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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

A screenshot from the video showing the reality of pirates and slavery. Pirates were ruthless profiteers in the grim world of the slave trade, challenging the romanticized narrative. Source: YouTube Screen shot/Gold and Gunpowder

Pirates and Slavery: The Unromantic Reality (Video)

The portrayal of pirates in popular media often romanticizes their exploits, overshadowing the grim truth of their involvement in the slave trade . A candid examination dispels the illusions created...
A digital representation of a vibrant ancient temple, possibly of the Carthage religion. Source: Kristian/Adobe Stock

The Religion of Ancient Carthage (Video)

The religion of Carthage , though now largely forgotten, once held a significant presence across the Mediterranean. Despite the scarcity of surviving records, modern archaeology has played a crucial...
A stained glass representation of the First Crusade, Crusaders and the siege of Jerusalem. Source:  jorisvo/Adobe Stock

1095: The Bloodiest Year of the First Crusade (Video)

In 1095, a pivotal moment unfolded as Pope Urban II, in a historic address at the Council of Claremont, rallied fervent believers to embark on a crusade, marking the inception of the First Crusade ...
Boudicca became the warrior queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain. Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

Boudicca: The Truth Behind the British Legend (Video)

Boudicca, the enigmatic warrior queen of the Iceni, has become a legendary figure in British history. Her rebellion against the Roman Empire, shrouded in the accounts of historians Tacitus and...
Made from boiled grape syrup and used to sweeten both food and wine, sapa had a downside – its production utilized lead pots which may have caused the Roman Empire’s demise. Source: Ruslan Gilmanshin/Adobe Stock

Did an Artificial Sweetener Destroy the Roman Empire? (Video)

The fall of the mighty Roman Empire remains shrouded in historical mystery, with various theories attempting to unravel its demise. One intriguing proposition suggests that the empire's collapse may...
Myth or reality, Ragnar Lothbrok remains an iconic figure in Viking lore. Source: HN Works/Adobe Stock

What is the Story Behind the Real Ragnar Lothbrok? (Video)

Ragnar Lothbrok , an iconic figure in Viking lore, emerges from the shadows of Norse sagas, a sea king whose exploits reverberate through the annals of history. In 845, as the Frankish Empire...
A new study challenges traditional beliefs about ancient human skin color diversity. Source: YouTubeScreenshot/Highly Compelling

Genetics Drive Ancient Human Skin Color Diversity, Study Says (Video)

A recent study published in the esteemed Journal Science challenges conventional beliefs about the evolution of skin color in ancient humans. Contrary to the notion that dark skin evolved in Africa...
Experts study many theories behind the meaning of the Egyptian pyramids’ location.              Source: Marla/Adobe Stock

Is There A Meaning Behind The Egyptian Pyramids Location? (Video)

​ The construction of Egypt's pyramids , a marvel dating back 5,000 years, remains a puzzle for archaeologists. The ancient Egyptians initially built pyramids near the capital, Memphis, overseeing...
Aerial view on the Roman Colosseum in Italy. Source: dimabucci/Adobe Stock

This is What the Roman Colosseum Looked Like Back Then (Video)

The Colosseum , an emblem of ancient Rome, silently narrates the grandeur and brutality of a bygone era. Crafted under Emperor Vespasian's astute vision, it replaced Nero's opulent Domus Aurea,...
Battle of Rocroi was a turning point in the Thirty Years War.	Source: Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau/CC BY-SA 3.0

Thirty Years’ War: The Horror Of Europe’s Bloodiest Conflict (Video)

In the 16th century, Europe witnessed a seismic shift as Latin Christianity fractured into Catholics and Protestants, sparking the bloodiest conflict in its history—the Thirty Years' War . Fueled by...
The conspiracies and consequences of Julius Caesar’s murder conspirators revealed a tapestry of political intrigue and the enduring echoes of ancient Rome's dramatic history. Source: Emilio Ereza/ Adobe Stock

What Happened to the Conspirators After Julius Caesar's Death? (Video)

Following Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, a tapestry of political intrigue unfolded among the Roman conspirators. Marcus Junius Brutus , driven by anti-tyranny sentiments and potential...
Denisovan fossil, discovered in Laos' Annamite Mountains, redefines their story.  Source: ginettigino / Adobe Stock

Unexpected Denisovan Fossil Location Reveals More (Video)

In a surprising turn of events, Denisovan fossils have emerged in an unexpected location, challenging established notions of their habitat. Archaeologists recently uncovered a 160,000 to 130,000-year...
Roman slave life meant a fate of brutality and the Roman Republic depended heavily on free work from human beings who had no rights nor possessions.  Source:  AS Photo Family/Adobe Stock

Bread, Chains and Rebellion, What It Was Like to Be a Roman Slave (Video)

Roman slavery was a grim reality, far removed from Hollywood glamour. Slaves, stripped of rights and possessions, endured lives of hardship and cruelty . Urban or rural, their roles spanned from...
Al Khazneh (The Treasury) in Petra.	Source: Volodymyr Shevchuk/Adobe Stock

The Fascinating Hidden History of Petra (Video)

Nestled in a secluded valley surrounded by towering mountains, Petra reveals an intriguing narrative of architectural brilliance and cultural depth. The Siq, a narrow fault serving as the city's...
Despite his limited success during the Golden Age, John Rackham, Pirate Captain is prominently remembered and has been featured in beloved games and movies like Assassin's Creed. Source: Dieter Holstein/Adobe Stock

John Rackham - History’s Worst Pirate? (Video)

The tale of John Rackham, often known as Calico Jack, paints a vivid picture of a less celebrated pirate from the Golden Age . Rackham's exploits, while not impressive by pirate standards, have left...
Modern Carthage sea view with ancient Carthage ruins in foreground.	Source: Valery Bareta /Adobe Stock

How Carthage Became One of History’s Greatest Empires (Video)

Carthage's rise, often eclipsed by its tragic fall during the Punic Wars against Rome, unfolds as a tale of strategic brilliance and adaptability. Founded in modern-day Tunisia , the city...
A recent study, outlining what archaeologists consider the oldest known footprints in the United States, is giving rise to new inquiries and overturning established beliefs. Source: YouTube Screenshot/PBS NewsHour

Footprints in New Mexico - The First Humans in North America? (Video)

In the arid expanses of New Mexico's White Sands National Monument, a groundbreaking discovery challenges established notions of human history in North America. Archaeologists, led by David Bustos...
Viking warriors facing down death.	Source:  AdamantiumStock/Adobe Stock

5 Viking Deaths And What They Tell Us About the Viking Mindset (Video)

The Viking mindset, as revealed in Old Norse sagas , emerges vividly through tales of these five great Viking deaths. The raid on Lindisfarne in AD 793 marked the outset of Viking depredations in...
Parthenon, Acropolis of Athens, Greece. Source: Lambros Kazan/Adobe Stock

The Stunning Architecture of the Acropolis of Athens Explained (Video)

Perched on the Athenian Acropolis , a natural fortress rising 91 meters at its peak, ancient Athens flourished during the 5th century BC. Guided by Pericles , the city entered its Golden Age,...
Human evolution was shaped as prehistoric humans interbred with other homininsSource: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

Human Evolution and Interbreeding: When We Met Other Human Species (Video)

Our existence as Homo sapiens is a solitary chapter in the intricate narrative of hominin evolution . Long before we stood as the sole representatives of our lineage, our ancestors engaged with other...
A majestic sculpture of Pharaoh Akhenaten under the sun disc of Aten. Source:  y EOL STUDIOS /Adobe Stock

How Akhenaten Demolished Centuries of Egyptian Tradition (Video)

In the historical upheaval orchestrated by Pharaoh Akhenaten , the once polytheistic tapestry of Egyptian beliefs unraveled. Akhenaten, a radical monarch, discarded centuries-old traditions by...
An early human extinction event wiped out Homo erectus, dating back 900,000 years ago.  Source: emilio100/Adobe Stock

99% of Ancient Human Population Wiped Out 900,000 Years Ago (Video)

Today, our planet teems with over 8 billion human beings, a staggering contrast to the world 800,000 to 900,000 years ago. Recent scientific revelations illuminate a pivotal juncture in human...
Archaeologists were astounded when they discovered a mutilated mummy within a humble burial chamber in Luxor's 'Valley of the Kings.	Source: YouTube Screenshot/Smithsonian Channel

Archaeologists Aghast at the Discovery of a Mutilated Mummy in Egypt (Video)

Within a humble tomb designated as KV64 nestled in Luxor's revered 'Valley of the Kings,' archaeologists made a disconcerting discovery. Beneath the unassuming exterior and a small coffin lay an...
Ötzi Tyrolean Iceman continues to be a perplexing mystery in the realm of archaeology. Source: YouTube screenshot/Ancient Geographic

Ötzi the Iceman: The Archaeological Discovery that Changed Everything (Video)

In the unforgiving terrain of the Alps, a 5,300-year-old saga unfolds as the Tyrolean Iceman, Ötzi , succumbs to a calculated act of violence . Shot from a distance, an arrow pierces him, severing a...
