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Detail of the Alexander Sarcophagus located in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. Here Alexander fights the Persians at the Battle of Issus.

Alexander the Great Destroyer? The Sacking of Persepolis and The Business of War – Part I

Alexander the Great has gained an immortality in his strong presence in our minds as well as in the history books. Known for a greatness of military genius and diplomatic skills, he conquered most of...
Was Bolivia-Peru the Sunset Land of the Sumerians?

Was Bolivia-Peru the Sunset Land of the Sumerians?

In an article on the Fuente Magna Bowl , April Holloway highlighted the evidence of Sumerian writing in South America. The Fuente Magna Bowl and Pokotia monument indicate that Sumerians may have...
An obsidian point is embedded in prehistoric human remains from a burial in central California.

The American Wild West had been wild for thousands of years

America’s Wild West may have been just as wild before the white man arrived with horses, guns and liquor. Analysis of more than 16,000 skeletons of Native Americans buried across 2,500 years shows...
The Ancient Silk Road

New Project seeks World Heritage status for Ancient Silk Road

A major project is underway by China , Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to get dozens of heritage sites established on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, according to a news report in CCTV. The sites are all...
Terracota Warriors

Terracotta Army may have been inspired by Ancient Greek Sculpture

New research suggests that the 8,000 life-size statues of soldiers, known as the Terracotta Warriors, which were built to ‘protect’ the First Emperor of China in the afterlife, were actually inspired...