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Sky burial in Tibet. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

In Tibetan Sky Burials, The Dead Are Given To Vultures to Feast Upon

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Tibetan sky burials present a striking and somewhat shocking funeral tradition, where the deceased are offered to vultures. This practice, deeply ingrained in Tibetan culture, is also known as the 'celestial burial'. While it may seem alarming to those unfamiliar with it, the ritual holds significant philosophical and environmental value for the Tibetans.

The Ritual and Its Execution

The essence of a Tibetan sky burial lies in its simplicity and directness. The dead body is dissected by a Burial Master and then left exposed at high altitudes, where bearded vultures, or 'Dakinis' (meaning 'sky dancers'), consume it. This act is both a practical solution to the challenges of burying bodies in the harsh Tibetan terrain and a philosophical choice, symbolizing the return of the body to nature.

The preparation of the body is meticulous. The Burial Master cuts the corpse into pieces and crushes the bones, making it easier for the vultures to consume. The choice of location is crucial as well, with high-altitude sites selected to attract the vultures and due to the impracticality of digging graves in the often frozen ground.

A sky burial site, Yerba Valley. (GNU Free Documentation License)

A sky burial site, Yerba Valley. (GNU Free Documentation License)

Cultural Beliefs and Perspectives on Death

At the core of this practice is the Tibetan Buddhist belief in reincarnation. The body is considered an empty vessel after death and offering it to the vultures is seen as an act of charity. The Tibetans do not fear death; instead, they view it as a transition to a new life.

An interesting aspect of this ritual is the belief that if the vultures refuse a body, it is a bad omen, signifying the deceased's sins or the family's failure in performing required rites. Before the burial, the body is kept at home for several days, during which monks perform readings to help the soul depart.

Despite its ancient roots, the precise origins of Tibetan sky burials are hard to trace due to the nature of the practice, which leaves little archaeological evidence. The earliest known accounts in Tibet come from the 14th century, though the practice itself is believed to be much older.

The Tibetan sky burial is a practice that initially shocks with its direct confrontation of death, but on closer examination, reveals a profound respect for nature and the cycle of life. It’s a unique example of how cultural practices can offer different perspectives on life, death, and our relationship with the natural world.

Top image: Sky burial in Tibet. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

By Joanna Gillan

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Joanna Gillan is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. 

Joanna completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) degree in Australia and published research in the field of Educational Psychology. She has a rich and varied career, ranging from teaching... Read More

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