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After 900 years the cursed prophecy of the broken Killing Stone has come true in Japan, and many are worried about what comes next!		Source: ITmedia

Japan’s Killing Stone Has Cracked, Sparking Widespread Fear

A legendary volcanic rock in Japan associated with an ancient evil vixen-demon, has split in two. While geologists assure the occurrence is natural, others are convinced the chaotic fox spirit has...
The Omo Kibish formation where the fossils of the oldest Homo sapiens were discovered. Inset: Reproduction of an Omo I skull.	Source: Céline Vidal 2018/ Nature (Inset: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Omo Kibish Homo Sapiens Just Got Older!

The debate around human evolution and the Out-of-Africa theory has received a fresh update, this time from southwestern Ethiopia’s Omo Kibish region. A study in Nature has pointed out how the Homo...
Representation of a volcanic super eruption. Source: Romolo Tavani /Adobe Stock

Volcanic Super-Eruption Didn’t Scare Away Humans 74,000 Years Ago

New insight has emerged on our species’ eastward dispersal out of Africa thanks to a study published in Nature Communications this week. The paper focuses on stone tools found at a site in the Son...
Ancient tsunamis destroyed and killed. Source: Kevin Carden / Adobe Stock.

Creating Waves, Destroying Lives: Ancient Tsunamis That Left Their Mark

The catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami of late 2004 claimed up to 300,000 lives in the space of 24 hours. In 2011, the Japanese tsunami claimed another 20,000 lives. Prior to these events, few...
Unexploded Pompeii bombs from World War II may be hidden in the ancient ruins. Source: Evdoha / Adobe Stock.

Encased In Pompeii’s Volcanic Ash ’10 Unexploded Bombs’ Take Over Italian Headlines

In a conflict that killed almost 70 million people, it hardly comes as a surprise that archaeologists dig up so much left over junk . But events in Italy over the last 24 hours remind the heritage...
Ancient Volcanic Data - Ireland

Ancient Knowledge from Irish Manuscripts Used to Track Volcanic Activity and Climate Change

Using voluminous data left behind by our ancestors, modern scientists have discovered a correlation between volcanic activity and periods of bitterly cold weather in Ireland. They uncovered this...
Borobudur Temple is surrounded by mountains nearby

One of the Greatest Monuments in the World but Who Built it? The Strange Origins of Borobudur and the Lost World of Cham

Borobudur is one of the great monuments of Southeast Asia. It is a colossal Buddhist stupa that rises out of the rice paddies and palm trees with the nearby volcano Gunung Merapi in the distance...
Akrotiri Greece

The ancient settlement of Akrotiri and the mass exodus of Therans

Akrotiri is a Minoan Bronze Age settlement situated on the Greek island of Santorini (classically and more recently referred to as Thera), in the southern Aegean Sea. Buried underneath ash and pumice...
Tempest Stela

Translation of Tempest Stela could change ancient timeline

The Tempest Stela is a 6-foot-tall calcite block found in the 3 rd Pylon of the temple of Karnak in Thebes, modern Luxor. In a new translation of the 40-line inscription, scholars affirm previous...
Underground cities of Cappadocia

The incredible rock houses and underground cities of Cappadocia

The region of Cappadocia in central Turkey is home to one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world – deep valleys and soaring rock formations dotted with homes, chapels, tombs, temples and...
Papua New Guinea phallus artefacts

6,000-year-old carved phallus artefacts found in Papua New Guinea

Archaeologists in Papua New Guinea have made a rare discovery – six ceremonial tools carved out of volcanic black glass , which date back around 6,000 years. However more significantly, the artefacts...
Human Origins Sumatra Volcanic Eruption

Humans Did Not Live in Asia Before Sumatra Volcanic Eruption 74,000 Years Ago

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has refuted a recent theory that modern humans lived in Asia prior to the great volcanic eruption in Sumatra 74,000 years...