobe Stock.

King Thutmose IV, The Pharaoh Who Found the Sphinx (Video)

King Thutmose IV, a prominent figure in ancient Egyptian history, is often associated with the remarkable discovery of the Great Sphinx . Rather than being its builder, he is known as the pharaoh who...
Ancient Egyptian Mega Tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Ancient Egyptian Mega-Tomb is the Largest of its Kind (Video)

Deep beneath the Egyptian desert , a remarkable find has unveiled an intricate tapestry of history and belief. In Saqqara , a new discovery emerges - an extensive burial site, shedding light on an...
Inside the Catacomb of Kom El Shoqafa. The catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa `Mound of Shards` is a historical archaeological site located in Alexandria, Egypt, and is considered one of the Seven Wonders.  Source: mekarim/Adobe Stock

The Subterranean Artistry of Kom El Shoqafa: A Blend of Cultures Beneath the Earth

For centuries, Alexandria was one of the most important cities of the ancient world. Founded in 331 BC by Alexander the Great on the northernmost coasts of Ancient Egypt, this city rapidly grew as a...
Egyptian coffin awaiting extraction, Saqqara. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Egyptian Coffin Is Unearthed Using Ancient Technology (Video)

Beneath Saqqara’s surface , a momentous discovery unfolded as an ancient coffin awaited extraction. Encountering an obstacle due to the collapse of the underground chamber, a team of archaeologists...
Pharaoh Senebkay was different to other Egyptian kings

This Abydos Pharaoh Was Unusual in Many Ways (Video)

The discovery of Pharaoh Senebkay‘s remains offers a unique glimpse into an unconventional Egyptian dynasty. Unlike typical pharaohs, Senebkay was a modest ruler, and his life was far from the...
View of the Sahure pyramid from the outside at Abusir, Egypt. Right; Dr. Mohamed Khaled, project leader, during the excavations in the Sahure pyramid.           Source: Mohamed Khaled / Uni Würzburg, Sailingstone Travel/Adobe Stock

Eight New Chambers Revealed at the Sahure Pyramid

Described as a ‘very significant’ find, eight rooms, that probably accommodated royal grave goods, have been uncovered in the Pyramid of Sahure in Abusir, Giza. These chambers, obscured from the...
A view of the The Dahshur necropolis in Egypt, from the Saqqara necropolis.  Source: Blumesser/Adobe Stock

Exposing Egypt's Military Zone Protected Dahshur Necropolis

The cult of death played a crucial role in the history of ancient Egypt - they believed that their souls would continue to exist in the afterlife after they died. The concept of the afterlife was...
Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island, Kenya. Source: Avi Kumar

Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island Kenya, Revered For Generations

Mfangano Island in Kenya’s Lake Victoria hosts some ancient rock art that is an estimated to be 4000 years old. It consists of concentric circles built by a culture long gone but still revered. Lake...
Trajan Arch, Timgad, Algeria. Source: Leonid Andronov / Adobe Stock.

Algeria's Treasures: From Constantine to the Roman Ruins of Timgad (Videos)

Algeria's history unfolds from the ancient city of Constantine to the remarkably preserved Roman ruins of Timgad . Constantine, perched dramatically on cliffs, boasts historic bridges and a history...
Praia Melão, a sugar mill and slavery plantation, situated on São Tomé, stands as the primary focus of archaeological exploration on the island.	Source: M.D. Cruz/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Tiny West African Island Shows Evidence of the Invention of Plantation Slavery

Situated on the West coast of Africa, with the equator running through it, the tiny island of Sao Tome was uninhabited before being colonized by the Portuguese in 1486. Now being investigated...
Top down view of an Ethiopian Church Forest in the early morning.  Several white-robed worshipers around the church.  Source: Gregory/Adobe Stock

Ethiopian Church Forests, Struggling Fragments of Sacred Greenery in the Desert

In the distant past, the world around us looked completely different in many ways. One notable aspect that changed is forestation. Once covered in lush forests, much of the world around us is now...
Towards the rock-hewn church of Abuna Yemata Guh in Tigray Ethiopia. Source: Reto Ammann / Adobe Stock.

Abuna Yemata Guh: Ethiopia’s Chapel in the Sky (Video)

Northern Ethiopia's Tigray Region is renowned for its collection of rock-hewn churches , the most incredible of which is Abuna Yemata Guh, carved out of sandstone and perched 650 feet above a steep...
